Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Japanese Tea

Tea, pounded in a special dish into a powder to fill in a pre-heated vessel and fill it heated to 60 ° C water (at this temperature for a drink get the most fragrant, but not completely extracted components of tea. The Japanese value the more flavor than extract). Cover jar with a lid. After a few minutes of steaming tea petals bloom again, as it were, and the water becomes yellowish-greenish hue. 
Somewhere in Japan, some teas are insisting on rain or melted water. Good infusion of green tea is obtained in about 1-2 minutes. It is believed that the best tea infusion is obtained in 5-8 minutes after brewing. 
There are tea drinkers, who drink the infusion, and then eat the sheets brewed green tea. 
There exists an ancient Japanese tea ceremony, especially the ceremony performed in a special tea or a separate pavilion in the garden of the house, and often just at home, in a special room apartment. Culture of tea made from tea drink - a kind of ritual, a long-established in people's daily life routine. 
The tea ceremony, as is usually translated into European languages, the Japanese word "tyanoyu", or rather, tea act, largely contains elements of spiritual and aesthetic character. 
In the tea act usually involved: the master of tea - those who make the tea and pours it, and those that are present at the same time, and then drink. The first is a priest, accomplishes the ritual, the rest - the participants of the ritual attached to it. 
Tea is made special, in powder, green. Cooking it consists of the following procedures: boiling water in a special pot (teapot) on a corner of the sakura (cherry tree), for brewing tea using a special teapot, has its own rules of movement of hands, shaken in a special tea cup, designed for just this purpose. They drink tea in the form of a fairly thick liquid. 
Japanese tea house - the abode of peace and quiet. Usually it is located in a quiet spot in the garden or park on the beach in the picturesque countryside. 
During the tea party are totally absent from the conversations between the guests. Everyone, including the owner, immersed in meditation on the comprehension of the laws of nature of the world. Many argue that in this spiritual contemplation, in deep concentration and is the main charm of Japanese tea