Thursday, January 28, 2010

History of tea

Tea - a favorite drink of millions of people. The largest figure of the Japanese art Kakudzo Okakura in his book about tea wrote: "At first, tea was a medicine, then became a drink." 
In China, in the VII century poets sang of tea, he was a constant companion of refined pastime. In the XV century, tea is being built here in the cult, there is a particular religio-philosophical trend - "tiizm, worship beauty. 
The word "tea" comes to us from the Mongolian "tsai". Japanese tea is called "tya" or "cha", that the name came from the Latin botanical term "TEM". 
In many countries of Asia and some African countries, tea at one time served as a bargaining chip. 
The monks considered a sacred drink tea, doctors - a healing tool. In one of the ancient Chinese chronicles we find the statement: tea strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, relieves fatigue, awakens thought and prevents settling of laziness, facilitating and refreshes the body, clarifies the susceptibility. 
There is a legend about the birth of the tea bush. He lived in China, the wise monk Darrama. For days he spent in prayer and meditation. Once Darrama, seeing the Buddha in a dream, was so delighted that made a vow to pray awake, but could not stand it and fell asleep. I woke up in horror, a monk: he broke the oath. But the blame for this was his eyelids - they closed down and induce sleep. Then Darrama cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. A spring at the spot where his eyelids fell sage green rose bush. Leaves it has good qualities: they are chasing a dream. Thus was born the tea bush. 
Were sung and the other legends, but each of them claimed that the homeland of tea - China. For thousands of years tea has been known only to the peoples of China, India and other Asian countries. 
When in the forests of Assam found wild tea bushes, the homeland of tea began to consider the mountains that separate India and China. Later it was proved that the jungle with wild tea bushes are not the primitive forest, but grew up on the site of ancient settlements. This has led many scientists to return to the original approval and considered the birthplace of tea China. 
This tea was used as a "cha", about five thousand years ago as a remedy, antihypnotic. In Europe, tea was brought to the beginning of XVI century Portuguese and Dutch sailors. 
Initially, the Europeans do not know how to use the new strange plants. And, of course, not without its oddities. History has preserved the story of how at a gala dinner at an English duke to the table, served salad tea leaves. However, he was extremely bitter and caused palpitations among the guests. So suddenly appeared the special properties of tea. 
It's been a long time before Europeans learned to drink tea infusion. It was written many treatises on the benefits of tea have contributed to its spread in Europe. This contributed to such well-known doctors, as Sidengam in England, Etmenger in Germany, Koffru and ASU-D in France. Most of all popularized tea traveler Kaempfer. 
In 1635 tea appeared in Paris in 1666-meters - in London, and three years later, the royal steward Basil Starikov presented to the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich expensive and rare gift of the Altyn-Khan - several pounds of tea. 
In Russia, love tea, especially in the northern and eastern regions. However, for a long time the drink was considered a rare and had the privilege of the nobility. Equally, he won popularity in France, Germany, the Scandinavian countries and especially in England. Appeared and a special kind of celebration - dinner, tea. 
Invitation to tea or dinner, tea has a long tradition. In XVIII-XIX centuries in some countries, identifies the time even invitations to tea: in England, for example, only 17 hours, in Russia - between 20-23 hours. 
It was also recommended certain orders (excludes the appearance of women in ball gowns, as well as in linen or cotton), ordered, unlike the ball, banquet or dinner party, check out the dance no later than midnight. 
There were strict rules for table setting, a set of foods and drinks. Even established special days, an invitation to tea. Such strict regulation of various forms of techniques, of course, easier for housewife caring for their organization, and guests - preparing for the evening. 
Typically, dinner-tea, as well as a cocktail evening, not happy about the festive family or holiday dates. The main purpose of these evenings - frequent contact with relatives, friends and colleagues in a relaxed homely atmosphere: today - in some, next week - from others and as they say in a circle. Not magnificence of balls and the severity of the ritual are called methods, and family comfort and ease of communication - one of human needs. 
In some countries (Japan, China, Burma, Indonesia, Sri Lanka) tea has become a ritual, deliver and hosts, and guests of the true spiritual pleasure, especially in cases where the ritual is performed in compliance with all traditions. In Japan, for example, There is a definition: "meeting over tea - the meeting feeling", which accurately reflects the essence of so much admired in this country ceremony of tea drinking. Almost every Japanese house has a special room designed for entertaining guests with tea and committing a kind of ritual - tea action. And today, though more rarely, in the markets of Japan and China can meet dealers "tea water", ie the water of mountain streams, which contains the least amount of salts and other impurities dissolved in it. Such water is preferable to tea, to preserve its taste.

Biography tea

Tea - a perennial plant, lives and fruits a hundred years or more. Tea bush unpretentious, can grow on poor, even stony soils. Tea belongs to the family of tea, bringing together 23 genera and more than 280 species distributed in subtropical and tropical regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 
If wild tea - tree, tea culture from the constant cutting of young shoots and leaves to form - shrub. 
The most common are four types of tea plants, which differ in shape and size, as well as chemical composition. Chinese tea - shrub to 3 m, the Japanese - more than a short, Ceylon - arborescent shrub 3-4 m tall with a short trunk and spreading crown, Indian - a small tree. 
There have tea another definition - Lapsany. Bai-hoa "translated from Chinese means" white eyelash. Indeed, one side of the tea leaf is covered with thin silver hairs, similar to the white cilia. (Remember the legend of the monk Darrama?). Currently, the tea industry Lapsany called loose tea (unlike tea pressed). 
The history of tea culture long enough. 
Nearly 5000 years of famous Chinese tea. 
But in ancient Chinese manuscripts dating back to 2700 BC. e., tea was mentioned as a medicinal plant. Just classifies tea and an old Chinese encyclopedia "Bentsar» (IV century BC. E.). 
The notes of an Arab traveler (879) reports that China has collected taxes from the salts and more from the plant, a leaf which the Chinese are boiled in water, it's just bush, where the leaves are larger than the pomegranate tree, and the smell of their much pleasant, but they have something bitter. Boiling water, poured it on the leaves, and this drink cures for many diseases

