Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Preparation of raw materials and equipment for juices

Collection and sorting of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should be collected in the morning, immediately after the dew dries. For the processing of juice, they should be fully ripe, for use as fresh. Apples, pears, quince, plums, peaches, apricots, tomatoes can be harvested in a wicker basket with a capacity of 8-10 kg or plastic buckets. Cherries, cherry, buckthorn, Actinidia, lemongrass, strawberry is better to gather in small containers, the Lubyanka, sieve, flat bowl with a capacity of 3-5 kg. Fruits and vegetables are sorted at the time of collection or, if they are purchased in the store, before washing, removing spoiled. 

Sink. Cherries, apricots, plums, gooseberries, currants, mountain ash and other conveniently washed in wicker baskets, a large sieve or colander (Fig. 1). Filled container is immersed in a bucket or pan with water, shaking from side to side, then washed under the tap. Apples, pears, quince, tomatoes, carrots, parsley (root), celery and other fruits and vegetables with firm flesh wash their hands in water or brush, then rinsed under the tap. berries with tender flesh - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, etc. are washed only in the shower in a sieve or colander, allow water to flow down, then wet milled. 

Tara. When harvesting juice in store used glass bottles - cans and bottles of different capacity. Banks sealed tin lids, food coated with varnish (yellow) or glass lids with clips. Polyethylene lid for sealing juices are not suitable. Bottles closed cork or plastic stoppers with the obligatory surguchevaniem. Before using the container is soaked in a concentrated solution of baking soda (in 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. Spoonful of baking soda on horseback) for 3-4 h, then washed in a warm and repeatedly rinsed in cold water. Just before bottling the juice cans and bottles inside scalded with boiling water or treated with hot steam, or heated in a hot oven. 

Inventory. For sterilization of juice is necessary to have a large (5-10 liter) stainless steel or enamel saucepan. It should not be used for any other purpose. For the pasteurization of juice in the container must have a water bath (Fig. 2) - a specially made tank or a large shallow pan (for small jars) loose-bottomed metal or wooden reshetochkoy. For sealing jars used tin lid, manual or semi Beading machine (Fig. 3), which can be purchased at hardware stores. Juices for the preparation of blends, cocktails and other drinks can be mixed with hand vzbivalok, wire whisks or blender, in a shaker. Before the cooking juices to a rainy day all equipment used in canning, carefully washed, scalded with boiling water. Grinding of raw materials. For the grinding of solid materials using mechanical and electrical Mandoline (float), grinder or specially constructed crusher (Fig. 4). Crushers consist of two cylinders of length 15-25 cm and a diameter of 6-8 cm Rollers are made of stainless steel or hardwood (oak, beech, pear, apple, dogwood). Rollers Preparation of raw materials and equipment for cooking juices have kosorebristuyu surface. They were fixed in bearings that are installed on the frame and connect together by means of two gears of different diameters. Above the rollers perpetuate bucket for receiving raw materials. Rollers are driven by a pen or from household electric. Gears set so that the rollers rotate in opposite directions. The gap between them should be regulated depending on the type of raw material. Fruits and berries with tender flesh can grind tolkachikom. Raw materials, especially solid (beets, carrots, etc.) and conveniently grind on electric and mechanical Mandoline, as well as using ordinary graters. Graters should be made of tin, covered with a protective varnish (tinplate) or stainless steel. 

Blanching. Some fruits and berries (plums, currants, gooseberries, etc.) contain a lot of pectin substances, which hinder the impact of juice. For the destruction of pectin gel prepared raw materials or pulp before pressing need to heat, steam thoroughly, scald, ie, Blanch. Blanch water or steam. Whole, sliced or chopped fruits and vegetables can withstand a certain time, depending on the consistency of raw materials, in a small amount of hot (80-85 ° C) water under the lid or steamed until tender. Time and temperature of blanching depends on the type of raw material, its degree of ripeness and size. When blanching of the microorganisms are killed, and destroyed by enzymes that oxidize the vitamins in fresh chopped raw material in contact with air it. 

