Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What happens Water?

What happens Water? 

It is known that regular sports activities contribute to improving the well-being, forming 
beautiful shape and good mood? It is regular. And if you work out one or two 
times, except for pain in the muscles, will accomplish nothing. Same thing with water. If the consume it 
regularly, it contributes to the conclusion from the body eliminate toxins and salt deposits, and leaching 
received from normal tap water chemicals, increases the overall body, 
contributes to getting rid of excess body weight and normalization of metabolism. 

Nutritionists recommend that daily consume 6-8 glasses of pure water. But most 
people lack drinking water, not to mention its quality. It is important that water 
used for a drinking and cooking, was the most pure. Safe drinking 
water improves health and prevents the emergence of many diseases. Those experts 
Diet is strongly recommended to use only environmentally clean drinking bottled 
water to be sure of water. 

Abroad, bottled water has received the widest dissemination and recognition. There it is inexpensive and 
on pokupaemosti among non-alcoholic beverages has no equal. 

What is bottled water? 

The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) gives her a definition: "Water is 
bottled, if it meets state standards, sanitary requirements 
water, placed in a sanitary container and sold for human consumption. In this 
it should not contain sweeteners or artificial additives, flavors, 
extracts and essences of natural origin can be added to bottled water 
amount not to exceed one percent of the weight, but if the water contains a higher percentage of additives, 
it applies to soft drinks. 

Most of the poor quality of drinking water from centralized water supply systems due to 
increased content in her iron and manganese. In a number of intakes found heavy metal salts 
(mercury, lead, cadmium) in concentrations exceeding the MPC, and the pathogens of infectious diseases. 

However, to abandon drinking water can not. The body needs at least 2.5 liters of water every day 
to compensate for natural losses. Water activates a sodium-potassium "pump", 
producing thus necessary for normal functioning of cell energy, which is starting 
mechanism for extra-and intracellular metabolism. Water is not just a liquid, a nutrient medium for the cells. 
Dehydration leads to violations of all the functions of processing of food, its synthesis and delivery 
necessary substances in accordance with the specific functions of the authority of the waste. The reason 
depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, and virtually all functional and 
pathological changes in the body may be dehydration, lack of water, which is 
trigger for all biochemical reactions and energy. 

Given the foregoing, it is clear that drinking water is one of the blocks that make up our 
health. So it turns out: the water from the tap is harmful to health (even in the form of boiled!), And 
abandon it, we can not! What can we do? How to take in our homes safe 
water? Exit - turn to professionals when transporting drinking water from artesian 
sources. This water not only contains no harmful contaminants, pleasant to the taste, but also useful for 
organism. Here are tips on the choice of drinking water: 

"What's the matter?" - You'll be surprised. Everyone knows that water is the sea and 
fresh, you can drink. That's the whole difference! Meanwhile, the water is divided into species and many 
other grounds. So, let's see how the scientific and practical point of view can 
classify natural water. 

Depending on the origin distinguished: 
1 Groundwater 
2 Surface water 


Artesian water 

Water, which by the pump rises to the surface from deep underground. It may dip 
under the surface in several layers or tiers, which are isolated from each other and separated 
waterproof layer of podruslovoy water. Sandy soils have a filtering effect in 
Unlike rocks. Prolonged finding water in porous soils artesian water 
reaches the soil temperature (about 12 ° C) and contains no bacteria. The chemical composition of artesian 
water is constant. This artesian water is particularly preferable for 
purposes of drinking water. 

Podruslovaya water 

Extracted by pumps from wells whose depth does not exceed the depth of the bottom of the river or lake. Quality 
this water is determined by the surface water in the watercourse, ie water, extracted in this way 
consistent quality - quality of water in the river or lake. Note that in this case 
ranges of temperature, odor and chemical composition. 

Spring water 

Underground water to spiral in a natural way to the surface of the earth. The composition of spring water 
strong fluctuations depending on the state of climate (rain, drought) and the time of year 
(melting snow). 

Surface water 

River water 

The river water is most susceptible to contamination, and therefore of little use for drinking water. 
It is contaminated food of life of people and animals, as well as the incoming wastewater 
water industry. Purification of water for drinking water is difficult because of the strong 
vibration pollution of river water, both in quantitative terms, and in its composition. 

Lake water 

Even if this water is extracted with great depth, it is not perfectly clear in the biological 
respect and therefore should receive special treatment. 

Water from reservoirs 

This refers to water from small rivers and streams, which is crowded in the upper reaches, where it 
the least polluted. When choosing the method and amount of necessary measures for water treatment is important 
one considers how much the water is contaminated and how high self-purification ability 


The sea water requires purification of salt and only then be made to the water network. As 
Generally, sea water is extracted and passes water treatment only at the coast, and in 
If you can not use another source of water supply. 

According to the chemical composition of water can be: 

1 Drinking Water 
2 Mineral Water 

In nature, water is never in the form of chemically pure compound. As a universal 
solvent, it always has a large number of different elements and compounds, composition and 
ratio is determined by the specific conditions of formation water, the composition of aquifer 


Mined both from different sources: groundwater and surface. This water must be clean and 
disinfected. Since it contains little salt (no more than one gram per liter), then suitable 
for drinking and cooking. 

Mineral water 

Mineral water has a composition of dissolved minerals and trace elements. Each component 
influenced by their: 
- Chlorine salutary influence on the kidneys 
- Magnesium lowers blood cholesterol 
- Calcium enhances immunity 
- Iodine increases thyroid function, 
- Bromine normalizes the work of the brain, 
- Potassium helps muscles activity, 
- Fluoride increases the resistance of teeth to caries, 
- Sodium regulates blood pressure, 
- Iron increases hemoglobin levels, etc. 

Currently, the existing State Standards for drinking mineral water include groundwater 
natural sources having constant chemical composition. The content of dissolved salts in 
drinking mineral water, is called mineralization. Depending on the level of mineralization 
water content of specific components are distinguished: 
- Canteen 
- Medical table 
- Medical drinking mineral water 

Even water and are distinguished by the degree of purification: 
- Natural water 
- Water supply 
- Boiled 
- Distilled (obtained from the cooled vapors) 

In addition, water can be liquid and solid (at temperatures below 0 degrees). Water can be 
even fossil (enclosed within rocks and minerals formed millions of years ago). 
She herself may be a useful fossil! In addition, besides the usual (light) of water in nature 
there is a heavy water (deuterium and tritium), which is called radioactive. 

And you say - water ... Water - not just the foundation of life. Water - it is life itself! 
Take care of your health - drink natural drinking water!