Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Botanical characteristics of coffee

Coffee is an evergreen shrub or evergreen tree height of 5-6 m of the family. This family combines up to 5000 species, 50 of them - the coffee trees, the fruit of which allow us to enjoy the delicious and aromatic drink. Coffee tree has a greenish-gray bark. Branches are long, flexible, spreading. Leaves entire, single cut, slightly wavy, opposite, 5-20 cm long and 1,5-2 cm wide, on short petioles. In the axils of the leaves is at 3.7 of the snow-white, fragrant, the correct form, cleavage-petal flowers, jasmine-like flowers. 
Coffee tree blooms and bears fruit abundantly throughout the year. Fruit - berry almost spherical or oval, black or dark red, dvusemennaya, the size of a cherry, and 1.5 cm in diameter with a totally edible pericarp. 
In the wild it grows in Ethiopia in the river valleys at altitudes of 1600-2000 m above sea level. Here and now you can meet overgrown coffee tree. 
Type of coffee tree and its fruit depending on variety, climate, soil, agricultural. The plant does not tolerate strong tropical heat and the weakest frosts. 
Coffee trees grow best in loose soil in a warm climate with stable temperatures and require up to 3000 mm of precipitation per year. 
Seeds are light-gray, oval, plano-convex, the flat side has a deep furrow. They are solid, covered with a thin "silver" or "parchment" shell, which when processed is erased, its remnants are held only in the groove. 
The average length of productive life of coffee tree - 50 years, and under favorable conditions of culture - 100 years. However, in many countries consider economically feasible to operate a coffee tree is not more than 20 years. 
Coffee - a beautiful room flower. With good care it blossoms in the third year. At home, a coffee tree bears fruit. From an adult plant can receive up to 500 g of green beans per year.