Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Drink : Cocktail "Cherry"

Cocktail "Cherry" - a cocktail with a fruity aromatic flavor. Our cookbook contains many recipes for festive drinks - cold drinks and hot drinks - punches, mulled wine, grog. Prepare cocktail "Cherry" on this tasty holiday recipes for New Year's table. 

Products cocktail "Cherry": 1 small glass of orange juice, 1 glass of cherry liqueur, 1 glass of brandy, 2 - 3 ice cubes, cherry wine. 

To prepare the cocktail "Cherry" in the shaker pour orange juice, cherry liqueur, brandy and ice cubes. Strongly shake and pour into glasses of champagne. Garnish with a cocktail wine cherries.

Drink the New Year's table

By the festive table, you can cook a variety of drinks, taking advantage of our recipes. Our cookbook contains many recipes for making cocktails, punch, grog, mulled wine, punch. Prepare punch of oranges and pears in our tasty holiday recipes for New Year's table. 

Products for the punch of oranges and pears: 4 oranges, 400 g sugar, 1 jar of canned pears, 3 bottles of dry red wine, 2 bottles of mineral water. 

To prepare the punch of oranges and pears from 3 oranges, remove the zest with float, without affecting the white skin. To punch 4 orange clean thoroughly from the white skin, cut some thin circles, remove all seeds. Place in rows kryushonnitsu all cut oranges, pour 400 g of sugar, put a few hours to chill. Pears punch to cut them into small cubes. Before submitting to the table in kryushonnitsu pour the juice out - under the pears, add the pears and cut all the red cover with a dry wine. The taste punch to add sugar and mineral water, orange zest and ice cubes.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Juice for baby food: Drink carrot and tomato juice MILK

Juice mixed with milk or yoghurt, add salt, pepper, parsley or dill. Served cold. 
At 1 liter to 0.5 cups of tomato juice, 1 cup of carrot and 3.5 cups of milk or yogurt. The rest is added to taste.

Juice for baby food: Strawberry milk drink


Strawberry juice, milk and sugar are mixed and cooled. At 1 liter drink to 2 cups of juice and 3 cups of milk. Sugar or honey - to taste.

Juice for baby food: APPLE-milk drink


Apple juice, milk and sugar stirred to dissolve sugar, add chopped nuts. Served chilled. At 1 liter drink to 2 cups of apple juice, 3 cups milk, 1 tbsp. tablespoon chopped nuts and sugar to taste.

Juice for baby food: Blackcurrant-milk drink


Sugar dissolved in water and boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, if served cold, and mixed with the juice of the black or red currants and milk. Can be served hot and cold. At 1 liter to 0.5 cups of juice, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons sugar, 1 cup of water and 3.5 cups of milk.

Juice for baby food: Apricot puree

Apricot wash, pit, put in a saucepan, add water (1 kg apricots 1 cup of water) and cook until soft wipe. In the resulting mash is added sugar, bring to a boil, add ascorbic acid, mix well and then quickly spread out of banks, which immediately roll their. At 1 liter mashed consume 1 kg of fresh apricots, 150 g of sugar on the tip of a knife and ascorbic acid.

Juice for baby food: Puree of carrots and apples

Carrots peeled, mince and cook until tender in a little water (to cover the carrots). Apples are washed, cut into 4 pieces and blanch for a couple or a small amount of water. Then rubbed through a sieve, add sugar, salt and bring to a boil. Ardent bottled in jars, sterilized at a temperature of 90-95 ° C banks with a capacity of 0,5 l 15 min, 1 l - 25 min. -- 
At 1 liter mashed spend 0,6 kg of carrots, apples 0,45 kg, 0,4 kg sugar, 5 grams of salt.

Juice for baby food: Puree of pumpkin and carrots

Puree pumpkin and carrot mix, add salt and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes, spread out hot in the prepared cans and pasteurized at a temperature of 90-95 ° C: banks with a capacity of 1 liter of 20 min, 0,5 L - 15 min. At 1 liter mashed pumpkin spend 0,6 kg, 0,65 kg of carrots, 6 g salt, 40 g sugar.

Juice for baby food: MASHED PUMPKIN

Pumpkin cleaned from skin and seed chamber, washed, cut into small pieces and boil or bake until tender. Then wipe. In mashed potatoes add salt, bring to a boil, laid out in the prepared cans, and sterilized in boiling water: 1 banks with a capacity of 0,5 l -15 min, 1 l - 20 min. At 1 liter mashed spend 1.4 kg pumpkin, 8 grams of salt .

Juice for baby food: KISSEL cranberry

Cranberries are sorted, cleaned, parboiled, put in boiled cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. The resulting juice is put in the refrigerator. Distillation of the berries and pour the water is boiled for 2-3 minutes. Broth filter through gauze. Part of broth is cooled, diluted starch in it, combine with the remaining broth and sugar, bring to a boil, stirring. Then cooled. Before serving jelly thoroughly mixed with cranberry juice. At 1 serving jelly taking 30 grams of cranberries, 10 g potato starch, a glass of water and 1 tbsp. spoon (no top) of sugar. Kissels children should be given only freshly prepared. In the same way you can make vitamin Website articles from any fruit.

Juice for baby food: MASHED CARROT

Carrots are washed, cleaned and boiled until tender, or chop and stew in a little water. Rubbed through a sieve, salt, heated to boiling, laid out in banks and sterilized in boiling water: banks with a capacity of 1 liter of 30 min, 0,5 L - 20 min. At 1 liter mashed spend 1.3 kg of carrots.

Juice for baby food: Green pea puree

Peas are washed, put into a saucepan and tenderize a small amount of water. If there are lumps are mashed, it rubbed through a sieve, salt, heat, hot laid out in cans and sterilized in boiling water: banks with a capacity of 1 liter of 40 minutes, 0,5 l - 30 min. At 1 liter mashed spend 1,1 kg purified pea, 8 grams of salt.

Juice for baby food: tangerines, oranges, Lemon

Mandarin, orange or lemon cleaned, parboiled, cut crosswise and squeeze the juice on the glass hill. If no slides, the fruit clean, separate, or cut into wedges and squeeze juice of boiled linen napkin. Lemon juice is necessary to dilute the sugar syrup. On 1 part juice 1 part 50% aqueous syrup (for syrup 0.5 cups of water and 100 g of sugar).

Juice for baby food: STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY

Ripe, fresh berries are sorted, washed in running water in colander, quickly pour over boiling water and gently razminayut in a mortar, not to destroy grains (seeds). The resulting shift in the pulp boiled cheesecloth and squeeze (vperekrutku). In the juice you can add sugar syrup to taste. Sugar syrup 50% concentration can store up to 2-3 days once. To do this, take the 0,1 kg of sugar, add 0.5 cups of water and dissolved in the fire, boil for 2-3 minutes, pour in the scalded jar, close the plastic lid and leave to cool. Kept in the refrigerator.

Juice for baby food : Currant OR Gooseberry

Ripe, fresh fruits are sorted, washed under the tap, pour over boiling water, pour into cheesecloth, folded in half, and, pressing with a spoon (stainless steel or silver), squeeze the juice. In the finished juice must add 50% sugar syrup (1 / 3 of the volume of juice).