We drink, enjoy

What qualities have contributed to such a huge popularity of tea? Undoubtedly, first of all very soft, unique flavor, combining scents of green valleys of the South (roses, jasmine, honey, almonds, cinnamon), and neither with incomparable taste. Figuratively speaking, tea - is rich with many pharmacy miraculous properties. 
Tea - is a complex chemical composition of plant. If previously believed that tea contains 6.7 basic substances, they are now known to about 300. Chemical composition svezhesorvannogo green tea, dried tea leaves and tea infusions are very different. Not all chemicals are available in fresh leaves remain dry tea leaves after factory processing. 
It is natural that we, first of all, interested in those substances which are contained in the infusion. 
An essential part of the tea is an alkaloid - caffeine (Thein), providing a beneficial effect on the body: by acting on the nervous system, it relieves fatigue, drowsiness, enhances mental and motor activity, improves coronary circulation and digestion, regulates the activity of the kidneys. Particularly noticeable effect of caffeine in fatigue. Its content in tea leaves reaches 4-5%. Please be aware that caffeine in tea than in coffee (2-4%), but the body he has a milder effect. Fortress of tea is not determined by the amount of caffeine. His, for example, contains a lot of Chinese tea, which is made to attribute the weak. Of the other alkaloids in tea is theobromine, theophylline, adenine, guanine. 
Taste of tea depends on the properties contained in the tea leaf tannins - tannins. The more of them in tea, the higher the quality of the drink. Tannins make up 15-30% of tea. In green tea contains more tannins. They give the drink a dark-brown, rough, astringent taste. 
The content of tannin in tea accounts for its antimicrobial properties, so the tea has been successfully used for gargling in angina. It is also helpful to drink 5-6 glasses of tea - 2% solution of tea tannin absorbs and removes from the body about 90% of the radioactive strontium-90. Tea catechins prevent the penetration of strontium in the blood and bone marrow. 
Tannins are useful in the treatment of many intestinal diseases. Decoction of leaves of tea (especially green tea) has successfully treated dysentery. The structure of tannins are tea catechins possessing the properties of vitamin E, that is a big kapillyaroukreplyayuschey activity. In the treatment of hypertension and acute nephritis glomeruli, the most promising is the use of catechins in a dose of 0.15 grams per day. They normalize the livelihoods of the protective intestinal microflora and prevent the development of the digestive tract of putrefactive processes, promote savings and better assimilation of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), strengthen blood vessels, have antiradiation effect. 
Tea extract increases the acidity of gastric juice, resulting in improved appetite. The positive effect of tea on patients with cholecystitis. 
Tea enhances respiratory exchange. We fans of tea lungs inhale more air and emit more carbon dioxide, that is working intensively. 
Thin fragrant tea add essential oils, it contains small amounts (0.02%). 
An important part of the tea leaves are proteins, amino acids, vitamins (A, P, PP, B1, B2, B15, C, K), enzymes, carbohydrates, mineral salts. 
One tea-amino acids - glutamic - contributes to the restoration of a nervous breakdown. Contained in tea, vitamins dilates blood vessels, strengthen their walls, give elasticity and significantly reduce the time of capillary patency of blood, which is why tea quickly and easily removes the spasm of blood vessels. The combination of vitamin P vitamin C increases the resistance of the human organism to infectious diseases. It should be noted that in fresh tea leaves of vitamin C four times more than in the lemon, and green tea - 10 times more than in the black. In the process of complex processing of tea leaves in the air in the dryer and a large amount of this vitamin is destroyed, however, and the portion that remains gives reason to consider tea to be an active carrier of vitamin C. 
Tea is useful in the treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis. Which it contains fluorine and iodine, have anti-effect, and tea fluoride helps to treat caries. 
People who daily drank 2-3 cups of tea (especially green), less likely to suffer tooth decay. 
Infusion or decoction of green tea is used for inflammation of the capillaries, kapillyarotoksikoze for the prevention and treatment of internal capillary hemorrhages, with glomerulonephritis, hematuria, hemorrhagic diathesis, scurvy, measles, whooping cough, scrofula, rheumatic fever, rheumatic endocarditis, chronic hepatitis B, polio, influenza A virus , trophic ulcers, lesions of the X-rays, sunstroke, burns quartz, etc. 
The strong, sweet tea - antidote to alcohol and drugs. Krepkim chilled tea wash eyes with inflammatory processes. Please be aware that a high concentration of tea may cause insomnia in humans, whereas weak tea into a soporific. Scientists say that the Chinese who use a lot of tea, are known for endurance, but the Japanese - with strong nerves, endurance and strength. The Scots, who drink tea extremely high concentrations, have excellent health and live a long time. 
Upon receipt of black tea, tea leaf goes through all kinds of processing. In the production of green tea from the technology eliminates the withering and fermentation. Red and yellow tea are a result of incomplete fermentation, which is a red tea is expressed much more than yellow
There are many different kinds of tea. One only black varieties, there are several hundred names. In black tea is green, yellow and even red (Mustela altaica). 
Green tea differs from black almost complete absence of a specific "tea" smell and taste. The taste of his acerbic, sometimes even very astringent, accompanied by a peculiar flavor, slightly favoring a mixture of or withered leaves of strawberry and rose petals or the citrus. 
Red tea has a special, strong, rich, slightly spicy flavor. 
Yellow tea is produced from most of the young shoots, mainly from tea leaf buds, so all of his grades apply only to high. Yellow tea has a very pleasant, caressing taste, very soft, barely perceptible tartness and subtle, delicate flavor. Red and yellow tea produced in China. 
Tea is loose (Lapsany), slabs, tile and even extracted - coffee. The best teas - those that are prepared from the two uppermost leaves of the bush, moreover, a mixture of several varieties. The way of mixing dry tea experts of various sorts are making the most aromatic and resistant "bouquets". After mixing the tea gets its name. If it includes no less than 60% of tea from a certain area (the republic or country), then the name of the area and appropriates products: Georgian, Azerbaijani, Chinese, Ceylonese, Indian tea. 
However, please note that in some areas is usually done only a certain type of tea. In these cases, an indication of geographical origin already gives an idea of the type or types of finished tea. For example, Krasnodar and Ceylon tea - always black, Japanese tea from Udzhi - always green, Lapsany Taiwanese tea - usually red.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Japanese Tea

Tea, pounded in a special dish into a powder to fill in a pre-heated vessel and fill it heated to 60 ° C water (at this temperature for a drink get the most fragrant, but not completely extracted components of tea. The Japanese value the more flavor than extract). Cover jar with a lid. After a few minutes of steaming tea petals bloom again, as it were, and the water becomes yellowish-greenish hue. 
Somewhere in Japan, some teas are insisting on rain or melted water. Good infusion of green tea is obtained in about 1-2 minutes. It is believed that the best tea infusion is obtained in 5-8 minutes after brewing. 
There are tea drinkers, who drink the infusion, and then eat the sheets brewed green tea. 
There exists an ancient Japanese tea ceremony, especially the ceremony performed in a special tea or a separate pavilion in the garden of the house, and often just at home, in a special room apartment. Culture of tea made from tea drink - a kind of ritual, a long-established in people's daily life routine. 
The tea ceremony, as is usually translated into European languages, the Japanese word "tyanoyu", or rather, tea act, largely contains elements of spiritual and aesthetic character. 
In the tea act usually involved: the master of tea - those who make the tea and pours it, and those that are present at the same time, and then drink. The first is a priest, accomplishes the ritual, the rest - the participants of the ritual attached to it. 
Tea is made special, in powder, green. Cooking it consists of the following procedures: boiling water in a special pot (teapot) on a corner of the sakura (cherry tree), for brewing tea using a special teapot, has its own rules of movement of hands, shaken in a special tea cup, designed for just this purpose. They drink tea in the form of a fairly thick liquid. 
Japanese tea house - the abode of peace and quiet. Usually it is located in a quiet spot in the garden or park on the beach in the picturesque countryside. 
During the tea party are totally absent from the conversations between the guests. Everyone, including the owner, immersed in meditation on the comprehension of the laws of nature of the world. Many argue that in this spiritual contemplation, in deep concentration and is the main charm of Japanese tea

Tibetan Tea

Brewed strong tea (50-70 g of tea per 1 liter of water), mix it with melted butter (100-250 g butter in 1 liter of tea) and salt, mix of Beat the special dishes and get a thick homogeneous beverage. Kalmykia and Kirghiz put in tea oil, and the Mongols add more milk, flour and salt, sometimes - black pepper. 
In the Arab countries of North Africa and Mauritania drink hot green tea. Insist it along with mint, and then, if desired, add sugar. Sometimes African Arabs, and some other nations of the East, drink green tea with ice, with citrus juices.

English Tea

If the East tea was elevated to the cult of the Japanese, then in the West - the English. Tea with milk has long been the national drink of the British Isles. And tea is poured into the milk, and not vice versa. The man poured the milk into his tea during a tea party, the British once considered to be amateurs, and inexperienced in the cooking. 
Tea in English tightly sealed - 30-35 g of tea per 1 liter of water. Kettle should be dry, and well warmed up. Pour boiling water over tea "with fire", insisting 5 minutes.

Russian tea

Tea drinking in Russia for a short time (only 300 years) has become so popular that it has become one of the national customs. Interest in tea-drinking has increased particularly with the construction at the beginning of the XVIII century sugar mills in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kaluga, who worked on imported raw materials, and even more so when in 1802 in the village Alyabiev the province of Tula was built the first domestic sugar factory, transforming cheap raw materials -- beets. 
One of the foreign travelers aptly remarked that the Russian before nauprazhnyalis in tea, which unexpectedly invented samovar. And anyone who tried the tea from a samovar, he established the opinion that when all other methods of brewing it goes just a pitiful semblance of this drink. 
Whatever it was, but Russia is firmly rooted in the custom to invite guests - for tea. Tea and cakes, gingerbread, candy, pie, rum woman, rolls and bread-rings became very popular type of meal. In the XVIII-XIX centuries in the noble Russian families for tea began to submit rum, brandy, liqueurs and wines. After tea, organizing dances, games, performances buffoons. 
Brewed tea should be a fortress in a large porcelain teapot and fill up his boiling water. In kettle asleep 1 teaspoon of dry tea in a glass of water, plus 1 teaspoon, that is, 1 liter of water gives 25 g of dry tea. Thus it turns scalding medium strength. 
With tea served sugar, honey, jam, candy, lemons, cooked in honey or sugar, fruit, nuts in sugar and other sweets. In summer you can drink tea with fresh berries: raspberries, strawberries, cherries. 
The tea table serves bagels, bagels, crackers, muffins, pretzels, cookies, brushwood, cakes, pies, donuts and other flour products. 
True connoisseurs of tea drink it without any additives, and if the sugar, then the only bit of sugar. 
The word "tea" in the Russian national cuisine known, and several other hot beverages: lime, raspberry, etc. Most of them are used as medicine against colds (of lime blossom and dried raspberries), from kidney disease (from the dried leaves of mountain cranberry), and T . e. 
Tea in the first place need a good water. Chinese tea master Lu By mentions seven types of water. It was believed that water gornoklyuchevaya and spring - the highest quality, river - middle Kolodeznaya - low. 
In ancient China, distinguished set deadlines boil. The vesicles are similar to fish eyes, and slight noise suggests a single phase boiling, water splashes and sprays, facing the wall near the dish - on the other, the bubbles quickly rising up and causing boil water alert on the third. By Lou instructed to prepare the tea in boiling three terms: the first to put salt in the second - the tea, pour in the third pot bucket of cold water to precipitate tea and revive the youth of water. " 
There are several commandments tea. Zdenek Žáček in the book "A cup full of fragrance," published in Prague, brings ten requirements for the proper preparation of tea. 
1. Tea never boiled, but only sealed. Otherwise, you lost all of aromatic substances. 
2. Brewing tea is carried out in thin-walled porcelain or glass bottles or teapots. 
3. Make the tea with boiling water. Chilled water is not necessary substances from the extracts of tea. Long seething water loses oxygen and negatively affects the taste and aroma of the drink. 
4. Water for tea must be fresh and mild rigidity. 
5. Water can be boiled in enamel teapots, utensils in stainless steel or fire-resistant glass. Contact with metal tea dramatically affect the taste. 
6. A metal strainer is unsuitable for making tea. Recommended strainer made of plastic. 
7. Utensils, which is prepared tea or boiled water, not stored and do not wash the dishes for other products. 
8. Brewing has its own time frame. Black tea brewed 4-6 minutes, green - 3-4 minutes. For too long welding can lead to excessive astringency or bitter taste. Tea takes on a dark color, which is a sign of good cooking. Twice the tea is not recommended. 
9. Keep tea (dry) should be in closed metal boxes lined with paper, or in a closed glass containers. 
10. Tea should be served only freshly prepared 
and hot. Green Tea provide a 2-fold higher 
than black. Tea can not be reheated. 
It must be remembered that tea can shoot foam, because it is in the surface layer contains the most essential oils of resins and other substances forming the aroma. 
The most high-grade tea true connoisseurs drink always in a pure form, without adding anything.