Getting the juices. When removing a large quantity of juice is not less than 5 liters is expedient to use screw press basketware (Fig. 5, 7) or a framework (Fig. 6), which can be purchased at hardware stores. Crushed mass is placed in a three-layer gauze bag or linen napkin, that adds Pack 1 (Fig. 6). If a lot of pulp, the thickness of one layer should be 15-20 cm, and between the layers of paving round wooden bars with a diameter equal to the diameter of the basket press. Such lattice necessarily put on the top layer of pulp. Screw presses are turning so that the material was crushed under the pressure. Pressure must be increased gradually so that pulp is not "pressed", ie, better to give juice, which immediately begins to drain into the pan substituted. When the sap begins to flow slowly turn the screw again. After tightening the screw to failure pulp stand up until the juice would flow stream. When the juice starts to drip, the screw spins and re-tightening. If after this the juice stops flowing, the screw is fully spiral pulp is stirred and then create pressure. This is repeated 2-3 times. If the molded mass is not completely gave juice, pomace collected from several portions, re-loaded into the press and further pressed flat. In the absence of the press juice squeeze as follows. They take a small bag of pure solid rare fabrics, fill it with crushed raw material (4-5 kg) and knotted. Bag placed on a wide clean slate with smooth, longitudinal grooves. One end of the board lifts, and under the second (lower) put the dishes to collect the juice. In a bag put plywood circle, and on top of his load. Under the influence of the cargo juice begins to flow from the bag and sent to a groove in the collection. When the sap ceases to be allocated, the load increases, and so on until the juice is not fully otozhmetsya. Recently, for juices are widely used auger juicers (Fig. 8) or a meat grinder with special nozzles (Fig. 9). These devices are suitable for obtaining juices from raw materials with soft pulp (tomatoes, berries) or pretreated clear juices can be obtained by means of steam in special pans-sokovarkah (Fig. 10) or in makeshift sokovarkah (Fig. 11) (1-fire; 2-water, 3-plate, 4-sokosbornik; 5-berries or fruit pulp, 6-cloth or flannel, 7-cap, 8-ends tied in a cloth.). 

Causes of spoilage of juices. If in the process of juicing were not met all the conditions of sterility and in a hermetically ukuporennoy juice left microorganisms, then some time later at the appropriate temperature, they begin to multiply, separating their waste. In the case where the juice remains an energetic mold spores on the surface of the juice will islets, which constitute the mycelium of fungi. If the bank is a small space, not filled with juice, then for the life of molds will be oxygen missed, and the growth of mold will stop. Conversely, if this space is large, the fungus develops on the entire surface of juice and juice spoils. When you break down the yeast fermentation of sugar from carbon dioxide release. Under pressure from its cap, frustrated by traffic jams, and juice spoils. Micro-organisms developing in the acidic juice products do not emit harmful to human body. Therefore, the dishes with juice, in which the visible signs of fermentation, you should immediately open, the juice to boil and use for cooking Kiselev. If all conditions in the juice do not develop the microbes. However, under the influence of light, oxygen, air contained in the blank space, and high temperature storage in the juice can occur various physical and chemical changes that cause darkening or clouding of the juice, which drastically reduces its quality. 

Storage of juice. Juices should be kept in the dark at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C in jars and bottles, filled completely and hermetically corked. In such circumstances, juices stored without significant loss of vitamins to 1 year. At room temperature, after 6 months of storage of vitamins in the juices decreases sharply. All the necessary equipment for receiving and preserving the juice must be prepared in advance. It is also necessary to procure a label with the words: "natural apple juice from the fruit varieties McIntosh, 2003, September" or "juice from rhubarb with sugar, 2004, May", or "sour apple juice for blends, 2003, August and etc. It is easier to find the right product and the date of manufacture would not be used in food, especially children, the old juice.

Healing power of juice

Human nutrition is possible only if sufficient numbers in its diet of plant foods, most of which should be fruits and vegetables. 
However, providing year-round fresh fruit and vegetables can not be partly due to imperfect methods of storage and lack of modern storage facilities, but mainly because of the extremely active physiological processes occurring in them, which leads to rapid deterioration. For a long time, fruits and vegetables can be stored in processed form. Fruit and vegetable juices - a rich source of sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, raffinose, tselobiozy, galactose. The juices of pome fruits (apples, pears, quince) dominates fructose, of stone (peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, etc.) - glucose and sucrose. In berry juices high content of glucose and fructose and - sucrose. 

