Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Airan and Kurt with Milk

Airan - fermented milk drink, popular in the Caucasus, Altai, Central Asia, Kazakhstan. It is usually prepared from boiled skimmed milk (cow, sheep or goat) by microbial fermentation of complex composition (milk leavens old ayranom). 
For some people the word "Airan" means a soft drink, a mixture of sour milk with water. Uzbek recipe, for example, provides for the dilution of curdled digested cold water in the ratio 1:1, after which the beverage is poured into glasses with ice. 
In Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan produces more milk product Ciacco (suemu) with removal of certain parts water. 
Kurt obtained by mixing airan with milk, pressing and drying it. This concentrated milk product popular in Kazakhstan. It is well preserved for quite a long time and is used for soups and sour thirst-quenching drink.