Selected tea recipes

Ancient recipe for tea 

Strong tea, bee honey and vodka, stir well, bring to a boil. Serve in small cups. This warming beverage is particularly pleasing after winter walks with a slight cold or weakness. Tea, prepared for this recipe - a great tool to sweat in case of hypothermia. We recommend this tea to those who love winter dip in the hole, and those who graduated morning exercises rubbing the body with snow. For 3 servings: strong tea - 3 cup honey - 1 cup vodka - 1 cup. 

Tea cold nut 

In a glass of cold tea, pour walnut syrup (can be deposited with the jam nut) and cold boiled milk. All mix. For 1 serving: walnut syrup - 20 g, milk - 20 ml, tea - 100 ml. 
Tea and spices 
In the water to throw the cloves and ginger root, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat, add the dry tea and leave the tea leaves to steep for 5 minutes, then strain and add hot milk. Serve in glasses with coasters. 
For 1 liter of beverage: water - 0.5 liter, cloves - 2 pcs., Ginger root - a piece, tea, dry - 3 teaspoons, milk - 0,5 liters. 

Tea cold honey 
In a cup of strong cold tea, add cold milk. It is better to mix the tea in a large dish and serve drinks in glasses for cocktails with ice cubes. 
For 1 serving: honey - 30 g, milk - 30 ml, tea - 100 ml. 

Orange Tea 
Orange and lemon peel to put in a saucepan, add the orange syrup, and dry tea. All pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes and serve. 
For 1 liter of beverage: orange peel - 25 g, citric 
crust - 10 g, orange syrup - 50 g, dry tea -- 
25 g, water - 1L. 

Tea flip 
In a glass stir well egg yolks, lemon juice, rum. All dilute cold strong tea and add the cold milk. Tea flip best cook in a large pot for 10-15 people, and pour into glasses for cocktails, after dropping to ice cubes. Serve with a tray in between dancing. 
For 1 serving: egg yolk - 1 piece, lemon 
juice and rum - and 1 tablespoon of tea - 1 / 3 cup, 
milk - to taste. 

Tea red wine 
In a cup of strong hot tea, add dry red wine or red port. 
For 1 serving: tea - 100 ml, dry red wine or port wine red - 30-35 ml. 

Tea with the juice of black currant 
Firmly brewed tea to give it brew for 5 minutes, pour into a glass of warmed syrup, black currant. For 1 serving: tea - 3 / 4 cup, black currant syrup - 1 / 4 cup. 
Similarly, prepare pineapple, raspberry, apricot, shipovnikovy, pear and other teas. 

Hot tea lemonade 
In a glass mix the lemon and blackberry syrup, natural honey, add the lemon, then pour into tight infused tea. 
For 1 serving: lemon syrup and blackberry - on 1 
teaspoon of honey - 20 g, lemon - 1 slice, tea -- 
100 ml.

Selected tea recipes 2

Salted tea with milk 
Green tea tile lightly fry in the oven and put in boiling water. Then drink strain, add melted butter milk, butter and salt. 
For 1 serving: tea green slab - 5 g, water - 200 ml milk - 10 ml, butter - 5 g, salt to taste. 

Tea apple 
In a glass pour apple juice, vanilla syrup, add a strong hot tea. 
For 1 serving: apple juice - 50 ml vanilla syrup - 20 g, strong tea - 130 g. 

Tea-Mulled wine 
In a large porcelain teapot to brew tea in the usual way, pour it into the enamel ware, in which a mixture of fruit juices (apple and cherry or grape), sugar and spices. Carefully close the bowl lid, heat the mixture for 30 minutes on very low heat, without boiling. Serve in glasses, adding peeled nuts (almonds, pine, hazel nuts, walnuts), and raisins. 
At 1.5 liters of the drink: black tea - 25 g, water - 1L, grape or cherry juice - 300 ml apple juice - 300 ml sugar - '200 g ginger - 2 g, the tub - 2 g cinnamon - 3 g, cloves - 3-4 pc., nuts, raisins. 

Tea-punch in Cuban 
Tea with cinnamon pour boiling water. After 4 minutes stir, strain. Add fruit juices, pineapple, sliced, and sugar. The resulting mixture was put on the fire and heat, without boiling. 
For 1 liter of beverage: tea - 35 g, cloves minced - 1 g, water - 500 ml lemon juice - 50 ml, grapefruit and orange juice - 200 ml, pineapple - 250 g sugar - 100 g. 

Milk Tea by Scott 
In the pre-warmed teapot sleep tea, pour boiling milk, add sugar, insisting 7 minutes and can be served. 
At 0.5 liters of the drink: tea - 15 g, milk - 500 ml, sugar - 40 g

Selected tea recipes 3

Tea with the yolk of the Scots 
Cover with boiling tea with milk, beat egg yolk with honey, add the strained tea and brewed beverage is ready. 
At 0.5 liters of the drink: tea - 10 g, milk - 500 ml, egg 
(yolk) - 1 pc., honey - 10 g. 

Tea "Steppe" 
Absorb the water and tea to boil, then add milk and salt. Mixture boil 10 minutes, then drain and can be served. 
For 1 liter of beverage: tea - 25 g, water - 100 ml milk -- 
800 ml, salt. 
Drink lemon-sour cream 
In the hot strong tea to put the honey, stir and refrigerate. Then add the sour cream, squeeze juice from a lemon, stir and drink ready. 
For 6 servings: Lemon - 1 pc., Sour cream - 500 g, tea - 500 ml, honey - 120 g. 

Ball (Kyrgyzstan) 
In boiling water, put the ginger, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, bay leaf. After boiling the dishes are removed from the plate and cover with tight lid. After 5-10 minutes, introducing honey. The drink is stirred and filtered. On the table is served hot. 
For 1 serving: Honey - 25 g, black pepper - 0,5 g, bay leaf - 0,5 g, Ginger - 1 g, cinnamon - 5 g, cloves - 7, water - 200 ml. 
Shirgoy (Tajikistan) 
The boiling water to sleep tea, add boiling milk and bring to a boil. Then fill with drink butter and salt. 
For 1 serving: milk - 150 ml, green tea - 1 g, water - 50 ml, butter - 10 g, salt - to taste. 

Green tea with milk (Buryatia) 
Green tea tile lightly fried in Ovens and put in boiling water. Then drink filter and fill with melted milk, butter and salt. 
For 1 serving: Tea Tile - 5 g, water - 200 ml milk - 10 ml, butter - 2 g salt.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Selected tea recipes 4

Jamba (Kalmykia) 
Tile tea is put into cold water, the liquid is boiled, pour in the milk, bring to a boil again, add butter and salt. 
For 1 serving: Tea brick - 4 g, milk - 50 ml, butter - 5 g, salt - to taste, water - 150 ml. 

Cold lemon tea (Hungary) 
Brewed strong tea, add to it the lemon juice, rum or brandy and sugar. When the drink has cooled, pour in the tea well aerated mineral (tablespoon) water, bottled, well-sealed and placed on ice or in the refrigerator. 
It turns a nice summer drink. 
At 3 liters of tea: Mineral Water - 1L, lemon juice - 0.5 liters, brandy and sugar - to taste. 

Tea in Kirghiz 
In bowl pour the cream and topped up with strong salted tea. With tea served baursak (fried in fat globules of sour dough) or other flour products - Csoka, Sanz, potaza, takmosho, tekmomo, kinkla. 
For 1 serving: Tea - 0,75 ml, 0,50 ml cream, salt - 2 years 

Tea in the Tartar 
Pressed tea is put into boiling water and immediately pour in the milk. Boil, stirring frequently, 5-6 minutes. Then add salt to taste. Tea is poured into bowls and put the butter. 
For 1 serving: tea - 5.6 g, water - 100 ml milk - 100 g butter - 10 g, salt. 

Tea in Tuva 
Boiled water is combined with hot milk, add the green brick tea and boil 15-20 minutes. 
Drink filtered and served in a bowl, add salt and fat. 
For 1 serving: tea - 6-8 g, milk - 100 ml water - 100 ml, salt, fat tail, or melted butter. 

Tea in Yakut 
In boiling water, put the tea, pour in milk and drink is brought to a boil. 
For 1 serving: tea - 2 g, milk - 25 ml water - 180 ml, sugar - 5 yrs

The coffee

The coffee is lost in antiquity. So far not precisely determined, when and under what circumstances people discovered coffee. The first mention of him as a drink refers to the year 575.