Proteins and fats in the juices are in small quantities and have no practical significance. The main value of vegetable juices - in a rich and balanced content of biologically active substances: vitamins, organic acids, essential oils, mineral elements. Fruit juices contain organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, succinic, salicylic, benzoic, etc. Most of the fruit phenolcarbonate juices contain acids, including chlorogenic, which have medicinal properties. Of great importance in human nutrition have pectic substances found in vegetables and fruits. Pectins contribute to the removal from the body of toxic substances, under their influence, improves intestinal microflora. Juices contain a significant amount of pectin,% of raw material: apple 0,6-1,5, 0,8-1,6 plum, apricot 0,5-1,2; blackcurrant 1-2,0. In juices mineral substances are easily digestible for the body, in the form of salts of the basic nature of what is needed to maintain the alkalinity of the blood: macro elements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, chlorine, manganese, micronutrients - iron, zinc, copper, iodine, barium, molybdenum, cobalt, etc. The physiology of nutrition and restore the normal functioning of the organism play an important role contained in the juices and vitamins. 

Vitamin A (retinol) - a fat-soluble. In fruits and vegetables contain provitamin A - carotene. Daily demand - 4-5 mg. With a lack of vitamin slows down bone growth, reduced resistance to colds organism develops "blindness", is deteriorating protein and fat metabolism. 

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 2-3 mg. With a lack of vitamin interferes with the normal activity of the nervous system, increases fatigue, which the heart muscle, arise or intensify attacks of sciatica. 

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 2-3 mg. With a lack of vitamin slower growth in children, a person loses weight, he quickly tired eyes, developed anemia. 

Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 5-10 mg. With a lack of vitamin disturbed digestion of food, the normal state of the nervous system. Appears inflammation of the skin, premature graying occurs. 

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 2-3 mg. With a lack of vitamin attacking nerve disorders, drowsiness, nausea, skin inflammation and conjunctivitis. 

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 0,5 - 1 mg. With a lack of vitamin disturbed hematopoiesis, begins premature graying. 

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 0,0025-0,005 mg. With a lack of vitamin disrupted formation of proteins, there are neurological disorders, disease of the liver and pancreas. 

Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 2 mg. With a lack of vitamin enhanced pain with rheumatism and arthritis, nervous disorders occur. 

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 50-75 mg, at high physical loads - up to 100 mg. With a lack of vitamin there is a general weakness, lethargy, heart failure. Reduces resistance to various diseases. Attenuated kapillyaroukreplyayuschee effect of vitamin R. developed caries, teeth become loose and fall out. 

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 20-25 mg. With a lack of vitamin A muscle weakness appears to be increasing cardio-vascular diseases, nervous disorders. 

Vitamin H (biotin) - water-soluble. Daily demand - 0,3-0,5 mg. With a lack of vitamin observed skin diseases, lack of appetite, drowsiness, alopecia. 

Vitamin K (fitohinon) - zhirovodorastvorimy. Daily demand - 10 mg. With a lack of vitamin hemorrhage occur in the skin, muscles, prolonged bleeding from the nose, broken perestaltika intestines. 

Vitamin P (biologically active polyphenols - catechins, flafonoly, etc.) - water-soluble. Daily demand 100 mg. With a lack of vitamin increases the fragility and permeability of blood capillaries, increasing the formation of ulcers, disturbed thyroid activity. Weaken the effect of vitamin C. 

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - water-soluble. Daily demand, 15-25 mg. With a lack of vitamin arise irritability, insomnia, headache and dizziness, weakness, gastrointestinal disorders. 

Vitamin U (S-metilmetionin)-water-soluble. Daily demand - 250 mg. Prevents the development of gastritis, ulcers, speeds the healing of wounds. 

