Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A miracle of nature or a healthy drink

Rooibos - a miracle of nature or a healthy drink 

Rooibos tea has appeared on the scene recently, and immediately won the hearts of lovers of tea. In a pleasant sweet taste and delicate aroma of wood-walnut Rooibos has numerous useful properties, of which many are not aware. 

Rooibos (rooibos), translated from Afrikaans (one of the official languages of South Africa) denotes nothing but a "red bush". Officially called the Aspalathus linearis bush and belongs to the acacia. Rooibos grows and is cultivated only in South Africa, in the cedar mountains 200 km north of Cape Town. Local tribe of Khoikhoi used rooibos spokon as a healing agent, a refreshing drink and a natural dye. It was as a healing drink rooibos was first described by Europeans in 1772, is described and immediately forgotten. The spread of this delicious drink in Europe, we are obliged to Russian tea merchant, Benjamin Ginsberg, who first drew attention to the flavor drink local residents. Since 1904 Rooibos became culturally and cultivated so successfully that in the 50 years the crisis of overproduction, with the result that was established a special commission, which still controls the quantity, quality and hygienic conditions of production. 

In the production of rooibos tea are iglopodobnye leaves of the plant, which, depending on the processing remain green or becoming more usual brick-red hue. To produce green Rooibos leaves after harvest immediately steamed to stop the fermentation process. Green Rooibos has a more delicate, herbal flavor, with the tea leaves gives a light color. In the red Rooibos is a natural process of fermentation is completed, then finally dried leaves are traditionally in the sun. Rooibos Infusion in itself has a sweetish taste, but the locals usually sweetens it further and then diluted with milk. Last new South African entrepreneurs - Espresso Rooibos, which in appearance and bracing effect nothing more than coffee does not distinguish from the original. The taste of Rooibos on top might seem a bit specific, too much wood, so "first" test is better to do with the flavored varieties, of which there are a great variety: orange, vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, etc. To enhance the flavor and Rooibos can be yourself using wedges of lemon or orange. Rooibos is similar in appearance to fine sawdust reddish-brown color, and those "tea leaves" pass through even the smallest strainers, so it is better to brew tea bags or paper filters, but as they say, a matter of taste. In a cup take 1 teaspoon of Rooibos, pour boiling water for 4-5 minutes, and insist. For therapeutic infusions Rooibos better boil a few minutes. Rooibos is very light on weight, so he spent quite sparingly. 

Unlike coffee or tea Rooibos contains no caffeine, no teîne that allows you to drink it at any time and for any amount, without fear of sleep or dehydration. It also makes Rooibos the ideal drink for children, newborns and nursing mothers. Another advantage before tea - a very low content in Rooibos tannin. Tanin (in tea, it contains 1,5 - 3%) prevents the absorption of iron, which is why pregnant and nursing women are not encouraged to abuse the ordinary tea. Tanya is also responsible for the bitter and astringent taste of strong tea, so that Rooibos can perezavarit. Another advantage before tea - the minimum content of rooibos oxalic acid, so it can be recommended for people prone to the formation of kidney stones. Brew Rooibos can be several times , and the taste of the drink from it or how not deteriorate. Infusion Rooibos very pleasant refreshing in the cold and even the next day does not lose its taste and useful properties. 

On the useful properties of Rooibos to tell apart, because they have African drink rife. A cup of Rooibos can be compared to a food additive - so many vitamins and minerals contained in this wonderful drink. To begin an ode to the Rooibos antoksidantnyh its properties. Antioxidants fight free radicals that damage the structure of DNA in the cells of our body, which leads to aging in general, and has the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals even before they managed to do harm. Antioxidant properties of green Rooibos is ten times stronger than the usual red. 

Infusion Rooibos contains vitamins C, E and F, A, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, copper, zinc, manganese and sodium. Rooibos is a natural source of tetracycline, which makes it an excellent antibacterials. Rooibos Infusion can be used as surface preparation (lotion, compresses) against dermatitis, itching, eczema, acne, skin irritation (including in infants). Rooibos is used as a remedy for colic and sleep disorders in infants, simply pour a bottle instead of water cooled infusion. Furthermore, Rooibos helps digestion, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure. Tea is used as an expectorant and sedative, as well as for the treatment of allergies and the prevention of caries. In South Africa among the European population Rooibos earned fame savior from a hangover. Today, being developed on the use of "African tea" in preparations for cancer, hepatitis and diabetes. Rooibos extracts are increasingly being used in cosmetics for skin and hair, the usual infusion of tea can be used as a tonic for washing and as an additive for the bath. 

Although the "red bush" panacea for all ills name is still impossible, but it is a wonderful tool for maintaining the body in better shape. Rooibos can drink the whole family, young and old: the same drink beneficial effect on everyone. Rooibos perfectly suited as a basis for fruit cocktails and punches, it can also be used for soups and instead of milk in the dough for baking. Today Rooibos is sold in almost every tea shop and does not cost more than regular tea. In winter Rooibos is becoming a source of essential vitamins and minerals - one more reason to discover a new drink if you have not already done so. Drink to Your Health!