Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Water resort home

Mineral water is useful not only to sober up and ulcer. 
Another 4 thousand years ago people in the North Caucasus have noticed the amazing curative properties of water from a mountain spring that heals the wounds. Modern medical research capabilities of different mineral water proof: they are really able to recuperate, strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body. 

The Beneficial stress 

Mineral water - the easiest way to support the health of the reserve forces, especially in the spring off-season. By the way, the biggest benefit of mineral water brings it to healthy people, ie those with no chronic diseases and pathologies. 

The action of mineral water is very thin: the cells of the stomach feeling a little stress, when the mineral water gets inside. Stressful situation runs counter-active effect of hormones - in the mucous membranes of the stomach and upper digestive system is 80% of those valuable enzymes. Stimulating the production of these hormones, mineral water activates the function of internal organs. 

But the body gets used to light stress rather quickly, and then the effect of water stops. Therefore, even the rich and the healing water, doctors do not recommend drinking for longer than 2-3 weeks. During this time, the minerals are creating a special protective barrier of the immune system, which is another two - three months suppresses the sensitivity of the organism to stress. After a 6-month hiatus, when the stomach "forget" about the action of water, you can return to the preventive windfall. 

Weak and strong 

Mineral water, regardless of the type of minerals are divided into two main types: strong and weak influence on the activity of hormones of the stomach and intestines. The strongest impact is on the water "Essentuki» № 17 - it contains sodium, chlorine and hydrogen carbonate saturation of 12 grams per liter. This is followed by "Essentuki» № 4 (saturated with minerals in the amount of 8 g / l) and Borjomi. 

Natural carbon dioxide bubbling in the mineral water, creates a sense of the rapid filling of the stomach, forcing authorities to work intensively on gastric secretion. So of highly water, increase the activity of the stomach, are recommended when atonic stomach (eg, diabetics). But people suffering from peptic ulcer disease and diseases caused by hyperactivity of the upper parts of the digestive system, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. Virtually healthy people is best to use srednemineralizovannye and srednegazirovannye water. 


1. If long hours and often drink mineral water, there is a danger transmineralizatsii - excessive accumulation of minerals in the body. Hence, the main rule: drink mineral water as necessary to prevent addiction to it. 

2. Chilled mineral water stimulates stomach harder than warm. For the recovery and recuperation doctors recommend drinking mineral water for 15 minutes before meals. If you forget to buy mineral water or cooled, a glass of cold boiled water can replace it, but the stimulation of the stomach will be weaker. 

3. Drink after a meal and drink mineral water is not harmful food (mineral water is compatible with any food), but the benefits of the drink is lost.