Juice for baby food : Jelly

Ripe black and red currants, strawberries, raspberries washed in the shower, crushed and fray through sieve. Cook syrup (400 g sugar 50 g water). Then, a little cooled syrup thoroughly mixed with berry puree, pour into cans with a capacity of 0.25 liters (Mayonnaise jars), polyethylene closed scalded lids and put it into the refrigerator. At 1 cup mashed take 0,5 glass of syrup.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cabbage juice


Cabbage juice can be obtained during normal fermented slaw. Purified from the upper (exterior) contaminated lettuce chopped with a knife or a shredder. Slaw mixed with salt (1 kg cabbage 10-15 g of salt), and grated carrots (1 kg cabbage 50 g of carrots). Then stack in enamel (bucket, pot, a can) or glassware, utrambovyvaya rocking chair and put in a dark place for 2-3 days. Then squeeze the juice, filtered, bottled and pasteurized in a container with a capacity of 1 liter cans 10 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C. Or juice in a pan heated to 70 ° C, stand 4-5 minutes and pour hot steamed in cans and sterilized.

Sauerkraut BEET JUICE


Well colored beets are cleaned with a brush, cut into 6-8 parts, put in a bucket or enamel saucepan, pour in warm (50-60 ° C) water and set to ferment at room temperature. After 6-10 days fill drained, beets shredded on a grater and squeeze the juice. Then fill juice and filtered, and mixed. add apple juice and cumin extract. The extract is prepared as follows: in a small amount of fill added sugar and cumin 20-30 g, bring to a boil, boil for 5-8 minutes, cover with lid and cooled at room temperature. Before mixing with the major components filtered. After mixing the juice is heated to boiling, pour into a prepared container and arouse. At 10 liters of juice costs 4 liters of beet juice, fill 3,5, 1,7 liters of apple juice, 0.8 kg of sugar, 20-30 grams of caraway.

Juices from Green vegetables

Fresh young leafy vegetables - spinach, watercress, tarragon (tarragon), lettuce, dill, fennel plucked from weeds and damaged parts, cleaned and finely cut and blanch for a couple of 2-3 min. Then squeeze the juice by pressing or juicer. The resulting juice add some salt to taste and acidified with citric acid. Pasteurize better in a water bath at a temperature of 85-90 ° C banks with a capacity of 0,5 l 20 min, 1 l - 30 min. The way these hot filling pasteurized juices are not desirable, since they contain a certain amount of pulp and heating stratified. Packaged in a jar, too, and stratified them before use should be mixed, or beat with a mixer. For 1 liter of juice consumption of raw materials in such quantity, kg: Spinach - 1,4; cress - 1,5; lettuce - 1,5-1,7; tarragon - 1,3; dill - 1,5. 
Juices from leafy vegetables are used as components for the preparation of blended vegetable juices, drinks, cocktails, as well as dietary food for various diseases.

Carrot juice with the Sahara

The first method. Carrot thoroughly cleaned with a brush, peeled, rinsed under a shower, rubbed on a coarse grater, add water (1 kg carrots 0.25 cup of water) and stew over low heat until tender. After that, a lot of double-passed through a juicer, then through a sieve and whisk mixer. For 1 liter of homogenized puree add 1 liter of a 10% sugar syrup, the mixture is heated to boiling, stirring carefully. Withstood boiling for 5-8 minutes and pour into prepared scalded jars and bottles, immediately sealed by. 

Second method. Carrots cooked in their skins. Hot cleaned, pulverized in a meat grinder or auger juicer. The resulting mass is mixed with with 10% sugar syrup (1 liter weight of 100-150 ml of syrup), further pulverized with a mixer and as soon as possible is heated to boiling. Boil for 5-8 minutes, pour into prepared hot jars and bottles and immediately hermetically sealed.

Unclarified juice from fresh carrots

Carrots with a high content of carotene (type varieties Karotel, Nantes), thoroughly wash the brush, scrape and rubbed on a fine grater (more convenient to use a mechanical or electrical rubbing) and squeeze the juice under the press or juicer. The resulting juice is optional add some salt, acidified with citric acid to taste, pour into cans and sterilized in boiling water bath: banks with a capacity of 0,5 l - 30 min, 1 l - 45 min. If you can maintain good 1 carrot fresh, the juice is better prepared immediately before use, and the cake to use for cooking carrot meatballs. For 1 liter of juice spend 1,5-2 kg of carrots.

Pear juice

First method. For the fruit juice are suitable for all varieties with thin skin. They are washed, cut into slices of thickness 18-25 mm, remove the core, put in a pan, interspersed with sugar (0.3 kg per 1 kg) and maintained at a temperature of 20 ° C, 30 h. 

The second method (for fruits with thick skin). They take 600 grams of pear and 400 g of strawberries remontant varieties. Pears washed, peeled, cut into wedges and remove core. Then prepare the strawberries (see pp. 47). Then they all piled into a bowl, interspersed with sugar (0.3 kg per 1 kg) and maintained at a temperature of 3-5 ° C 64-72 h or at 20 ° C, 30 h. pear juice can be blended with apple, black currant, and other acidic juice.

Blueberry Syrup


Mass remaining after juice extraction, immersed in boiling syrup (0.3 kg sugar, 1 cup water, 1 liter of mass), it can withstand a lot at 85 ° C, 5 min, drained, heated to 80-85 ° C, quickly pour into scalded cans 0,5-1 liter bottles or a similar capacity, and immediately sealed by

Blueberry juice


They take the ripe berries. Through them, removing twigs, leaves and stalk, washed, obsushivayut. Small portions folded into a shallow bowl, prick "hedgehog" and shift into the pan, sprinkling sugar (0.35 kg per 1 kg of berries), can withstand 28 h at 20 ° C, the juice is drained, heated to 80-85 ° C , bottled and sealed by hot. Juicy blueberries are well blended with apple or cherry sour cherries, currant, Peach.

Cranberry juice

The berries are sorted, washed, immersed in boiling water (in a colander) for 1-2 minutes, allow water to flow down, obsushivayut. Then lace the sugar-sand (0.2 kg per 1 kg), maintained at a temperature of 18 ° C, 19 h. The juice is drained and the remaining mass of the secondary treated the same way. The juice of the first and second discharge is mixed, heated to 80-85 ° C , hot-filled into sterilized packaging and sealed by. Cranberry juice is well blended with fresh juices - nizkokislotnym apple, carrot, beetroot, pear, cherrywood, pumpkin.



Suitable fruits of all sorts. Sorted by size ripe fruits of different colors are washed, dried, pit, put the fruit in a bowl. For them to fall asleep juice sugar (0,4-0,5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit, depending on their acidity) and maintained at a temperature of 20-22 ° C 22-24 h or in a refrigerator at 3-5 ° With 72-75 hours Receive juice as well as strawberry. Cherry syrup are the same as cherry.



Remaining after the juice mass immersed in boiling sugar syrup (1 kg of sugar and 4 cups of water to 3.5 kg), heated to 85 ° C and can withstand 8 min. Outputs of syrup filter through a colander or sieve in a sterilized jar and immediately sealed by the same. Of the remaining fruit can be cooked dried cherries or jelly.


They take the fruits of different colors (white, pink, red), sort them according to the degree of ripeness, cleaned from peduncles, remove damaged, ugly, washed, obsushivayut. After this pit, put the fruit in a bowl, layered lace sugar (2.2 kg to 4 kg of fruit) and maintained at a temperature of 20 ° C 22 h. Then, get juice like a strawberry on the first method.


First method. The ripe berries are placed in a dish, layered lace sugar (0.4 kg per 1 kg of berries) and maintained at a temperature of 20 ° C, 24 h. Then the juice is drained and treated, and the remaining mass subjected to heat treatment for 7-10 min in syrup at 85 ° C (for the syrup: 3 '/ 2 cups of water and 0,7 kg of sugar per 2 kg of weight) and get blackberry syrup. 