Among hot beverages such as tea, coffee and cocoa in the world manufacturing output in the first place is coffee. This drink is known all over the world. Even in the homeland of tea in China, coffee is very popular. Here appreciate its delicate aroma, pleasant taste, and most importantly - a refreshing, invigorating effect. 

 All data suggest that Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, namely: little-known and inaccessible mountainous province of Kaffa in the south-west of the country. Hence the name, which the Arabs gave this plant, - "Kahwa. 
From Ethiopia, the Arabs brought coffee in Yemen, where its large area there are more than 1500 years. 
In IV-VII centuries, Yemen was ruled by Ethiopia, and there began the first drink drink called "geshir", using mature, dried pulp of the coffee fruit, grind together with the shell. 
Later, Arabs began to prepare a drink from dried, roasted and crushed seeds of the coffee fruit, that is so, as is done today. They also developed a method of preparing the drink, called "East" and known throughout the world. 
From Yemen coffee began his peaceful conquest of many countries. Yemen of those times was in the center of trade routes from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt and other countries of the Middle East. In these ways, caravans of camels deliver pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and other exotic goods, and among them, of course, coffee. 
In the bustle of the marketplace, in the picturesque motley crowd could meet people who beat the drumbeat of "mahmass al kava" - pans for roasting coffee. Thus, they clicked the passers-by in the stores. 
Alarmed by the "brain disorder" - because the Sharia does not allow the faithful to use the exciting drinks - Mohammedan clergy taken up arms against the black African potions. Legislative synod, convened in 1511, cursed coffee, and the ruler of Mecca, Khair Bey closed stores. 
For drinking coffee in Muslim countries, people were persecuted and even killed. 
Nevertheless, since the beginning of the XVII century. Coffee has already spread to Europe. 
First learned about it from an Italian physician Prosper Alpinusa, who in 1591 accompanied by a Venetian embassy in Egypt. Trendy coffee shops began to appear first in Italy, then in England (1652), France and Russia (XVIII cent.). 
In Europe, coffee is very valued to the XVIII century. He was later attributed to a number of harmful beverages, and only in the XX century. he again became popular. 
But coffee overcame all obstacles. And small and large European cities become places of trade in general in this exotic drink. 
In Russia, coffee imported in the beginning of XVIII century. from the Netherlands. Propagandist his was Peter I. In the Netherlands some time he lived in Amsterdam's mayor Nikolai Witsen, known at the time employer and kofetorgovtsa. There, Peter and addicted to drink and, on returning to Russia, brought him into the habit in their assemblies. 
At the end of XVIII century. appear printed edition of the Economic shop "," General and complete housekeeping ", which describes the culture of coffee, how in-gotovleniya drink and the impact of coffee per person. 
Since 1812 consumption of coffee was a sign of good breeding. Following the example of France in St. Petersburg and other cities throughout the country began to open stores, which conducted a brisk trade in coffee. In some cities began to appear Society for the Propagation of coffee, which competed with similar societies of tea drinkers. Interest in the drink is so increased that at one time coffee has even become a serious competitor of tea. 
In the first half of XVIII century. (1723) coffee tree thanks to the efforts of the French botanists got to the West Indies on the island of Martinique, which was a very suitable place for growth and development of the African plants. After 2 years planted tree has only about 1 kg of grain, but 10 years later there was a coffee plantation. In the XVIII century. coffee tree falls in South America - in Brazil. 
In St. Petersburg in 1884 opened an international horticultural exhibition, to which Brazil had a separate pavilion. Its stands were represented by 1,000 varieties of coffee. At the exhibition wishing to learn to roast coffee beans, cooking liquor, and in conclusion - it's free coffee own cooking. After this exhibition, the demand for coffee has increased significantly, and on the eve of the First World War, coffee imports amounted to about 800 thousand tons. 
Coffee plays important role in the economy of Brazil. In the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo in the central square stands the original monument - a bronze coffee tree, a symbol of wealth.

Botanical characteristics of coffee

Coffee is an evergreen shrub or evergreen tree height of 5-6 m of the family. This family combines up to 5000 species, 50 of them - the coffee trees, the fruit of which allow us to enjoy the delicious and aromatic drink. Coffee tree has a greenish-gray bark. Branches are long, flexible, spreading. Leaves entire, single cut, slightly wavy, opposite, 5-20 cm long and 1,5-2 cm wide, on short petioles. In the axils of the leaves is at 3.7 of the snow-white, fragrant, the correct form, cleavage-petal flowers, jasmine-like flowers. 
Coffee tree blooms and bears fruit abundantly throughout the year. Fruit - berry almost spherical or oval, black or dark red, dvusemennaya, the size of a cherry, and 1.5 cm in diameter with a totally edible pericarp. 
In the wild it grows in Ethiopia in the river valleys at altitudes of 1600-2000 m above sea level. Here and now you can meet overgrown coffee tree. 
Type of coffee tree and its fruit depending on variety, climate, soil, agricultural. The plant does not tolerate strong tropical heat and the weakest frosts. 
Coffee trees grow best in loose soil in a warm climate with stable temperatures and require up to 3000 mm of precipitation per year. 
Seeds are light-gray, oval, plano-convex, the flat side has a deep furrow. They are solid, covered with a thin "silver" or "parchment" shell, which when processed is erased, its remnants are held only in the groove. 
The average length of productive life of coffee tree - 50 years, and under favorable conditions of culture - 100 years. However, in many countries consider economically feasible to operate a coffee tree is not more than 20 years. 
Coffee - a beautiful room flower. With good care it blossoms in the third year. At home, a coffee tree bears fruit. From an adult plant can receive up to 500 g of green beans per year.

Drink Coffee

Coffees differ among themselves on fruit quality, productivity, resistance to diseases and pests, adverse environmental conditions. Most of the trees, coffee plantations belong to the species of Arabian coffee, which is often called the Arab (Arabica). 
Experts point out that coffee has more than 1000 different varieties. Most common varieties are the seeds of one species - the Arabian coffee, or Arabic. 
Another type of coffee - robusta - opened in 1911 in West Africa (Sierra Leone, Angola), isolated from wild species. It has a rounded leaves and large fruits. There are other types, but they are not so common. Robusta trees grow in small and begin to bear fruit on 2-3rd year. Plants species are more resistant to disease, unpretentious to weather conditions. All this has raised the prestige of this type of coffee, and it began to grow in places where the Arabian coffee growing worse. Especially widely cultivated robusta coffee in Madagascar and Guinea. 
Drink arabica soft and fragrant, drink a lot of robusta coffee contains caffeine, remarkable for its sharp and bitter taste. 
According to botanical classification distinguished coffee Arabica, Robusta, liberika. 
Quite popular and geographic classification, according to which the coffee is called by the name of the area where it is grown, or the name of the port of export. But this name is not always successful, as the coffee grown even in the same sort of place, but prepared by different technologies, very different in quality products. 
In different countries, created a lot of breeders of new varieties of coffee trees, but the multiplication of seed plantings are populations that are corrected by culling plants, strongly deviating from the basic type. 
At present, coffee is grown in more than 70 countries in Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, in all tropical countries of the Old and New Worlds, where the average summer temperature is not below + 14,5 ° C. 
Largest kofeproizvodyaschimi countries of the world are Brazil and Colombia. The best coffee is considered Yemeni mocha, brought to us in small quantities. Very high quality Brazilian Arabica coffee varieties. But in Brazil produces several varieties of coffee, the best of which are considered and bourbon santos santos. Also known Colombian coffee, which are named in accordance with the terrain, where they grow: honey-lin, Armenia, Manizales. 
In Costa Rica the best varieties are the Pacific and Atlantic, growing on the central plateau near the town of San Jose. Dominican Republic offers coffee under the name of San Domingo - Arabica wet and dry handling. 
In Ethiopia, it grows arabica coffee varieties Jimmy and Sidamo. Grains of their unattractive appearance, small, but they give the drink a unique, exciting bunch. Variety mocha-swarms from Ethiopia has similarities with the world-famous brands mocha. 
Depending on the content of caffeine, there are more than ten varieties of coffee. Higher grades of its different kind of aroma and good taste.

Medicinal properties of coffee and biochemical composition

Advantages of coffee due to the fact that nature has united in its variety of substances that are in the process of thermal processing of grains and preparation of the drink are undergoing big changes. In the composition of raw coffee beans are: caffeine, trigonelline, theophylline, chlorogenic acid, proteins and mineral salts. These substances make up about 1 / 4 the mass of freshly coffee beans. In addition, beans have fiber, coffee oil, water. 

According to legend, in ancient times, one an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that the goats, which he grazed on the mountain slopes, became unusually frisky when fed on fruits of wild bushes. The shepherd tried these fruits, like cherries. To his surprise, he felt a burst of energy, fatigue, it totally disappeared. So, according to legend, because the goats were discovered magic properties of coffee. 