Inositol - a water-soluble. The daily demand - 1000 mg. Stimulates bowel function, favorably affects the state of the nervous system. Essential for normal functioning of the heart muscle and nerve tissue of the brain. 

The content of vitamins in the juice is in direct proportion to their content in raw materials (fruits and vegetables) and on the observance of the technological requirements for processing. Good juice obtained from fresh, just ripe, healthy materials. However, this basic rule in practice often forget and use the juice for cooking residues, especially frequently fruit and berries, ie out of whole fresh fruits prepare compote, jam, and of what remains (with dented, crushed, over-ripe) - juice. The rapid destruction of the vitamins may indicate the following example. In the freshly collected whole strawberries contain an average of 40 mg% of vitamin C. The juice as it will remain 15 - 20 mg%, as in the process of technological operations are unavoidable losses due to oxidation. If whole fresh berries polezhat at room temperature for 6-8 h, the vitamin C content in them will decrease by about half. In the crushed berries oxidation of ascorbic acid and other biologically active compounds is even faster. Therefore, beginners and experienced housewives should firmly grasp the potential for quality processed products can be obtained only from high quality raw materials! This primarily refers to the juice, which, like any other food processing juicy vegetable raw materials, manufacturing technology, subject to retain its medicinal and nutritional properties. Vegetable juices have healing properties, regulate blood pressure, contribute to treatment of the digestive tract, colds, and importantly they are an excellent preventative tool in combating various diseases. 

Grape juice contains, mg%: Vitamin R (catechins leykoantotsiany in colored - anthocyanins) - 280-400; vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 0,25; fillohinon (vitamin C) - 0,5-2, trace elements (iron , manganese, copper) - 3,5-4,6. Useful for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, diuree etc. 

Apple juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 3-8 and P - 200-900, chlorogenic acid - 5-50, iron and potassium, inositol - 10-18. Juice with pulp contains an average of 1% of pectin substances. Positive effect on the bowels, useful in nephritis and gout. 

Pear juice contains, mg%: chlorogenic acid - 20-50, arbutin - 5-15, sugar, R-active substances - 50-300, Vitamin C - 2-5. Juice with pulp contains 0,5 - 0,7% pectin. Used to treat bowel, with anemia and other diseases. 

Quince juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 5-10, P-asset-ing connection - 200-600, chlorogenic acid - 20-80. Juice with pulp contains 0,7-0,8% pectin. Useful for metabolic disorders, intestinal diseases. 

Cherry juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 6-10, vitamin P - 1 -1.5%, Vitamin B9 - 1 -1.5 and about the same B2, iron - 0,05-0,1, as well as organic acids and sugars. 

Plum juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 2-4, vitamin P (a juice from the plums with dark skin) - 80-200, vitamin B2 - 0,2-0,3, iron - to 1,5. Juices from plums with yellow flesh contain 0,1-0,5 mg% of carotene, sorbitol. Juice with pulp is rich in pectin. Regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Apricot juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 2-10, P - 20-100, carotene (provitamin A) - 0,2-1,2, as well as mineral elements, sugars, organic acids. Required in anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system. 

Peach juice contains, mg%: Vitamin C - 2-6, P - 30-80, B2 - 0,1-0,5, E - 1-3. Juice from peaches with orange pulp containing up to 0,6 mg% carotenoids. Of the mineral elements - a significant amount (1-3 mg%) of iron, manganese and copper. 

Citrus juice contains: orange and lemon 30 - 35 mg% vitamin C, tangerine and grapefruit -10 - 15. In the orange juice in large quantities contains carotene (0,2-0,5 mg%), many organic acids, phytoncides, carbohydrates. It also contains a lot of inositol (up to 100 mg%). Very useful for children, is used in dietetic foods, in the treatment of angina, etc. 

Blackcurrant juice, as well as berries of black currant, consider multivitamin product. It contains, mg%: ascorbic acid - 40-80, P-active compounds - 400-800, B9 - 0,04-0,09, K1 - 0,3-0,6, coumarin - 0,2 - 0, 8, iron up to 1.5 and other useful substances. Indispensable with anemia, a deficiency of vitamins in food. 