Second method. Bramble fruits (1 kg) and chopped fresh rose petals (50 g) placed in one container, interspersed with sugar (0.5 kg) and maintained at a temperature of 2-5 ° C 3 days. Juice and syrup are the same as the first method of the blackberry or the second of the strawberries.


For the remaining mass of prepared sugar syrup (0.3 kg of sugar and 1.5 cups water for 1 kg mass). When the syrup boils, add the weight, stirring it a wooden spatula, utensils covered with a lid, maintained at a temperature of 90 ° C 7-8 min. Then give a mass to cool to 60 ° C, syrup filter through a sieve or colander into sterilized jars, which are closed. Of the remaining fruit can be cooked dried berries, mashed potatoes, cranberry jelly. 

The second way. If the berries are processed at once is not possible, then pour in sugar, as the first method, they are placed in the refrigerator for 70-72 h. The resulting juice is drained, and the remainder of the mass produced by other products. But you can still get extra juice. For the remainder of the mass is poured boiling water (1 liter of mass 2.5 cups of water), boil for 3-5 minutes, then squeeze the juice. The resulting juice is mixed with previously obtained, heated to 80-85 ° C, is poured into hot sterilized jar and immediately sealed by. The resulting secondary juice can not be confused with the first juice, and use it for cooking liquor and in the future - to make jams or jams.

Strawberry and raspberry juice

The first way. Fresh, but not over-ripe strawberries are sorted by size, washed in cold boiled water, then dry it and terminate the sepals, placed in an enamel or glass container and lace in layers of granulated sugar (2.2 kg to 4 kg of berries). Tara with the content covered with a lid and stand at room temperature for 24 h to separate the juice, and the berries are flexible and elastic. Then, the resulting juice is poured into sterilized jars, which close the lid and put in the refrigerator, not by applying heat treatment, if the juice is used in during 2-2,5 months. For long-term storage of the juice is heated to 82-85 ° C, hot poured, and immediately hermetically sealed. The resulting juice can be blended with other juices (especially natural). Adding to them mineral water (1: 1) You can get a nice cold soda. Add milk or cream, you can get fruit and milk drink

ARONIEVY and Rowan

It is well matured, but not over-ripe fruits are sorted out - selected fruiting branches, remove spoiled, washed first in warm water in the pan, and then in a sieve under the faucet. Washed fruits are placed in a saucepan, add there drinking water (1 kg of fruit 0,5 l water) and with regular stirring, bring to a temperature of 85-90 ° C. Maintained at this temperature until tender, cooled to 45-50 ° C, and squeeze the juice in any way. Using sokovarki preheat is not required. The resulting juice is filtered through flannel or wool, heated to 90 ° C, pour into hot containers and immediately sealed by. At 10 liters of juice consume 16-18 kg of fruits. Ryabinovoye natural juices concentrated, astringent. When harvesting the winter they can not add sugar, and before use dilute sugar syrup, or use for blends, cocktails. Juice and sugar. Take away fully ripe fruit, separated from the peduncle, wash, blanch for 2-3 minutes in hot water, obsushivayut and small portions are placed in a bowl, nakalyvaya "hedgehog" or sharpened wooden rolling pin, lace sugar twice at 0.2 kg and twice maintained at a temperature of 22 ° C for 20 h. The juice of the first and second discharge is mixed, heated to 80-85 ° C, hot-filled into cans or bottles and immediately sealed by.

STRAWBERRY, raspberry, blackberry, Blueberry, cranberry, Golubichnaya, Brusnichnaya

Natural juices are squeezing sorted, mytogo under running water (shower) and heated to 75-80 ° C material or in sokovarke followed by filtration and pasteurization. Juice with sugar is most advisable to obtain as follows. Prepared (sorted, washed and separated sepals and the stalk) lace fruit sugar (1 kg grapes 1 kg of sugar) in an enamel pot (pot, bowl, bucket) and put in 14-16 hours in cool place or refrigerator. On the morning of the resulting juice is drained and the berries are poured with hot 30%-syrup in an amount equal to half of the berries, ie, 1 kg of berries 0,5 liter of syrup. Insist syrup at room temperature for 4-6 hours, then poured the juice and berries pressed. All three servings of juice mix, bring to a boil, removing scum from the rising up the remnants of the pulp is poured into prepared cans and hermetically sealed. Of the remaining cake can be prepared by filling for pies, adding the sugar (0.5 kg per 1 kg cake) and citric acid to taste. The resulting mass of boiled on low heat stirring continuously for 20-25 minutes. At 10 liters of natural strawberry juice consume 15 kg of strawberry, raspberry juice - 16-18 kg of raspberries, the juice of wild berries - 15-20 kg of berries.


For processing fruits are suitable only well-matured and healthy without any signs of spoilage. They are carefully cleaned, cut into 4.6 parts by hand squeeze or press on the juicer (in this case is crushed to 12-16 parts), filtered through gauze, quickly heated to 80-85 ° C, poured into a prepared container and hermetically sealed. For 1 liter of juice spends 1.6 kg of fruit. 


To prepare the juice is used only mature, yarkookrashennye not moldy grenades. Washed fruit cut 2-4 pieces and pressed (better to use a manual press). The resulting first portion of the juice is filtered, pasteurized at a temperature of 80-85 ° C and poured into banks, followed by sealing. The remaining cake can add water, heat and molded. The second portion of juice is used for Kiselev, sauces, etc. The 1 liter of juice cost 2 kg of pomegranates. 

Acute pomegranate juice. Well matured grenades cut into 4 pieces, squeezed juice, heated to 70-80 ° C, add chopped green coriander, grated garlic, salt and pepper, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour boiling in the prepared jars, roll their. Use as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. For 1 liter of juice spends 1,5 kg garnets, 75 g of green coriander (cilantro), 6 cloves garlic, 15 g of salt and 2.5 g of red pepper.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Juice of honeysuckle

The ripe berries are edible honeysuckle washed and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice contains particles of pulp, so it must be filtered through a double layer of gauze boiled or dense fabric. It is recommended to 1 liter of juice, add 150-200 grams of sugar. The juice is bottled in small cans with a capacity of 0,5-1 liter, cover with metal lids, pasteurized and arouse. The juice of honeysuckle can also be obtained using sokovarki. To do this, you must first little berry crushing. At 1 kg of grapes planted in sokovarku, add 0,15 - 0,20 kg of sugar. Out of juice - 60-80%. The juice has an intense color, high concentrations of acids, sugars and biologically active substances. Before use, the juice must be diluted to taste with boiled water.


The ripe fruits are washed, cleaned from seeds, cutting the fruit in half, remove the stalk and receptacle and wash several times to completely remove the prickly hairs. : Groomed Briar laid in a saucepan, add 1 kg of fruit 1 glass of water, heated to 50-60 ° C and hot squeeze in any way. Then the juice is filtered through the dense tissue is heated to 90 ° C and pour into prepared sterile container with subsequent capping. At 10 liters of juice costs 30 kg unprepared hips. Juice and sugar. Halved fruit blanch in boiling water for 1.5 minutes, give water to flow down, interspersed with sugar (0.4 kg per 1 liter jar of fruit), kept at room temperature for 6-8 and in the fridge 12-16 hours, the juice is drained and Conserve

Juice Sahara from Elderberries

Washed and sorted elderberry black is heated to soften for a couple or a small amount of water, crushed tolkachikom, squeeze the juice. In the resulting juice add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into a prepared container and hermetically closed. 
For 1 liter of juice consume 1 kg of berries and 0,4 kg of sugar.