In the raw beans contain 1-2% caffeine in roasted - 1,5%. Quantity of sugar in the raw beans to 8% in roasted - 2-3%. Fried corn contain up to 7% of chlorogenic acid, 4-5% kofedubilnoy acid, 15% fat, more than 20% cellulose, 3.9% minerals, 13-15% protein, 10% water, about 14% of nitrogen compounds, and phenolic derivatives of pyridine, acetic acid and some other chemical compounds. 
Especially a lot of caffeine Robusta, grown in Guinea (1,7-2,3%), in Santos - 1,3-1,5%, Al Hudaydah - 1,2%. In soluble coffee contains 3-5% caffeine. Alkaloid trigonelline did not have aphrodisiac properties, but roasted grains give a specific taste and smell. In the process of roasting produced a very complicated matter - kofeol, giving the product a special coffee aroma. In a properly roasted beans to the number reaches 1,5%. 
In addition, coffee contains more than 30 different organic acids (including malic, citric, acetic and coffee). 
Along with the organic coffee industry also produces kofezameniteli, or coffee substitutes derived from diverse plant material (barley, acorns, etc.). In some of them add organic coffee, chicory. The packaging indicated the composition and method of preparing the drink. 
Ancient physicians believed that coffee is useful in cough, inflammatory processes in the brain, throat and other organs. He opens the "blockage" and increases urination. To enhance moods, removing fatigue and malaise to drink coffee with sweets and fats. This contributes to the manifestation of useful properties of coffee and eliminate its negative impacts. 
In folk medicine, freshly brewed hot coffee recommended weakened and thinner patients, in particular has endured a serious infectious disease. In the tropics of Africa coffee seeds are used as an antidote to opium, to treat a variety of poisoning, with cholera. 
Various drinks from coffee are used as therapeutic and dietary facilities and modern medicine. Coffee acts on the body like tea. However, coffee (especially soluble) due to the large content of caffeine (3-5%) more actively stimulates the central nervous system, increases the reflex excitability, stimulate productivity, enhances the activity of the heart and respiratory system, raise blood pressure, dilates vessels of the brain, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice improves the appetite. Tonic effect of coffee is most clearly seen in people with arterial hypertension, as well as poor physical and mental fatigue. It removes fatigue and sleepiness, increases the response vigilance and caution. 
Some people coffee removes the headache, others vice versa - is a feeling of heaviness and headache. It is known that many types of headaches (especially migraines) associated with narrowing of cerebral vessels. Caffeine enhances them, resulting in disappearing spastic attacks. That is why this drink has long been considered a useful tool for migraine. 
In some cases, receive strong brewed coffee causes a strong contraction or spasm of cerebral vessels, which contributes to a headache. 
For most people, coffee causes insomnia. However, in some cases, the use of this beverage somnolence. This is explained by the fact that caffeine in therapeutic doses has a tonic effect on the excitatory process, aligns it to the norm. " The result is a physiological balance of the two main processes - excitation and inhibition, without which there can be normal operation of the cerebral cortex. In the case of the predominance of excitation over inhibition arises state insomnia and vice versa. 
Caffeine, restoring balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the brain in people with impaired balance, has a sedative effect. It is also important, and another thing: eliminating the feeling of fatigue or removing the headache of coffee in the body creates a peculiar state of self-comfort, which is a leading factor in the occurrence of sleep and its normal flow. 
Coffee contains a group of fairly active vasodilator compounds-alkaloids: theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP. 
After receiving the coffee rapid absorption of caffeine causes an increase in blood pressure, and gipotoniki 15-30 minutes feel better. They disappear fatigue, malaise, drowsiness, mood, and increase efficiency. However, this improvement in short-term. A few minutes later a man there is a kind of internal weakness. In the case of repeated use of coffee this feeling disappears, but some time later reappears. People who are not familiar with the mechanism of action of coffee and start to use it in large doses. As a result, the human condition significantly worsens, there are general weakness, palpitation, pulsation of the cerebral vessels. Some persons are seen shaking hands and fingers. 
General weakness and malaise, occurring after short-term tonic coffee, linked to the influence of theobromine, theophylline, and vitamin PP, which have vasodilating and hypotensive properties. In the first 15-40 minutes after taking the coffee because of the high concentration of caffeine in the blood is manifested mainly sosudosuzhayuschee and hypertensive effect. Gradually, however, the caffeine content in blood decreases, and eventually begin to act his antagonists - theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP, under whose influence the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decreases. Therefore, on the background of short-term improvement in the overall state in gipotonikov its sharp deterioration occurs. 
High blood pressure, on the contrary, harmful only the first phase of the coffee, and the second (hypotensive) for them is curative. 
Available in coffee beans of various acids has a positive effect on the stomach and improves digestion. American scientists have conducted interesting studies and convincingly proven that coffee consumption does not contribute to the development of ulcerative colitis and cancer of the intestines. 
Abuse of coffee can cause poisoning, with a rising sertsebieniem, excessive agitation, insomnia. We poisoning increases blood pressure, cause noise in the ears, headache, delusions, emotional anxiety, discomfort in the heart, raises the body temperature. 
Nursing mothers, especially at night, you can not drink strong brewed coffee. Otherwise, the infant state of having insomnia, painful anxiety, fever and convulsions can occur. Coffee is contraindicated high blood pressure, irritable and easily excitable persons, patients with stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, as well as in thyrotoxicosis.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Spectial coffee recipes

Coffee brewed in a special pot. In his absence should be half the ground coffee poured cold water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, add the balance of coffee, brew tightly closed. Writing stand for 10 minutes, pour the infusion through a sieve into a hot pot and pour in the heated cup. Coffee is served very hot. Coffee is prepared as a natural with the addition of a special chicory. For black coffee can be submitted whipped cream. 
At 10 servings: coffee powder - 50 g, water - 750 ml, sugar - to taste. 

Coffee with milk 
Cook the black coffee, strain, add hot milk, sugar, bring to a boil. 
For 1 serving: natural coffee with chicory - 8 g, sugar - 25 g, water - 110 ml milk - 75 ml. 

Coffee with cream 
Cook black coffee, strain, pour the hot cream, add sugar, bring to a boil. 
For 1 serving: natural coffee with chicory - 8 g, sugar - 25 g, water - 160 ml cream 10% e - 25 ml. 

Coffee "Africa" 
Strong black coffee to pour into the cup. Orange cut in half, squeeze out their juice into a cup of coffee, add sugar to taste. 
For 1 serving: orange - 1 pc., Coffee black - 100 g 
sugar - 15 г. 

Coffee "Irina" 
Dissolve the sugar in a pan until brown liquid mass of hot boiled water. In heated Turk pour coffee, pour the mass obtained from the pan. Add the hot water and bring to a boil. 
For 1 serving: Sugar - 3-4 teaspoons of coffee - 2 teaspoons water - 75 ml. 

Nourishing coffee with an egg 
Black coffee, eggs, sugar, vanilla shake or stir in a mixer. Fill the cup and decorate with whipped cream, sprinkled with freshly ground coffee. 
For 1 serving: black coffee - 12 grams, egg - 1 pc., Vanilla sugar - 1 tablespoon, cream - 1 tablespoon water - 100 ml. 

Coffee "Orient" 
In a pot bring honey, add water, stir well, put on the fire and boil. Add a natural ground coffee, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, pour into cups. 
4 portions: the natural ground coffee - 60 grams, honey - 80 g, water - 400 ml. 

Coffee Dimiana " 
Stir strong black coffee and strong brewed tea. Serve sugar. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 50 ml, tea - 50 ml, refined sugar - 15 г. 

Coffee and Berlin 
Cook the black organic coffee, strain, cool, add juice or syrup from the cherries, condensed milk, mix well. Pour into a glass, sprinkle with powdered sugar. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 70 ml, juice (syrup) of cherries - 50 ml, condensed milk - 30 g, sugar powder - 5 grams.

Spectial coffee recipes 2

In the coffee pot to fill, ground coffee, pour the boiling water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, drain, add milk or cream and sugar. Again bring to a boil and pour a drink in the cup. On top of each put a hot cup of milky froth. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 10-12 g, water - 100 ml milk or cream - 100 ml, sugar - 30 g. 

Viennese Coffee 
Cook the black coffee, pour into cups. Add to each cup of cream, whipped with sugar and vanilla. It is sprinkled with grated chocolate. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 5.7 g, water - 100 ml cream 
35% e - 50 g, powdered sugar - 25 g chocolate - 10 g, 
vanilla - 0,05 g. 

Coffee, Black Forest 
In hot coffee, add the juice (syrup) from the cherries, then pour the mixture into glasses filled with half ice crushed food. Add sugar, stir - coffee is ready. 
For 1 serving: strong organic coffee - 120 ml 
juice (syrup) of cherries - 30 ml, sugar - 10 g, 

Coffee "Ferry" (Antilles) 
Cinnamon, cloves, lemon and orange zest, rum, brandy, sugar mix, heat in the vessel, and then set fire to and carefully pour a strong hot coffee. 
At 10 servings: cinnamon - 1 / 2 sticks, cloves - 6 pcs., Zest of one lemon, zest of one orange, rum - 60 ml, Cognac - 120 ml, 1 liter of coffee, sugar - to taste. 

Italian coffee 
Make coffee with milk and strain into a cup, separate lodge sugar. 
For 1 serving: coffee, ground natural - 10 g, milk - 100 ml, sugar - 15 г. 

