Saturday, December 12, 2009

What and how to drink in the heat

What and how to drink in the heat 

In hot weather, the body loses about four liters of fluid per day. And it very much. After all, according to doctors, with the loss of one liter of us begins to thirst, with a deficit of two - reduced mental activity, with a deficiency of the three - begins dizziness, and if leakage of four - perhaps even fainting and heart attacks. 

Do not be carried away and drink that either too much 

Necessarily need to replenish lost. 

But with the mind and measure! 

Question one: how much fluid should be drunk in the heat? 

The most important thing: you should not be carried away and drink too much. 

Doctors warn: overabundance of fluid in the body is no less dangerous than its lack - such imbalances can seriously harm health. Therefore, to avoid dehydration in the heat experts recommend drinking up to 3 liters of fluid per day. No more - along with the fluid body will start to lose valuable salt, edema, can not cope with the stress the kidneys. Children are allowed up to 40 ml of liquid per day per 1 kg of body weight. That is a 20-kilogram child can be given safely in a day 4 cups of liquid. 

The second question: what is useful to drink beverages in hot weather? 

In the first place, of course, plain water. Doctors recommend it for her to focus. They even brought a precise figure: for every 1000 calories consumed need to drink about a liter of water. According to scientists, water is essential for human body because it participates in such important processes as: the regulation of body temperature, mineral salts, "transportation" of nutrients within the body, the output of metabolic products from the body and others. 

Especially useful in hot mineral water. It is divided into the dining room, dining room and medical-curative. Table water (with a salt content up to 1 g. per liter), in principle, you can drink all. There are occasional restrictions for health reasons, but this is sure to warn doctors. Medical table (5-7 g. of salts per liter) is also possible to drink almost everything, but not permanently. Always use it only for the maintenance of health in certain chronic diseases. What is the healing mineral water is clear already from the title. Such water (as in her more than 10 г. salts per liter) to use exclusively on the advice of a doctor. 

Also keep in mind the following: glass bottle is preferable to plastic and non-carbonated water healthier soda. And another tip: for once you should not drink more than 150-200 ml of water, it results in excessive load on the heart and kidneys. 

Second place - a cool little brewed tea, preferably with a lemon. In favor of green tea - a high content of vitamin E, which positively affects the blood vessels. In favor of black - its constituent caffeine, which is better tones. In principle, and he and the other equally useful. So this is a matter of taste. 

In third place - juices and nectars with low sugar content. But do not forget: doctors are recommending them to drink on an empty stomach or between meals - for an hour and a half before or after a meal. And the limitation to two or three glasses a day. As to precisely what kind of juice to choose, it is a matter of taste. However, in the presence of chronic diseases better to consult with your doctor whether you should drink the juice and which ones will be most useful. 

In the fourth place - milk and milk products. As for milk, it is recommended to drink skim: preferably with a fat content of 1% (maximum - 3.5%). Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and buttermilk is also perfectly quench thirst. 

Question Three: What drinks are not advisable to drink in the heat? 

First, coffee and caffeinated beverages (except tea) - they load the heart and blood vessels, can cause dehydration. 

Secondly, the beer, which can put a strain on the heart and blood vessels. In an extreme case - only a small amount. Doctors do not recommend to use more than 30-40 grams of pure alcohol per day. In terms of beer - is about one or two bottles. In large quantities, beer, as well as other alcoholic beverages is harmful to the organism. Note: should drink a beer with normal strength - 3.5% alcohol, the higher content of alcohol in this drink makes it harmful to health. 

Thirdly, alcohol - in the heat they give a huge strain on the heart and blood vessels and may pose serious health risks, even very good man. 

Question Four: What drinking regime should be followed in the heat? 

As one of the options specialists recommend the following regime: 

1. In the morning, before and after breakfast you can drink tea, coffee, mineral water or juice as much as you want. Later, over the next two hours will have to declare a "prohibition" or eliminate the dryness of the mouth a little sip of water. By the way, if you endure first a strong desire to drink, then later transferred to the thirst easier. 

2. During the third and fourth hours consumed in small sips a glass of cool water. During the lunch break before a meal can afford another glass of soft drink, but after only an hour after lunch you can drink as much as the soul desires. 

3. A similar procedure for drinking water treatment should be followed in the second half of the day, that is, within two hours after quenching their thirst no longer drink, but over the next two hours, drink a glass of cool water. Before dinner, have limited to one glass of liquid. At night it is better not to drink.