Strawberry juice contains, mg%: ascorbic acid - 10-30, vitamin P - 200-600, B9 - 0,1 - 0,3. It also contains small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, E, K, carotenoids, and mineral elements. Is used in diet nutrition obese people, as well as anemic. 

Raspberry juice contains, mg%: vitamin C - 2-15, P - 100-200, B9 - 0,1-0,2, coumarin - 0,3-0,9, iron - 1-2, salicylic acid - 0 ,5-1. Used for colds as a diaphoretic. 

Aronievy (chernoplodnoryabinovy) juice contains, mg%: R-active compounds - 1000-1500, Vitamin C - 3-10, carotene - up to 0,6, vitamin K - 0,2-0,4 and small quantities of vitamins B2, B9, PP, E, coumarin, parasorbino-vuyu acid. It contains a large number of trace elements - iron, manganese, iodine. Useful for metabolic disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis. 

Ash juice contains: within the 5-7% sugars, carbohydrates, including sorbose, 2.3% organic acids, including tartaric, succinic and sorbic, vitamins, mg%: C - 40-120, P - 300-500 , carotene - 6-14, K - 0,4-0,5, E - 0,6-1,5, as well as trace elements. Especially rich in manganese and magnesium, essential oils. It is recommended for diabetics. 

Barberry juice contains, mg%: alkaloid berberine - 5-30, vitamin C - 20-50, vitamin P - 100-500 and other useful substances. Useful for liver disease, is used in cocktails. 

Snowball juice contains vitamins C (15-30 mg%), P (100-250 mg%), glycoside viburnin, which is particularly a lot of juice gorkoplodnyh Kalin, acetic, formic, isovalerianic, caprylic acid, manganese and zinc. 
Juice from Schisandra contains vitamins C (300-500 mg%), P (500-800 mg%), glycoside shizandrin (2-4 mg%), essential oil (up to 0,3%). 

Juice of sea buckthorn contains mg%: vitamin E - 2-8, K - 0,2 - 0,6, C - 20-40, choline - 10-40, carotenes - 0,8 - 1,5, R - active substances - 20-50, coumarin - 0,3-1, serotin - 1-3. The oil that is included in the composition of sea buckthorn juice, vitamins, there are unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), phytosterols (4-7 mg%). 

Juice contains rosehip, mg%: Vitamin C - 100 - 600, P - 200-700, K1 - 0,2-0,5, E - 2-5, V2 - 0,05-0,1 and carotenes - 1 ,0-2, 5. 

Juice of the black elderberry contains glycosides, including sambunigrin (attached to the bitterness of the juice), rutin, choline, carotenoids, organic acids - malic, valeric, acetic acid, chlorogenic, coffee and amino acids. In addition, Buzinova juice contains 20-30 mg% of vitamin C. 

The juice of blueberries contains P-active (300-500 mg%) and minerals. Vitamin C content ranges from 5-15 mg%. 

Juice of blackberry wine and contains salicylic acid - 1,5-2%, vitamins, mg%: P - 150-200, PP - 0,6-0,8, K - 0,2-0,3, as well as small amounts of vitamins E, B1, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. 

Juice juneberry (prepared with pulp) contains, mg%: vitamin P - 400-700, C - 5-15, carotenoids - to 1, trace elements. 

Blueberry juice contains, mg%: 0,2-0,6 pectic substances (juice with pulp), vitamin C - 5-20, B1 - 0.02, R2 - 0.04, PP - 0,2, P - 300 -500, carotene 0,7-1,2; minerals - iron - 6-10, phosphorus - 5.9, calcium - 7.9, copper - 0,05-0,08, magnesium - 1 -1.5 , manganese - 2-3, zinc - 0.2. Used in treatment of gastro-intestinal tract. 

Juice from hawthorn (especially the juice with pulp) contains, mg%: carotenes - 2-10, vitamin C - 5-30, flavonoids (vitamin P) - 1,5-2, as well as citric and tartaric acid, choline, sorbitol, sitosterol, essential oils, tannins and dyes. Useful for heart disease, atherosclerosis. 