Juice from black, red and white currant, gooseberry, lemongrass

All of these berries, especially blackcurrant contain large amounts of pectic substances that hold water. Therefore, even from well-crushed currant very badly squeezed juice. Increase yield of juice can be pre-heating the berries to 70-80 ° C. The juice can also be obtained by sokovarki. This currants are sorted out, removing the green, immature, spoiled berries and ridges bunches. Washed in running water. When the water stechet, currants slightly shifted in enamelware and lay in sokovarku. When extraction of juice press or auger juicer to add currants washed clean water (1 cup per 1 kg of currants) and set on fire. The mixture is heated, stirring constantly until the berries until the skin begins to burst. Lightly chill and have a lot of hot pressed. Remaining cake after pressing contains many useful substances, especially as it remains part (about 2 / 5) juice, which makes it possible to use it for making jam. The resulting juice is brought to a boil and pour. This juice is concentrated, so it is used as intermediate products for cooking in winter juice with sugar (canned juice mixed with sugar syrup), various drinks, blended juices, etc. At 10 liters of juice consume 20-24 kg of raw materials, 10 liters juice from the vine - 28 kg of berries. Juice and sugar. They take fresh berries, clean them from the peduncle, wash, dry with a dry, poured into a bottle with a capacity of 1 to 10 l as follows: a layer of berries, sugar layer, and so on several occasions up to the top (top layer should be sugar). To better berries mixed with sugar after each addition of sugar bottle thoroughly shaken. Neck bottles tightly closed with a sterile cotton swab by wrapping it with gauze or a clean piece of cloth. Bottle with berries can be stored in a room. She put in a dark place or refrigerator. When the first signs podbrazhivaniya be spiked with sugar until not completely stop the process of fermentation. The juice is drained and stored in the refrigerator. Obtained in this way preserves the quality of the juice of fresh berries, their aroma. Berries can be used for jelly. 1 kg berries spend 1,5 kg of sugar


Of the plum juice are poorly directed. Therefore, they blanch: the fruits are washed and put into a saucepan and add 1 kg of a glass of water is heated. If Electrojuice use of pre-discharge pit. When you see the cracks and the characteristic reticulation of the skin, plums, remove immediately with hot pressed. In the remaining water can blanch for 2-3 more servings of plums. Then this water is added to the resulting juice. The juice is filtered and store the same as Apple. At 10 liters of juice costs 20 kg of plums. Juice and sugar. Of the plum pit, large fruit cut in half, put in the dishes, interspersed with sugar (0,4-0,45 kg of sugar per 1 kg plums), can withstand 5-6 h at room temperature or 16-18 hours in the refrigerator. Then the juice is drained, bring to a boil, removing the foam, pour hot and sealed by.


Cherries are sorted out, remove the dried, unripe, immature, damaged and moldy fruit and stalk. Then wash in running water and allow it to drain. Washed cherries are removed from the stone, using a special device or a common hairpin. Brush cherry clean enamel pot or bucket. Upon completion of this work will be covered shelled fruit juice, which is pumped through a clean cloth or cheesecloth into another pot. The remaining cherries lightly pressed enameled lid with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the dish in which they reside. Juice flowed again filtered. So squeeze a few times. In this way, are concentrated cherry juice. Of the 10 kg of cherries leaves no more than 5-6 liters of juice. Of the remaining cherries can cook a complete jam. Concentrated juice is used for cooking cherry drinks, fruit drinks, Kiselev, jellies, as a component in cocktails and for dyeing and bargain in taste acuity in blends with sharp and fresh fruit and vegetable juices. 

For billets in store filtered juice is brought to a boil, skim, immediately poured into a prepared container and hermetically sealed. Cherry juice may be obtained by pressing or by sokovarki. Before pressing enumerated and washed cherry razminayut tolkachikom, trying not to crush the stone. After the first squeezing or pressing on each kilogram of the remaining cherry marc add 1 cup of water, heated to boiling, boil for 3-5 minutes and a second squeeze the juice. So do it again. The juice of the first and second pressing can merge together and preserve, and the latter used to kissels and other dishes. Before preserving and juice filter. With this method of 13-15 kg of cherries receive 10 liters of juice. Before loading into sokovarku cherries are sorted and washed. In the cherry juice can be added sugar. It is added immediately before pasteurization or asleep cherries (preferably stoned). Sprinkled with sugar cherry (1,0: 0,5) stand 6-8 hours in a cool place (preferably in a refrigerator). Then the juice is drained, cherries and lightly squeeze received a second batch of juice mixed with the first, bring to a boil, pour into prepared container and arouse or hermetically sealed by corks. Of the remaining cherries cooked jam


The first method. Sokovarke in fruit softening, as in obtaining clarified juice. Squash from the colander shifted into the hopper auger juicers. 
Marcus, formed during the extraction of juice and puree, repeatedly rubbed through a sieve. Remnants discarded. All puree is mixed with juice, separated from the sokovarki, and with sugar syrup to obtain a soft consistency. In juices baby food add syrup - 100 g of syrup per 1 kg of potatoes - a mixture of juice (for syrup 40 grams of sugar and 1 / 4 cup water). In the beverages of liquor can be increased to 150-200 g per 1 kg of potatoes - juice mixture. The concentration of sugar in it is reduced to 20-30%. Instead of sugar syrup to the sauce - a mixture of juice, you can add apple juice (about 150 ml per 1 kg of mixture), and sugar - 40-50 g per 1 liter of the mixture. Using the resulting mash, you can cook and other blended juices. 

Second method. The fruit is cleaned from the skin and core (seed nests), cut into pieces the size of 10-15 mm, is placed in sokovarku and soften, as in obtaining clarified juice. The fruit must be completely softened, become a solid "air" mass with temperature 80-85 ° C. While the resulting solid mass (mashed potatoes) is not cooled, it is poured into sterilized glass jars, which are closed with metal lids and leave for storage. In the winter of mashed potatoes prepared juice with pulp and sugar, as the first method. The juice can be obtained from freshly prepared mashed potatoes in the same way.

Apple juice in SOKOVARKE

Fruit with a knife or a special device is cut into slices with thickness of 10-15 mm, which is then cut again in half in height. If you cut the fruit into larger pieces, they are under further heating in sokovarke will slowly heat up, and therefore slow to provide the juice, with the resulting juice will be diluted by water vapor condensation. Very small pieces quickly turned into puree, which clogs the hole colander (perforated pans) sokovarki. Access to the central pair of layers terminated because of what hampered sokootdacha and the resulting juice is diluted. At the bottom of the pot sokovarki water is heated to boiling. It placed second pot with a hole in the middle to create space with steam and collecting the juice. The second pot is inserted into the third - a colander with chopped fruit. Steam which is released from the bottom pan, heat the fruit and soften them. This fruit juice is isolated, which flows down the tube in the pan substituted. If the fruit is heated slightly, the juice will ooze and to cool quickly. We must therefore ensure that the water boiled key. To increase the temperature of boiling water, add salt. After full softening fruit sokovarku dismantled, poured the remainder of the second pan juices in the pan-collector. If the resulting juice has a temperature of not lower than 80 ° C, it immediately pour into hot, pre-sterilized cans and hermetically closed. If the juice is cooled, it is heated to 80-85 ° C and poured. Similarly, in sokovarke can get juice from other fruits and berries. From the mass remaining in the colander, cook potatoes, and from it - candy, jam, podvarku, juice with pulp. For harvesting potatoes in store it is heated to 85-90 ° C, pour into hot sterilized cans and roll their metal lids.