Coffee Italian white 
Pour a cup of hot black coffee, add ground cinnamon, hot milk and serve without mixing. For 1 serving: strong black coffee - 50 ml milk - 50 ml ground cinnamon - 0,5 g. 

Coffee Romanian 
Black organic coffee fine milling, sugar and cocoa mix, to fill in a pot, cover with cold water and put on fire. Before drink boiling remove from heat, pour in a cup, put in each vanilla and whipped cream with powdered sugar. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 10-15 g, cocoa powder - 5 g, sugar - 25 g, water - 200 ml, vanillin - 0,05 g, icing sugar - 10 grams, cream 35% e - 20 g.

Spectial coffee recipes 3

French Coffee 
Brew strong coffee fine grind, sieve and add salt. Pour into cups. Optionally you can add sugar. 
4 portions: the natural ground coffee - 50 g, water - 400 ml Salt - 1g. 

Vanilla iced coffee 
Pour into a glass or a glass of vanilla syrup, milk and pour a strong unsweetened black coffee. Serve chilled. 
For 1 serving: vanilla syrup - 30 g, milk - 20 ml, coffee - 100 ml. 

Walnut cold coffee 
In a glass or a glass pour walnut and sugar syrup, pour a strong unsweetened black coffee. Serve very chilled. 
For 1 serving: walnut syrup - 50 g, sugar syrup - 20 g, coffee - 100 ml. 

Strawberry iced coffee 
In a glass or glass to pour strawberry syrup, milk and pour strong unsweetened black coffee. Cool. For 1 serving: strawberry syrup - 30 g, milk - 20 ml, coffee - 100 ml. 

Peach iced coffee 
In a glass or pour a glass of peach juice, milk, and pour a strong unsweetened black coffee. On the table is served chilled. 
For 1 serving: peach juice - 50 ml milk - 20 ml, coffee - 100 ml. 

Turkish coffee 
The drink should be prepared from coffee in a fine milling ad hoc pot (the Turks) and they bring to the table. There are two ways to prepare Turkish coffee. 
1. In a pot (Turku) with boiling water to fill coffee and sugar, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Again put on the fire and bring to a boil (repeat 3 times). 
2. In Turku put coffee and sugar, stir, cover with cold water and let stand several minutes. Then the Turk at low temperature, the coffee to boil slowly, and it was formed more foam. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, immediately put back on fire and bring to a boil. 
Served in Turku, separately put a coffee cup and saucer and a glass of cold boiled water. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 10-12 g, water - 100 ml, sugar - 10 g.

Spectial coffee recipes 4

Coffee "Elixir" 
Cook Turkish coffee, put sugar and refrigerate. By chilled coffee, add whipped cream, foam egg yolks and sour milk, whipped cream to a concentration. The resulting mixture was stir well. Recommended as a tonic after a hard physical labor. 
At 10 servings: coffee powder - 100 g, water - 250 ml, yoghurt - 250 g, sugar powder - 100 g, egg yolk - 2 pcs. 

Coffee "Freshness" 
In making the coffee to dissolve honey and sugar. Then add milk, cream and chill well. The resulting mixture was poured into glasses, in which previously put ice cream. To improve the taste of the drink you can add a little lemon juice and whipped egg yolk. 
For 4 servings: strong coffee - 4 cup honey - 3 tablespoons sugar - 30 g, lemon, egg yolk - optional. 

Ice-coffee, juice from strawberries, cherries, cherries 
Fill up half of the 4 pieces of glass crushed ice, fill with fruit juice and coffee in equal numbers. Then pour the glasses sweetened cream. 
For 4 servings: sugar - 8 teaspoons syrup from strawberries, cherries or cherries - 4 glasses of vodka, chilled coffee without caffeine - 50 ml, cream, crushed ice. 

Mix coffee "Anya" 
Filtered coffee, brandy and cream mixed in a mixer. The resulting mixture was poured into glasses. Banana cleaned, cut into slices, dipped in ground coffee and add to the glasses. Put the pieces of ice. Drink through a straw. 
For 2 servings: strong coffee - 1 cup cream - 1 cup brandy - a small glass, coffee, fine grind - a small amount, banana, crushed ice. 

Coffee "Eskimo" 
Cook Turkish coffee, drain and cool. Chilled coffee mix in a blender with ice cream and melted chocolate, pour into glasses. Serve with a straw. 
4 portions: the natural ground coffee - 60 grams, ice cream - 200 g chocolate - 100 g, water - 400 ml. 

Coffee Cola 
In each cup put a few ice cubes, fill with cream, chilled coffee and Coke. The resulting mixture gently stir. 
For 4 servings: strong coffee - 2 cups, Coca-Cola - 1.5 cups, cream - 4 teaspoons, ice cubes. 

Brazilian coffee 
Chocolate crumble into small pieces and dissolved in a strong hot coffee. To the mixture add hot milk, stirring constantly. Sugar put to taste. Coffee poured into small cups, add whipped cream. For 4 servings: coffee powder - 2 teaspoons water - 90 ml milk - 540 ml, sugar - 60 g cream - 80 g. 

Coffee chocolate 
Coffee maker cook in the usual way. In the cup to put the pieces of chocolate, pour their coffee and stir until the chocolate has dissolved. We must ensure that the Cup has not got the precipitate. 
For 1 serving: coffee powder - 1 teaspoon water - 100 ml, Chocolate - 30 g.

Spectial coffee recipes 5

Coffee "Indonesia" 
Of the half of the amount of water in the recipe and all the coffee brew a strong Turkish coffee. Of the remaining water and cocoa powder to prepare cocoa. Both the drink mix, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Ready to pour a cup of coffee, put sugar and sprinkle with grated raw or roasted almonds. 
4 portions: the natural ground coffee - 35 g cocoa powder - 30 g, water - 400 ml, almonds - 20 g, sugar - to taste. 

Pour in a cup of instant coffee, sugar, stir, pour boiling water and serve. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 2 g, water - 200 ml, sugar - 25 г. 

Coffee with foam 
In a cup to pour coffee, sugar and stir. Pour 1 teaspoon of cold boiled water, stir the mixture quickly with a spoon for a few minutes until the consistency of cream, pour boiling water, stir and serve. 
For 1 serving: coffee - 2 g, sugar - 20 g, water - 200 ml. 

Coffee Extract 
Coffee pour boiling water and add salt. After cooling, pour into a small bottle. When cooking ordinary coffee per serving is sufficient 5 teaspoons of extract. 
At 10 servings: coffee - 100 g, water - 500 ml Salt - a pinch. 

Coffee vitamin 
Hawthorn berries or hips pour boiling water in a pot or thermos and hide good for steaming. Draw for 12-14 hours. Further infusion of hawthorn berries or hips is used as water for coffee. 
For 1 liter of water - a glass of berries.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The secrets of coffee

In order to get a flavored coffee, cereals need to fry in a pan, stirring constantly, until the dark brown color. 
Do not grind the beans are neither too large nor too small, because small-scale coffee grinding passes through the filter, and drink becomes turbid, and a large coffee grind slowly infused and lose flavor. 
To dregs settled, you can add a coffee spoon of cold boiled water. 
Boiling and reusable coffee warming affects its taste. 
Coffee, especially in powder, easily loses its flavor and catches other people's smells. Therefore coffee powder should be stored in a special glass or metal containers and a lid. 
Coffee beans after long storage in a closed box may lose its flavor. You can get it back, putting on 1.5 hours in cold water and immediately thereafter prisushit in the oven. 
Green coffee beans can be stored for quite a long time - up to two years or more. Some experts argue that, for example, some sort of Brazilian coffee in storage for three to five years, even improved. 
When the period of storage of coffee beans goes, they fade - from greenish-gray becoming whitish. 
Especially fragrant and delicious turns of freshly roasted coffee beans - roasted coffee beans during storage are losing their quality. Best of all, they saved the first 10 days after the same 25 days to retain their quality decreases significantly. 
You can store the grain in the refrigerator. However, this method of preservation is not desirable to use coffee in parts - for grain moisture falls, which is contained in the air. 
For better preservation of grains used glaze them with a mixture of sugar and dextrose. 
Stale coffee beans are placed in a dry pan and, stirring constantly, keep a few minutes on high heat to lightly cooked grains. This processing returns the coffee flavor. 
There are still so. Grains within two or three minutes, rinsed in cold water, then pour in the frying pan and dry it until crackling. 
Grain grind just before making coffee. 
Before you grind coffee beans, you can warm them in the oven. 
Instant coffee is very easily absorbs moisture. For a long time so coffee can be stored in hermetically sealed banks. 
When coffee ran and lost the scent, remove the pot from heat and pour into it a teaspoon of cold water. Taste and smell of coffee a few rebounds. 
Recipe conservation coffee from an old cookbook: "a pound of coffee grinding medium is immersed in a quart of cold water for 24 hours. The extract is filtered and kept refrigerated. To prepare a coffee drink cold extract is mixed with boiling water.