Cowberry juice is rich in biologically active substances - vitamins C, E, provitamin A (carotene), glycosides vaktsininom, phytoncides contains 6-8% carbohydrates, up to 1,5-2% organic acids, including citric, malic, tartaric, benzoic acid, acetic acid, a lot of mineral salts. 

Juice from the leaves of parsley contains mg%: Potassium - 500 - 600, sodium - 20-25, and magnesium - 30-35, phosphorus - 70-90, calcium - 190 - 200, and iron - 5-6, as well as vitamins B1 -- 0,08, B2 - 0.2, B6 - 0,1, PP - 0,6-0,8, P - 90-120 and carotene - 3-4. Useful for cardiovascular and renal diseases. 

Cranberry juice is different from other juices high content of organic acids - 2.3%, including citric acid and benzoic; good combination of vitamins C and P and an abundance of trace elements - copper, manganese, molybdenum, and iron. 

Tomato juice contains, mg% carotene - up to 2, ascorbic acid - 10-30 and vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0,4-0,5, as well as thiamin (vitamin B1) - 0,04, riboflavin (vitamin B2 ) - 0,05, phosphorus, calcium, iron and other minerals - 0,3-0,4. It is used in the diet in the treatment of obesity. 

Watermelon juice contains carbohydrates - 5-8%, in small amounts of vitamins A, B12, C (2-6 mg%), mineral substances. Used in the treatment of kidney disease. 

Melon juice is useful primarily because of the nicotine content in it (vitamin PP), and folic (vitamin B12) acids, inositol (up to 120 mg%), iron, sugars, ascorbic acid.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Production of quick fruit and vegetable products in Belarus in January-August increased by 38,4%

The volume of production of quick fruit and vegetable products in Belarus in January-August 2009 amounted to 2,907 thousand tons, an increase over the same period last year to 38.4%, reported the National Statistics Committee.

Juridical persons without departmental affiliation in January-August 2009 increased the production of quick production of 59,3% to 1,811 thousand tons, the company Belcoopsoyuz - by 11,9% to 1,047 thousand tons

Companies BelGosPishcheProm for eight months produced 49 tons of such products (1,8 times more).

Inventories of quick fruit and vegetables in storage enterprises of September 1, accounted for 281 tons, or 77.3% of the average monthly volume of production.

Technical regulations on juice products introduced too quickly

According to Rospotrebnadzor in Russia in general the share of enterprises that have moved to a new packaging design, the technical regulation, amounts to 56,3%. At the same time the proportion of juice products in the packaging of a new model in stores around the country is 41,2%. Russia's juice producers have been slow to comply with new technical regulations.

New technical regulations are reflected in the first place on our customers, - said President and CEO of ZAO "Tetra Pak" Igor Akimov. - For us, the producers of packaging, it is more work. In a very short time we had to change the 3,5 thousand designs packaging. In general, the adoption of a new technical regulation think the right decision, but had to give a little more time for its introduction.

Mushroom production at the exhibition "Golden Autumn"

Lenoblast present industrial floriculture and mushroom production at the exhibition "Golden Autumn"
More than 20 best enterprises of agriculture of the Leningrad region will take part in international exhibition "Golden Autumn-2009" in Moscow. This was reported in the press service of the Government of the Leningrad region. This year, in addition to the traditional sectors of the Leningrad region of production and processing of milk, pigs and poultry, exhibition visitors can familiarize themselves with fundamentally new to the national agricultural technology: industrial floriculture and mushroom production.

Exposure Leningrad region occupies 99 square. meters of exhibition space in the 57-m pavilion VVC. In addition, the agricultural enterprises in the region will provide cattle and goats at an exhibition of pedigree animals.

Agricultural exhibition "Golden Autumn" will be held from 9 to 12 October 2009 in Moscow at the All-Russia Exhibition Center and will provide all the versatility of today's agricultural market and development prospects of Russia's agro-industrial complex as an active participant in international exchange of food.

Exhibition "Golden Autumn" is held annually on the Government Decree № 536-p. April 11, 2000 and is timed to celebrate the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry.