Saturday, December 12, 2009

The history of the "Coke"

The history of the "Coke" 


Dr. John Stith Pemberton, a chemist from Atlanta (Georgia, USA), prepared in 1886 syrup caramel color, which carried the "Jacobs" - the largest in the town pharmacy. The first portions of syrup sold for five cents a glass. Soon sellers pharmacies were mixed syrup with soda water - and do not know whether this happened by accident or intentionally. 

Kola in most countries is considered a typical American drink. Use of this drink is often an expression of commitment to the Western lifestyle. India Cola from 1970 to 1993, was banned. 

Initially, the main components of caffeinated cola was rich kola nut containing cocaine coca bush. Latter in 1903 was removed from the formulation, when it became known danger of cocaine. Today, coca is used without cocaine (which, in principle, has not yet been proved, since the production of the drink recipe strictly classified as a few decades ago). One glass (250 ml) of cola contains 6 (!) Teaspoons of sugar. 

The typical taste of today Cola receives from the addition of vanillin, tsimtovogo oil, clove oil and lemon. 

Criticism drink 

In general, claims against the vibrations are reduced to what it may have adverse effects on consumer health, in particular, causing obesity and other metabolic disorders, cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or even cause poisoning. Specific claims are generally summarized as follows: 

1.Kaloriynost drink excessively high, resulting in their consumption causes obesity. For example, Coca-Cola is a fairly high-calorie drinks (for comparison, the calorie Coca-Cola 42 kcal/100 grams and caloric content of beer - 38 kcal/100 g). And the sugar content of Coca-Cola 11.2 g/100 g (for comparison in the beer 3,8 g/100 g). Because the beverage is often used in excessive quantities, and is one of the most popular drinks among children and adolescents, and therefore can lead to obesity. In some cities, such as Los Angeles, for this reason was banned sales of Coke and similar beverages in schools, where they were replaced by milk, mineral water and juices. 

2.Vysokaya acidity also responsible for damage to teeth. Thus, scientists of the University of Jena (Germany) in a number of experiments it was found that the consumption of beverages with high acidity (such as cola or orange juice) may result in damage to tooth enamel, which can not be corrected by the natural repair mechanisms of the organism. 

3.In the cases of so-called "light" drinks used to replace sugar substances dangerous for human health. In particular, phenylalanine, is part of the sweetener, is contraindicated in patients with phenylketonuria. This information is widely distributed in the U.S. and Europe, but to consumers backward and developing countries, it sometimes does not reach. 

Responses to criticism 

Milk - 69 kkal/100g 
Kvass - 60 kkal/100g 
Kefir 3% fat - 53 kkal/100g 
Cola - 42 kkal/100g 
Skim milk is about - 40 kkal/100g 
Kefir 1% fat - 38 kkal/100g 
Beer - 38 kkal/100g 
Tea with sugar, 10 g / cup - 16 kkal/100g 

However, not all claims to the vibrations justified. 

1.Sami on a soft drinks can cause obesity. 

Sugar-carbonated drinks really calorie, but their calorie content is not excessive (as can be seen from the table, it is less than, for example, milk). Obesity is caused not the drinks, and their excessive consumption, because of which the number of used becomes significantly more calories expended amount. Specific metabolic disorders, which are the cause of fizzy drinks, so far not been found. 

2.Kislotnost beverages can damage the stomach. 

In fact, it is not so great, it is less than the acidity of gastric acid itself (so-called. "Gastric juice") so that it can not cause harm to the stomach. At cola ratio is only 2.5 pH units, and citric acid in the oscillations is smaller than an orange. 

3.Predpolozhenie about the harm to the teeth was experimentally disproved. 

Studies have shown that 5 minutes after a moment's mouthwash cola acidic pH balance in the mouth is 5.5 units in 10 minutes is 5.6 units, and 20 minutes later - 5,7. These indicators are not harmful to tooth enamel. But a temporary darkening of the enamel after drinking Coke really possible. Even if the day to leave a glass of cola, then on the walls of a glass formed by the characteristic brown plaque. The same plaque is visible darkening of the teeth. However, this plaque can clean off. 

On the other hand, it should say the following. 

1.Opasnost use fenilanina really exists, but only for patients with phenylketonuria, which, in reality, not so much. Manufacturers put a warning on the labels of drinks. 

2.Pretenzii the technological quality of the beverage are quite fair, but they can not be attributed to this class of beverages - is a common problem of food producers. 

3.Bezopasnost chemically synthesized components of the beverage really is not guaranteed by 100%, although, apparently, still fears are greatly exaggerated. Most of the "components of the letter E» are well studied and has long been used in food substances. 

General conclusions 

Question about the dangers of cola can not be definitively resolved. There are arguments both in favor of fairness concerns, as well as against it. The scientific study of this question are few, their methodological soundness is not obvious, and the fact that they are held, usually in the means of the organizations concerned, makes skeptical about the results. Nevertheless, some solid assumptions can be made. 

On the one hand, we can recognize the harmlessness of cola proven. On the other, apparently, that excess consumption should be held responsible for any injury, and not the drink. In addition, it should be noted that excessive consumption of cola is often part of an integrated system of malnutrition, when a person constantly eats junk food, cooked not in the best way (so-called fast-food: plenty of starchy foods, sweet, fatty, fried food, spices, questionable quality meat, the lack of essential food components, vitamins). In such cases it is difficult to separate the effects of proper use of carbonated drinks from the adverse effects caused by poor diet in general. 

You can also notice that a fair criticism of producers, conceal the possible harm from excessive consumption of cola.