Apple juice with SUGARS

Use mainly optimally ripe summer fruits and ranneosennih varieties. Get them the usual pressing of the juice can be difficult, because due to the softness of the fruit, he became very muddy. When extracting the juice out of his sugar is low. But it can get a beautiful, full of juice and other products. Juice is prepared from treated and untreated fruits. It should be remembered that most vitamins in the skins and outer layers of flesh. If the juice is prepared from the fruit without skin, the rind is used for making syrup. The fruits are washed, cut into slices with thickness of 20-25 mm, remove the stalk, seed cells, washed with boiled water, obsushivayut in gauze, put in a pan, interspersed with sugar (400-500 g per 1 kg of fruits, depending on their taste), stand at room temperature for 6-8 and in the refrigerator - 12-16 h, poured juice, heated to 80-85 ° C and hot filled into cans or bottles. If you store no more than 2,5 months of juice is not heated, and placed in a refrigerator. Of the remaining fruit is boiled jam or marmalade. You can also make pear and quince juice. At 10 liters pear juice spend about 18-20 kg of pears, and 10 liters / Aubergine Paste - 20-22 kg of quince.


Tasty and healthy juice can be obtained from the apples of autumn and winter varieties. The quality of the juice also depends on the degree of ripeness of apples. From Immature fruit goes sour and astringent juice of overripe - muddy. Therefore, for the processing of juice apples should be selected technical maturity, ie, when they reached a size, color, aroma, characteristic pomologicheskomu class, but still solid. Ripe fruit drop of winter varieties of apples should be processed on the day of collection. To improve the vitamin juice can for every 3 kg of apple cultivars to add 1 kg of apples or polukulturnyh forest classes (iris, Chinese apples). In principle, the fruits of summer, autumn and winter varieties of apples suitable for processing into juice. If possible, the better to prepare a mixture of apple juice from different varieties. For example, fruit Antonovka very fragrant and have a sour taste in the Fall of striped (Shtreyfling) - have a sweet taste in a mixture of 1:2 (1 kg Antonovka Shtreyflinga 2 kg), they will give excellent fragrant sweet-sour juice. The juice of the sweet apples and fresh Delicious malovitaminny. Therefore, to him should definitely add apples Calvin snow or Mekintosh or Boiko. Juices from fresh or sour apples may be provided at a semi-finished products for cocktails and to produce blended juices. 
Selected for processing apples are thoroughly washed, cut out the rotten place (otherwise the juice will smell like mold!) And darkened (brown) from blows pulp (such dark dents often on dropped). Then the apples are ground - better to elektroovoscherezke Knife shinkovaniya carrots or diced. You can use mechanical vegetable grater with large holes or a meat grinder with large bars. To juice is not oxidized, it is better to use an enamel grinder. 

Fruits should grind so that they become a mass consisting of pieces of 5-10 mm. At the same time not too crush them. If you make the fruit puree in the mass, then it will be difficult to separate the juice and got very muddy. Pulp is pressed flat on a manual screw press (as in obtaining grape juice) or use Electrojuice, auger juicer, steamer. When using the steamer apples better peel, seed and stalk cells, while the remaining sauce can be used for making jam. The collected juice was filtered through 2 -3 layer of gauze or flannel in a pot, which put on a strong fire and heated to 90-95 ° C, ie, almost to a boil, make sure to remove the foam. This juice is lightened. Then the juice is hot again filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze, cotton, and 2-3 layers of gauze. The filtered juice is again heated to 80-85 ° C, hot-filled into cans and arouse. The juice can be heated and only once. In this case, it will be with sediment. To release the juice from the sediment can be as follows. Before use, the jar with juice lowered one end of rubber hose, the other - in an empty jar, which is installed on a lot below the bottom of cans of juice. Juice spill into the empty jar, and the residue left on the bottom of the banks. 

In apple juice, as well as in grape, if desired, you can add sugar. This is done or before pasteurization, or immediately prior to use in the winter. In addition, in apple juice to improve flavor you can add different herbs. 

First method. Freshly picked, or dried grass, pour a small amount of juice (that was covered with grass), bring to a boil, cover with lid and cooled at room temperature. Lukewarm brew is filtered through a dense fabric, followed by squeezing the grass and mix it with the remaining juice. Flavored juice is heated over high heat until 85 ° C, quickly poured into containers and hermetically sealed by. 

Second method. Freshly plucked grass (selected weeds and impurities), thoroughly washed, dried, spread one layer on a clean cloth (towel) in a shaded spot, cut into pieces or taken apart in the twigs. Heated to 40-50 ° C juice is poured into the banks, there also lay the grass and then pasteurized at a temperature of 90 ° C banks with a capacity of 0,5 l 15 min, 1 l - 20 min and 3 L - 30 min. To add flavor of apple juice used oregano, thyme, balm, lofant, as well as cloves and cinnamon. If the juice flavored infusion of herbs or spices, then to 1 liter of juice taken 10 g of fresh, 20 g of dry grass or 0.5 g of cloves and cinnamon. 
If the juice flavored with fresh herbs, then to 1 liter of 5 g is sufficient or 3-5 pcs. cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. At 10 liters of juice consume 16-17 kg of apples


To prepare juice suitable ripe berries almost all varieties of grapes (and dining rooms, and technical). Freshly-harvested grapes are browsing, removing damaged fruit, then carefully washed. If the clusters have left traces of toxic chemicals, they are pre-dipped in 1% solution of hydrochloric acid for 1-2 minutes, then wash under the tap. 

Upon receipt of juice from white grapes berries from the ridges are not separated. When producing red juice combs are removed and crushed berries (pulp) before pressing necessarily heated to a temperature of 50 ° C, stirring constantly wooden spatula. Pulp is maintained at this temperature for 5-10 minutes. Then it cools down a bit under the lid, and a good warm it pressed flat. Such processing is necessary to extract juice bright ruby color. From the pulp of red grape varieties are mainly colorless juice. The main painting substance juice is a thin skin. In addition, it contains more tannic and aromatic substances. The high temperature skin is destroyed, it all goes into the juice. However, it should strictly maintain the temperature and duration of heating. Prolonged heating or heating at high temperatures juice has a rough, astringent taste. It destroys vitamins and aromatic substances. Juice gets very dark color and taste boiled. 

The juice obtained by pressing, muddy. There may be particles of pulp, skin, etc. Therefore, it should filter (filtered) through the dense fabric (flannel, linen in two layers), and in the presence of a refrigerator - to give stand for 8.12 h. This length of time the juice can only stand in a refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 5 ° C. In other juice may begin to ferment and lose all your valuable qualities. Then carefully pour the juice should be. Since cook the juice with a large amount of raw materials (over 10 kg). If the material is small, the juice can be obtained by hand auger juicers, Electrojuice or sokovarki. Pasteurize the juice obtained by pressing, with screw or Electrojuice, in two ways: hot spill or pasteurization in the container. 

With the first method the juice in a saucepan of unoxidizable material bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the flame to the slight boil and quickly pour the juice in a pre-washed and treated with hot steam banks. This work easier vypolnyat together. One feeds on the plate scalded Bank, the second fills her juice, closes the lid and put on the table. At this time, the first puts a new bank for shparki, and then rolls up the bank, filled with juice, turns it on the cover, etc. In the second method, the filtered juice is heated to a temperature of 50-60 ° C, poured into scalded jars, cover with a lid and put on the bath, ie, in a pan of hot (not less than 40 and not above 60 ° C) water. At the bottom of the pot put a wooden or metal bars. And if the lattice is not, put a cloth folded several times. The water level should be below the bottom of the bottle banks in the 1-2 cm With this method of pasteurization is necessary to choose a uniform capacity for containers. The second method is more commonly used for packaging juice in small containers (less than 1 liter), as well as in hot spills juice in a small container cools rapidly and do not have time to go through pasteurization. Part of the yeast cells in it are alive and after a while begin to develop, which causes bombazh lids. This juice is not suitable for consumption. 

The juice is pasteurized at a temperature of 85 ° C: banks with a capacity 0,5-0,75 l - 15 min, 1 l - 20 min. The juice can be poured into bottles and different capacity, but they need to advance to pick up traffic jams (they can be plastic or cork, produced from the bark of the cork tree). Corks, like bottles, carefully pre-washed in a solution of baking soda, and even plastic and with a brush, then rinsed several times in hot water and pour over boiling water before use. Bottled juice lightly cover plugs and pasteurized. After pasteurization, cork tightly. When the bottles with the juice cool down so that they can hold hands, plugs treated with wax, paraffin wax. It is best to just dip the bottle with the cork in melted paraffin or sealing wax. There are years when the grapes do not accumulate a sufficient amount of sugar. In this case the juice to taste to add sugar. It would do so. Example, determined that 0.5 liters of juice you need to add 1 hour or 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar. Determine how many spoons to the entire volume of juice and poured it into a small pan, add little to the same juice, put it on the fire and bring to a complete dissolution. Then mixed with the remaining juice and only after that flash pasteurization. Pasteurized juice can be stored at room temperature for 1-2 years. However, it is better to keep at a low temperature - 5-10 ° C. After 20-30 days of storage at the bottom of the container must be rolled cake, and juice will be clear, transparent. In precipitated particles remaining grape pulp, yeast cells, cream of tartar. Before use, the juice should not be shaken. The clarified grape juice is used as a dessert, as a component for making cocktails, as well as for baby and dietetic foods. At 10 liters of juice spend about 15 kg of grapes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to choose mineral water?

Overall utility from a bottle of water is not as straight from the source. But if no such possibility, at least, choose life. After all, many waters, which are now sold, artificial, according to the formula they coincide, for example, famous brands of mineral water, but the structure they have another. Doctors at Resorts know very well that the therapeutic effect of artificial water is much smaller. 

By the way, do not think that the best water - the one that was brought from afar, and it is likely that, breaking through the hole in the country, you become the owner of the source of this mineral water. But for safety and in order to know the composition of your water, be sure to return it for analysis. 

How to read a label? 

Expiration. Water, like food, can spoil. So pay attention to the date of bottling and keep in mind: water in glass bottles stored up to 2 years, and in plastic - 18 months. 

Chemical and physical analysis. The label must indicate the date and name of the laboratory, which were analyzed. These must be renewed every 5 years, so if your bottle does "1995", to drink water from it not worth it. 

Category. Depending on the quantity and composition of mineral salts, water is: oligomineralnaya, mineral or slabomineralnaya, sulfate, chloride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, fluoride, containing bicarbonates, glandular, sodium, acid, microbiologically clean. Each - its peculiarities. 

Precipitate. Audiences can only drink mineral water - those that contain no more than 500 mg of salt per liter. Water with salinity from 500 to 1500 mg / l drink can only be alternated with a dining room, otherwise the body will begin the accumulation of salts, especially sodium. As for water, a liter of which contains more than 1500 mg of salt, then it must be consumed only on prescription. It is no longer drink, and medicine! 


Bicarbonate water. Contains: more than 600 milligrams of bicarbonate per liter. 

Best for: people who are actively involved in sports, babies (especially with frequent vomiting), and patients with cystitis. 

Contra: those who suffer from gastritis, because in such water contains carbonic acid anhydrides, and in large quantities it can hurt. 

Sulphated water. Contains: more than 200 milligrams of sulfate per liter. 

Best for: those who have liver problems in addition, this water is given a laxative effect. 

Contra: as sulfates can interfere with absorption of calcium (and hence the formation of bones), this water should not drink to children and adolescents. 

Chloride water. Contains: more than 200 milligrams of chloride per liter. 

Recommended: chlorides, often combined with sodium to help regulate the intestines, biliary tract and liver, so the water is to drink to those who have problems in this area. 

Contra: people suffering from high blood pressure. 

Magnesium water. Contains: more than 50 milligrams of magnesium per liter. 

Recommended by: in stressful situations, since magnesium is involved in the mechanism regulating the body's reaction to stress. 

Contra: people prone to indigestion. 

Fluoride water. Contains: more than 1 milligram of fluoride per liter. 

Recommended by: pregnant women, people suffering from osteoporosis (especially useful for her to alternate with water rich in calcium), as well as those who live in an area where fluoridated tap water. 

Contra: adults and children who take fluoride tablets and live in areas where tap water is fluoridated. 

Glandular water. Contains: more than 1 milligram of iron per liter. 

Best for: people suffering from iron deficiency anemia. 

Contra: those who pro6lemy with stomach and duodenal ulcers (including peptic ulcer disease). 

Acid water. Contains: more than 250 milligrams per liter of carbonic acid anhydrides. 

Best for: those with lowered gastric acidity. 

Contra: people with gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity, flatulence. 

Sodium water. Contains: more than 200 milligrams of sodium per liter. 

Recommended by: in poor digestion (in conjunction with the chloride water). 

Contra: high blood pressure and those who spelled low salt diet. 

Calcium water. Contains: more than 150 milligrams of calcium per liter. 

Best for: people who are not drinking milk, pregnant women, and children and adolescents. According to recent studies conducted in the U.S., this water lowers blood pressure in hypertensives. 

Contra: no strict contraindications. 


One of the main characteristics of mineral water - its rigidity, that is, the degree of the total content of calcium and magnesium. Hard water is recommended for children, the elderly and those suffering from osteoporosis. Soft as good fit for the preparation of infusions, decoctions, medicinal syrups, liqueurs. True, some scientists believe that soft water contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease, but no serious evidence of this yet. 


The pH indicates the acidity of water and indicated by scores on a scale from 0 to 14. The ideal pH level for mineral water - 7. Water with a pH indicator is greater than 7 are alkaline, and less than 7 - acid. However, even if you want to reduce the acidity of gastric choose water with pH slightly above 7.

Underwater secrets of life-giving water

Mineral water is used for medicinal purposes for more than two millennia. This natural remedy helps in violation of the physiological and biochemical processes. The history of mineral water in Russia began in 18 century. Peter I, in addition to other achievements of the West, attracted European and resorts located near the mineral springs. In his order on Martsialny (iron) waters in Olonetsk province of Karelia, was built first hydropathic resort in Russia. And in 1803, Alexander I recognized the public importance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The composition of water and its effects on people began to explore medical scientists. Since that time, the sources of the Caucasus have gained the most popularity. 

As to the actual composition of Minvodi, then it should not contain sweeteners or chemical additives, calories and sugar. If it and added flavors, extracts and essences, then their number should be less than one percent of the total weight of the product. To potable water is artesian (underground water, enclosed between layers of rock), mineral (its mineral content is not less than 250 mg / dm 3), purified water (treated by distillation), soda (its structure includes carbon dioxide) and spring water extracted from sources located on the surface of the earth. Mineral water - is, above all, the underground water sources. Centuries or even millennia ago rainwater went deep into the ground, seeping through the crevices and pores of different layers of rock, to give her various mineral substances. According to the chemical composition of mineral water is divided into several types: bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and soda. Bicarbonate water reduces gastric acidity, chloride - stimulate metabolic processes in the body, enhance the secretion of stomach, pancreas, small intestine, sulfate -- stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, a positive effect on the restoration of the liver and gall bladder. Most mineral waters are a complex hybrid structure (chloride-sulfate, bicarbonate-sulfate). 

As the degree of concentration of mineral salts, natural mineral waters are divided into dining rooms, dining rooms and medical treatment. The salt content in the dining room mineral water does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. Such water is suitable for everyday use, it has no foreign smell and taste and is the basis for some soft drinks. In the medical-table water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter. You can drink as well as the dining room, or systematically applied for treatment. Healing mineral water is recommended for use only on doctor's advice, because it is the most saturated in salt composition - more than 10 grams per liter, or contains an increased number of active trace elements, such as arsenic or boron. At constant use silnomineralizovannoy water can cause the kidneys and joints serious harm. The natural mineral water should be distinguished from the widespread mineralized artificially. It comes from an artesian or tap water, which exposes the deep cleaning, and then saturated with salts. This product is in conformity with GOST considered soft drinks and has no relation to the mineral waters. It is not harmful to health, but also benefit from its use is low. Of course, nothing good is expected from the fake "mineral water" which is either made from tap or well water of unknown quality, mixed with salt and soda, and sometimes with the addition of iodine, or are so oversaturated with salts, it leads to disruption of water salt balance and cardiovascular disease in those who consume it. 

To distinguish forgery can be at a low price - about 5% lower than in most retail outlets. The natural salts precipitate is allowed only for medical treatment. In the dining-room mineral water has no smell and sludge. When selecting water should pay attention to the date of the spill. Expiration of mineral water in glass bottles is 2 years in plastic - 18 months. Typically, this mineral water is sold rather quickly, so if the product is released over six months ago, it might be fake. The glass bottle is more difficult to fake, so fake usually bottled in plastic containers, dangerous in itself, as opposed to bottles polietilftalata. The label of the original water must be given its composition and number of wells, address and telephone number of the manufacturer, designation (cafeteria, medical and dining room, or medical), as well as the level of mineralization and chemical composition, and for medical treatment - recommendations for the application. The very label must be clearly printed and neatly glued.

Water resort home

Mineral water is useful not only to sober up and ulcer. 
Another 4 thousand years ago people in the North Caucasus have noticed the amazing curative properties of water from a mountain spring that heals the wounds. Modern medical research capabilities of different mineral water proof: they are really able to recuperate, strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body. 

The Beneficial stress 

Mineral water - the easiest way to support the health of the reserve forces, especially in the spring off-season. By the way, the biggest benefit of mineral water brings it to healthy people, ie those with no chronic diseases and pathologies. 

The action of mineral water is very thin: the cells of the stomach feeling a little stress, when the mineral water gets inside. Stressful situation runs counter-active effect of hormones - in the mucous membranes of the stomach and upper digestive system is 80% of those valuable enzymes. Stimulating the production of these hormones, mineral water activates the function of internal organs. 

But the body gets used to light stress rather quickly, and then the effect of water stops. Therefore, even the rich and the healing water, doctors do not recommend drinking for longer than 2-3 weeks. During this time, the minerals are creating a special protective barrier of the immune system, which is another two - three months suppresses the sensitivity of the organism to stress. After a 6-month hiatus, when the stomach "forget" about the action of water, you can return to the preventive windfall. 

Weak and strong 

Mineral water, regardless of the type of minerals are divided into two main types: strong and weak influence on the activity of hormones of the stomach and intestines. The strongest impact is on the water "Essentuki» № 17 - it contains sodium, chlorine and hydrogen carbonate saturation of 12 grams per liter. This is followed by "Essentuki» № 4 (saturated with minerals in the amount of 8 g / l) and Borjomi. 

Natural carbon dioxide bubbling in the mineral water, creates a sense of the rapid filling of the stomach, forcing authorities to work intensively on gastric secretion. So of highly water, increase the activity of the stomach, are recommended when atonic stomach (eg, diabetics). But people suffering from peptic ulcer disease and diseases caused by hyperactivity of the upper parts of the digestive system, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. Virtually healthy people is best to use srednemineralizovannye and srednegazirovannye water. 


1. If long hours and often drink mineral water, there is a danger transmineralizatsii - excessive accumulation of minerals in the body. Hence, the main rule: drink mineral water as necessary to prevent addiction to it. 

2. Chilled mineral water stimulates stomach harder than warm. For the recovery and recuperation doctors recommend drinking mineral water for 15 minutes before meals. If you forget to buy mineral water or cooled, a glass of cold boiled water can replace it, but the stimulation of the stomach will be weaker. 

3. Drink after a meal and drink mineral water is not harmful food (mineral water is compatible with any food), but the benefits of the drink is lost.

Monday, December 21, 2009

What is mineral water?

Eastern peoples reverently refer to water, considering it one of the main elements of the universe. The local sages believe that the water from local springs relaxes, soothes, relieves irritation, fever and aggression. 
History of the use of mineral water has many hundreds of years. 

In ancient times the Greeks constructed from local springs sanctuary dedicated to the god Asclepius (the Romans in similar places erected temples in honor of Aesculapius) - the patron of medicine. In Greece, archaeologists discovered the ruins of ancient spas, built around the VI century BC The remains of ancient baths and we have found in the Caucasus, where not only swim, but were treated with mineral waters. From generation to generation by oral tradition about the miraculous properties of the waters, here hitting out of the ground. 

History of the study and use of mineral waters of Russia with the name of Peter I, 285 years ago, commanded by his decree sought in Russia key water. In his order on Martsialny (iron) waters in Olonetsk province of Karelia, was built first hydropathic resort in Russia. In 1803 Alexander I was recognized national importance of the Caucasian mineral waters and began to study their medicinal properties. In 1825 was published the Russian chemist G. Hess, who studied the chemical composition and effect of Russian curative waters. 

Mineral water - it is rainwater, which for many centuries or even millennia ago, had gone deep into the ground, seeping through the crevices and pores of different layers of rock. At the same time it absorbed various mineral substances in the rock. From just a natural water from subterranean sources and the open water mineral water are different composition. The deeper they occur, the warmer and richer in carbon dioxide and minerals. In addition, the deeper the water penetrates into the rock, the more it is cleared. 

In such water mineral substances accumulate naturally as far as passing it through geological formations. Thus, mineral water - the water is primarily groundwater sources. 

It should be clearly distinguished drinking and mineral water. 
In accordance with the Codex Alimentarius - the main UN food standards - these differences are as follows: 

Mineral water is extracted from natural springs or boreholes, without external influence on the chemical and physical properties of natural mineral water; 

the presence of mineral salts in the water in certain proportions and the presence of trace substances and other constituents; 

collection of water is carried out in conditions which ensure its original microbiological purity and stable chemical composition of its existing components. 

Someone said that the mineral water capricious and require delicate handling, they are softer precious wines. Indeed, the water from the source must be very carefully lift from the deep bowels of the earth, and then packed into a convenient and safe packaging, to keep unchanged the unique program, which is implanted in her nature. 