Chocolate Tree

When you buy a bar of chocolate or drinking coffee is unlikely to guess that comes into contact with "food of the gods". Exactly. After all, the Latin name for plants of the fruit which makes chocolate, comes from two words: "Theos" - God and the "bromine" - food. 
Cocoa (chocolate tree) - evergreen tropical forests of America and Africa, especially in large quantities is found on the islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Homeland cocoa are tropical South America. 
Cocoa is a small tree 3-5 m tall, sometimes 9-12 m and less - 20 hours begin to flower and bear fruit in 3-5 years. On the plantations of the tree pruned to 5-8 m. The root system of his rod, reaching a depth of 1 m, with numerous lateral branching. Overground part has a straight trunk with branches verticillate placed. Leaves large, oval, length of 20-40 cm and a width of 7-15 cm, for cocoa Cauliflory typical phenomenon, ie the formation of the flower directly on the trunk or thick branches (30 - 50 flowers - from white to red). 
The flowers have a size of about 1.5 cm in diameter, are bisexual. Ovary pyatignezdnaya. 
Flowers are placed in rows. In addition to painting, it does not attract other insects, as they have no odor and nectaries that produce nectar. The flowers are not pollinated by insects and small spiders, which are "wandering" on the tree from flower to flower, pollen is transferred. When planting the plantations are selected forms of self-pollinated, since cocoa is difficult cross-pollination. 
Bloom cocoa usually after dinner, and the next morning is in polnotsvetenii. On the same day is pollination, especially in the morning. Seeds germinate pollen is very fast, and by evening fertilization takes place. 3 days after fertilization column coarsens, the petals fall. 
Fruit cocoa naked, elongated-oval, segmented, tapered at the end, up to 30 cm long and 10 cm in diameter. The shell of the fruit is thick, the pulp is white or pink. In the fruit has five nests, each of which can accommodate from 5 to 12 reddish-brown egg-shaped or flattened seeds. Whole fruit contains from 25 to 60 seeds.

The fruits of coffee

The fruit of coffee, from the standpoint of botanists, - berry, but gardeners and commercial workers often call it a pod or bean. Fetal weight is 200-800 g. ensuing fruits ripen in about 4 months, sometimes after 6-9 months, depending on variety and growing conditions. 
To grow in a natural and favorable conditions, cocoa has no dormancy. In greenhouses growing wavy. Flowering and fruiting cacao year, but practically collect two harvests - basic (October - February) and intermediate (May - July). From one tree a year collected an average of 1 kg of fruits cocoa, suitable for making chocolate. 
In the years when the air temperature drops to + 15 ° C or there are prolonged dry seasons, the regularity of fruiting is violated, while there is complete opadanie ovary. On biological characteristics of cacao tree can tie a lot of flowers and abundant bloom, but a significant number of them falls down and only 0,4-0,6% ovary forms a fruit. The tree at the same time, you can watch mature and green fruits and flowers. 
The fruits of cocoa collect as they mature, carefully cut, so as not to damage the flowers and fruits. Previous fruit piled in a heap for a softening of the shell. Then at the opening of the fruit shell separates easily from seed. Seeds in the fruit surrounded by a pink sour-sweet pulp mezhplodnika that local residents often use as food. Separated from the fruit coat the seeds to be further processed by fermentation. To do this, they piled into the tanks for fermentation. After 8-9 days of fermentation, which occurs at a temperature of 47-51 ° C, they become brown, soft, sweet, buttery taste and delicate aroma. Enzymes isolated during the fermentation, penetrate into the seeds and cause changes in them, positively affecting the taste of cocoa. Embryos during fermentation lose germination. Then the seed is dried in the sun or in special kilns with blowing air heated to 70 ° C. 
The more processed seeds, so they are better. Successfully prepared seeds are oval-flattened shape of the length 2-2,5 cm, dark-brown color, contain small rocky and large mucous cells. Under the shell is the endosperm in the form of thin paddy, penetrating between the folds of fleshy cotyledons. Fabric cotyledons - thin-walled parenchyma - contains a fixed oil, aleurone grains and a small number of very small, starchy grains. 
Before sending the seeds to sell their fry and using machines remove the outer, very fragile shell (kakaovellu), representing 10% of the seed and containing from 0,5 to 1% of the alkaloid theobromine. After this treatment the seeds subjected to fine grinding and pressing for the separation of oil, and it there is contained from 45 to 55%. Recovered oil is filtered hot process, after which it solidifies at room temperature. 
From low-fat and minced cake are cocoa powder of high quality, used for making drinks, chocolate and other products. Withdrawn by means of pressing oil after setting becomes a light yellow color and pleasant smell. The temperature of its melting point of 30-34 ° C. 
Depending on soil and climatic conditions, as well as on the proper selection of planting material, care of the soil and plants from 1 ha are 1500 - 2000 kg seeds of cocoa. 
Different varieties of cocoa beans have their own specific flavor, so the beans are distinguished flavor and taste, as well as habitat. There are beans noble and consumer class. The noble include varieties: Venezuela (Caracas, karenero, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello), Ecuador (Guayaquil, Arriba), Nicaragua, Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad, Grenada, Java, Ceylon, and Samoa. All of them belong to the class Criollo or Tririra-rio-Typ. Exceptions are varieties of Ecuador, which, together with the usual African and Brazilian varieties (Bahia, pair) belong to the class farastero. Trees of the noble varieties are very sensitive and are beginning to bear fruit very late.

The History of Coffee

In 1519, armed conquistadors led by Hernando Cortes fought captured the ancient capital of Mexico - the city of Tenochtitlan. Ransacking the palace of Montezuma, the Spanish conquerors found in the palace storerooms of large stocks of some fruits. It turned out that the Aztecs prepare them national drink "chokoatl" - the bitter water. By the way, from the word and is the European name "chocolate". Roasted and peeled seeds of these fruits called "kakatsatl" (hence the word "cocoa"). They are cooked with water, the liquid ran the maize flour, and after cooling froth. The food consumed in the cold without sugar and honey, but with pepper and vanilla. Thus Aztecs attributed the drink divine force. And "chokoatl" really provided an unusual effect. A few cups of coffee was enough to make a man could tirelessly to make long day's journey. 
Coffee - Drink of the ancient Aztecs, one of the most powerful Indian tribes that lived in what is now Mexico and Guatemala. History has preserved for us the following story. 
Cocoa was one of the foundations of the financial system of the Aztecs, and the rich Indians amassed it on par with gold. The value of the seeds of cacao was so great that the inhabitants of Montezuma they replaced the money. For example, the rabbit was worth 10 seeds of cocoa and a slave could be bought for 100 seeds. 
Cortes and his companions this drink so much, that when he returned to Spain in 1520, he brought the fruits of cocoa to the King. Preparation of chocolate for a long time kept a profound secret, and knew him only at the royal court of Spain. Secondary cocoa imported into Europe (in Italy) from India Florentine Corlett in 1660 took many decades before the seeds of cocoa fell to France. True, there until the middle of XVII century. No one, except the queen, did not drink chocolate. In 1776 France opened a factory for processing cocoa beans. The lion-ran their debts cocoa stitches-tracks ... 
Over time, the tree cocoa reached Africa, and now the main producer of cocoa beans is the Republic of Ghana, formerly Gold Coast. Economy of Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, also largely dependent on this crop. In 1876 (there is evidence that this was a few years before), blacksmith Tette Kuarshi from city Mampong visited the island of Fernando Po. Returning to Ghana, he brought with him a bag of cocoa beans, planted them in their native land, and 4 years later gathered the first harvest. Enterprising blacksmith sold the seeds to their friends and neighbors. It gradually replaced the cocoa in the country all other cultures. 
In 1891 the British evacuated the first batch of cocoa beans from Ghana. And after 6 years the Englishman opened Rowntree chocolate factory in York, "Rowntree & Company Limited, which was soon branched off companies in Canada, Ireland, Holland, Australia. Started a chocolate factory built in the United States, Germany and Switzerland. 
In Europe the first cocoa was used as a medicine for rheumatism, diseases of the throat and stomach. Only in the middle of the XIX century was organized by the chocolate production in Russia. Much later came the modern drink cocoa, chocolate creams, chocolate slab - countless Mars, Snickers, Bounty and other "pleasure paradise" ...

The chemical composition of coffee

The fruits of cocoa - a valuable food raw materials. They contain 4-6% water, about 50% fat (cocoa butter), 12 - 15% protein, 6-10% carbohydrates. 
Cocoa butter - the only vegetable oil that has a firm consistency. Therefore, Chocolate is solid, but pleasantly melts in your mouth. Cocoa butter has a golden color, delicate flavor and aroma. It consists of various glycerides. The most important of them (80%) are palmitic and stearic (55 - 57%), oleic (33%), linoleic (2%) acid. Cocoa butter is used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical, confectionery and other industries. In the pharmaceutical industry it is the best basis for making candles and pills. In folk medicine, cocoa butter used as antibechic and emollient. The bulk of carbohydrate is starch (7 - 10% of the kernel). In addition, the nucleus contains monosaccharides - glucose and fructose, and disaccharides - sucrose. Cocoa powder is rich in potassium and phosphorus. 
The structure of cocoa is very important physiologically active compound theobromine, which has a stimulating effect on cardiac activity, expands blood vessels and the bronchial muscles, increases urination. On the basis of theobromine produced a number of medicines. In chocolate usually contains about 0.4% theobromine, which is a completely safe dose, but enough to give chocolate tiled or drink tonic properties, ability to increase efficiency and relieve fatigue. In theobromine, cocoa beans contain 0,05-0,1% caffeine, red pigment - a substance that create a subtle aroma of a particular characteristic of cocoa and chocolate. This sweet savor provide at least 40 volatile compounds. Of these the most important terpene alcohol - linalol. By aromatobrazuyuschim substances are also esters of fatty acids - Amyl acetate, amilbutirat, butyl acetate. 
Tanning and similar substances give cocoa bean flavor and color. They consist of catechins and anthocyanins. 
Most catechins found in unroasted cocoa beans. In the process of heat treatment their number decreases. Tannins may increase constipation. When diarrhea beverage made of water, would be welcome. 
Cocoa stimulates secretion of gastric juice (at elevated secretory activity of its use should be avoided, and vice versa). It is contraindicated with a peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis. Due to the large number of purine bases and organic acids, as well as high energy value can not be used for obesity, diabetes, gout, atherosclerosis, liver disease, kidney disease. 
The exciting action of cocoa drinks and chocolate is expressed not as strong as tea or coffee. Therefore, drink cocoa and chocolate can be given mainly to children, the sick. However, too frequent use of cocoa and chocolate is undesirable. This is because it contains theobromine, and oxalic acid may influence the reduction of calcium in the body and lead to a weakening of bone structures. Given the stimulating effect of cocoa, his caution be included in the diet of those suffering from cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, decompensated heart failure). 
By their nutritive value of cocoa and chocolate occupy one of the highest among all food products. It should be noted that chocolate bars and chocolate powder - various products. Powder contains less cocoa butter. Therefore, for the preparation of liquid chocolate and various beverages such as chocolate are not recommended for use in chocolate bars - the fat can simply swim in the cup. 
Cocoa and chocolate are preparing a wide variety of drinks - sweet, flavored, hot and cold.

Cocoa Recipes

Punch "Choco" 
Cocoa, coffee and sugar, mixed with a small amount of milk. The resulting mixture was diluted to the remaining milk and boil. Then add pre-warmed wine and rum. Ready to pour the punch into glasses, add cream and serve. If you wish, sprinkle with coffee or cocoa powder. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 8 full tablespoons of coffee - 2 teaspoons milk - 1 / 2 liters of white wine - 2 glasses, rum - 2 tbsp, whipped cream and sugar - if desired. 

Cocoa with egg yolk 
Mix cocoa powder and a half of sugar standards under the recipe, add a little water, stir until smooth. Pour a thin stream of boiling water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour drink into a cup, top to put an egg yolk, whipped to foam with the remaining sugar and the drink is ready. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 20 g, sugar -- 
40 g, water - 200 ml, 1 / 2 egg yolks. 

Cocoa cream 
Boil cocoa, cool and pour into cups. In each cup put on top cream, whipped with sugar. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 20 g, sugar - 30 g, water - 200 ml cream 35%-e - 50 g. 

Cacao with cream 
Boil cocoa with milk, cool. Put the ball in a glass of milk ice cream, pour cooled chocolate. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 10 g, sugar - 10 g, water - 100 ml, ice-cream milk - 50 g 

Drink cocoa, milk and ice cream 
Boil cocoa and refrigerate. Put the ball in a glass of milk ice cream, pour cooled chocolate and serve. For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 20 g, sugar - 20 g, milk - 100 ml, ice-cream milk - 50 g 

Drink chocolate milk 
Rub egg yolks with sugar, add honey, cocoa powder, lemon juice and beat, gradually adding the hot milk and cream, put vanilla and cool. 
For 2 servings: egg (yolk) - 1 pc., Sugar - 10 g, honey - 30 g cocoa powder - 20 g, milk - 250 ml lemon juice - 5 ml cream - 100 g, vanillin -- 0,1 g. 

Cocoa "egg-flip" 
Rub raw egg yolks with sugar, finely shredded orange peel and cocoa. Then beat well. Serve with biscuits and cookies. 
Cocoa - 25 g, egg yolks - 6 pcs., Sugar - 180 g, orange zest - 1 tsp. 

Cocoa with egg 
Cocoa powder mixed with sugar (10 g), add a small amount of water, grind to a homogenous mass, pour a thin stream of boiling water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Egg yolks beaten with sugar (10 g), separately whip protein and sugar (10 g). Cocoa pour into a cup, add the whipped egg yolk and white, sprinkle with grated chocolate. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 20 g, sugar - 30 g, water - 200 ml, egg - 1 / 2 pcs., Chocolate - 10 g. 

Cocoa with condensed milk 
Condensed milk with sugar to dilute the small amount of water (20% norm), and gradually mixed with cocoa powder. Add remaining water, bring to a boil. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 5 g, condensed milk - 40 g, water - 170 ml. 

Hot Cocoa 
Cocoa powder mixed with sugar, add a little hot water and grind until a homogeneous mixture, pour boiling water, bring to a boil. Ready to pour a drink in the cup. 
For 1 serving: cocoa powder - 20 g, sugar - 20 g, 
Water - 200 ml. 

Cocoa with milk 
Mix cocoa powder and sugar, add a small amount of milk and knead until smooth. Then pour a thin stream of boiling milk, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour into cups. 
For 1 serving: milk - 200 ml, cocoa powder - 10 g, sugar - 20 g. 

Chocolate drink (Brazil) 
Melt 250 grams of grated chocolate in 2 cups water and pour slowly (trickle) 1 liter of hot milk, sweetened 1 cup sugar and 1 / 2 cup broth natural coffee. Submit drink in glasses - at the request of cold or hot. 
Chocolate drink with whipped cream 
Cook the chocolate, then refrigerate. At the bottom of the cup to put in 1 teaspoon minced edible ice. Pour into the cooled chocolate and they add to 1 full teaspoon of cream. 

Chocolate drink with liqueur 
Preparing the report as well as chocolate drink with cream, with the only difference being that in a well-chilled drink instead of ice, add 1.2 tablespoons of liqueur. Cream sprinkle finely grated chocolate. 

Sour milk with chocolate and cream 
All the ingredients are well mixed. Served cold. Drink through a straw. 
For 1 serving: chocolate - 50 g cream - 40 g, sugar syrup - 20 g, yogurt - 250 g 

Chocolate drink "Bavaruaz" 
Beat egg yolk thoroughly with sugar. Chocolate is dissolved in hot milk. Then add the tea. Both masses are well mixed and put in a water bath. Mixture is stirred until foaming. Served hot. You can add coffee or vanilla. 
For 1 serving: egg yolks - 3 pc., Skimmed milk - 200 ml sugar - 150 g chocolate - 30 g, strong hot tea - 30 ml. 

Drink "Moore" 
Cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar in the mixture is poured into the milk and sea-buckthorn juice, mix thoroughly. Served chilled. 
For 1 serving: sea-buckthorn juice - 100 g cocoa powder - 4 tsp, powdered sugar - 5 teaspoons, boiled, cooled milk - 400 ml, vanilla sugar - 2 bags.

Secrets of milk

The first food that a person receives at birth, is the milk, first mother, then the cow or goat. 
Milk - one of the most important human food. Academician Pavlov called milk "amazing food, cooked by nature itself. The scientist is very well observed characteristics of milk: it is really food, because breast milk has everything a man needs. And all the components in milk are balanced as necessary to person. And the fact that milk is food, not drink (as many believe), confirm the smallest consumers of this product - babies who, thanks to him in the first months of life grow and develop normally. According to nutritionists, physiologists, pediatricians, milk and dairy products are essential for mental and physical development of children. In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, milk called "source of health", "juice of life", "white blood". 
On the healing properties of milk, a thousand years ago, said the great scientist Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna). He claimed that milk and dairy products are the best food for children and the elderly. Especially useful it is believed goat and donkey's milk, and recommended to drink it with salt and honey. 
In the Middle Ages treated milk has been forgotten and only at the end of the XVI century. Doctors have again used the milk in therapy. Important role in this activity has played a French doctor, Raymond Restore, which formulated based on the teachings of Hippocrates, the indications and contraindications to treatment with milk. 
In the XVIII century. Hoffman first drew attention to the use of milk as an antidote, and offered to divorce his mineral water. He considered milk anticonvulsants, slowing down and calming movement, believed that it improves the blood and displays the harmful substances from the body. 
Doctor FI Inozemtsev (1802-1869) suggested that their treatments milk pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, gastro-intestinal diseases, scurvy, cholera, nervous diseases. 
In 1865, the St. Petersburg physician F. Carrel described more than 200 cases of successful application of skimmed milk with cardiac decompensation, liver cirrhosis, lung disease, obesity, gout. SP Botkin evaluated milk as a precious tool in the treatment of heart disease and kidney. 
At the end of the XIX century by the classical studies of Pavlov and his students was given a firm scientific base for studying the processes of digestion and confirmed by the special value of milk and dairy products in the diet of humans and animals. 
Milk is indispensable to supply depleted, exhausted and weakened people. It increases body resistance and normalizes metabolism.