Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Selected tea recipes 4

Jamba (Kalmykia) 
Tile tea is put into cold water, the liquid is boiled, pour in the milk, bring to a boil again, add butter and salt. 
For 1 serving: Tea brick - 4 g, milk - 50 ml, butter - 5 g, salt - to taste, water - 150 ml. 

Cold lemon tea (Hungary) 
Brewed strong tea, add to it the lemon juice, rum or brandy and sugar. When the drink has cooled, pour in the tea well aerated mineral (tablespoon) water, bottled, well-sealed and placed on ice or in the refrigerator. 
It turns a nice summer drink. 
At 3 liters of tea: Mineral Water - 1L, lemon juice - 0.5 liters, brandy and sugar - to taste. 

Tea in Kirghiz 
In bowl pour the cream and topped up with strong salted tea. With tea served baursak (fried in fat globules of sour dough) or other flour products - Csoka, Sanz, potaza, takmosho, tekmomo, kinkla. 
For 1 serving: Tea - 0,75 ml, 0,50 ml cream, salt - 2 years 

Tea in the Tartar 
Pressed tea is put into boiling water and immediately pour in the milk. Boil, stirring frequently, 5-6 minutes. Then add salt to taste. Tea is poured into bowls and put the butter. 
For 1 serving: tea - 5.6 g, water - 100 ml milk - 100 g butter - 10 g, salt. 

Tea in Tuva 
Boiled water is combined with hot milk, add the green brick tea and boil 15-20 minutes. 
Drink filtered and served in a bowl, add salt and fat. 
For 1 serving: tea - 6-8 g, milk - 100 ml water - 100 ml, salt, fat tail, or melted butter. 

Tea in Yakut 
In boiling water, put the tea, pour in milk and drink is brought to a boil. 
For 1 serving: tea - 2 g, milk - 25 ml water - 180 ml, sugar - 5 yrs