Mineral water is better absorbed by the body, and bypassing the stomach, reacts with gastric juice, the carbon dioxide released and stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Increases appetite and mood. That is why those same Frenchmen on the dining table next to the bread is certainly worth a bottle of water. 

They are trying to quench thirst and mineral water. Thirst can also occur in healthy people when they lose water, especially in summer. And with the loss of water and we lose a certain amount of salt. Compensate for this loss is best mineral water. 

Today, Russia is going through literally the mineral boom. According to Goskomstat in Russia at present registered over 700 names of mineral water. However, in spite of that on the consumption of mineral water per capita, we significantly lag behind the industrialized countries. According to statistics, the average European today is about 100 liters of mineral water per year. Thus, the Austrian drinks 72 liters a year, the Frenchman - 80 liters, Italian - 116 liters, and in one German is about 129 liters of mineral water per year. Russians drink 10 liters per year of mineral water. However, analysts say, is the amount of twice during the Soviet Union. 

mineral water market is estimated at 1.2 billion liters per year. Annual market growth is around 10-15%. 
And while it should be noted that the consumption of mineral water is becoming increasingly popular.

Mineral water is ...

Balneology (studying mineral water and its therapeutic and prophylactic use) divides the water: 

dining (salt content up to 1 g / l); 
Medicinal, Table (salts from 1 to 10 g / l); 
treatment (with a salinity of more than 10 g / l). 
To also include treatment of water with high content of one or more biologically active elements (iron, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc.), the total mineralization may be low. 

Mineral water is bottled in accordance with the technological instructions and sanitary requirements, compliance with which is certified by special certificates. Before bottling mineral water is filtered through a ceramic or asbestos filters and cleaned from impurities. The content of organic substances in water canteen is not allowed in the dining room treatment should not exceed 10 IPF-1, and in medical - 30 of IPF-1. 

After filtration, the medical-table and therapeutic waters enter the jerk (jerk - equipment for carbonating mineral water and carbonated soft drinks), which are saturated with carbon dioxide under pressure in four of the atmosphere. 

The content of carbon dioxide bottle water should be not less than 0,3%, and iron is even higher - 0.4%. Then, saturated with carbon dioxide water bottled in plastic or PET bottles (volume 2, 1,5 and 1 liter) or glass bottles of 0.5 liters of yellow-green glass. More bottled water, hermetically sealed with special metal or plastic spacers from polymeric material or crusts. 

Canteen of water is also produced in non-carbonated form. In appearance bottled water should be transparent, colorless, does not have a sharp odor and impurities. Slight natural sediment in the water of mineral salts. Each bottle must have a special label, which listed the manufacturer, the name of the water volume, source name and number of wells, salinity and chemical composition, name and designation of water, recommendations for its use and storage, the date of bottling and storage time, the bar code .

Types of mineral water

Medical power of underground water for the ancient people were a mystery. It is sometimes attributed to some mysterious creatures supposedly lived in springs. However, have been taken and scientific attempts to explain the effectiveness of mineral waters. 

Arhigenes Greek physician who lived in I century BC. e., one of the world's first claimed that the secret of underground water - in their composition. He even engaged in systematization of water, dividing them into 4 groups: alkaline, iron, salt and sulfur. About 2 thousand years have passed since then. Today no one doubts that the strength of these waters is caused by the substances contained. Some substances contained in mineral waters in the form of ions, the other in the form of undissociated molecules, and others are colloidal particles. Of course, the various mineral waters are different from each other and a set of components and their ratio. Some of these "living waters" suitable for drinking, others for medicinal baths. 

Although the majority of buyers all mineral water - on one person, in fact, their varieties are vast. 

The chemical composition of six different classes of mineral water: bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and aerated. 

Bicarbonate water reduces the acidity of gastric juice. However, depending on the application of the method are capable to stimulate, and inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. They are used in the treatment of urolithiasis. 

Chloride water stimulates metabolic processes in the body, improve the secretion of stomach, pancreas, small intestine. They are used in disorders of the digestive system. 

Sulfate water stimulates motility of the gastrointestinal tract, especially a favorable effect on the restoration of the liver and gallbladder. They are used in diseases of biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, diabetes, obesity. 

Most mineral waters are a complex hybrid structure (chloride-sulfate, bicarbonate, sulfate, etc.), which increases their therapeutic effect when used correctly. 

As the temperature of mineral water are divided into cold (up to 20 ° C), subthermal (20 - 37 ° C), thermal (37 - 42 ° C) and hyperthermal (over 42 ° C). 
As the degree of concentration of mineral salts, natural mineral waters are divided into: 

- Canteen 
- Medical stlovye 
- Spa 

Dining. Mineral (natural) water is suitable for everyday use. The salt content in it does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. 

As a rule, it is mild, pleasant taste, without any foreign smell and taste. Not by chance on the basis of table water produced soft drinks. 
Therapeutic dining. This water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salt per liter of water. The advantage of medical table mineral waters, which include such products of JSC "Istok", as the popular water "Crystal source", "Healing the source, is their versatility: they can be used as a table and drink regularly - for treatment. 

Therapeutic. Most saturated salt composition of water. This category includes mineral water with a salinity - more than 10 grams per liter, or water with high content of active trace elements, such as arsenic or boron. It should drink strictly on the advice of a doctor. 

In addition to natural mineral waters are artificially mineralized water. 

Production of artificial mineral water is 2 stages. First, the water pumped out, either from an artesian well, and most of the water, then subjected to a deep cleaning. Careful filtering removes not only harmful impurities, but all the useful salts and minerals. And that water could still be called mineral inevitable second stage - an utterly purified water artificially "inject" useful properties, saturated with salts. The output is not that active living environment, but simply a solution of salts. Kecantikan, or repairing the water on the guests are treated to a class of non-alcoholic beverages and no relation to the mineral waters is not. 

Artificial mineral water is not harmful, but useful properties it is not enough. Contaminated waste water civilization, which was at hand, just cleaned, and then saturated with salts. 

Production of artificial water has become a massive industry. On the counters appeared clandestinely produced water, sub-standard. In Moscow, it takes up to 55% of the market Minvod. Naturally, a glut can take place either undersaturation of its salts. Chronic use of such water could lead to deposition of salts, disruption in the body of water-salt balance and the development of cardiovascular disease. 
Mineral water can be local and imported. The role of local groundwater increases significantly. This is due to the fact that in recent decades due to intensive water extraction, the mineralization of a number of well-known brands of mineral water has changed. Since uncontrolled exploitation of the source Essentuki 20 led not only to a change in the quality of the water, but her health and bacteriological contamination. As a result, use for drinking purposes and bottling water Essentuki 20 is not carried out. 

All information about the mineral water produced in Russia, is given on the label. It states its purpose: dining room, dining room or a therapeutic spa, as well as the level of mineralization (usually - in percentage). Also necessarily an indication of the chemical composition, and for the healing waters and recommendations for the application

Mineral water - is water underground sources

Mineral water - is water underground sources. Their main difference from the usual water flowing into our faucets - a constant chemical composition. True, there are places where the same water they drink from the tap and bottled as mineral. For example, a well-known mineral water "Sarovar" is extracted from the borehole, which supplies drinking water to the entire city Sarov. But it is rather an exception. Even if the water is in water supply from underground sources and contains various salts, multi-stage cleaning all the time changing its composition. 

Any water from the underground, subterranean sources, or the open water contains mineral salts, they are not only in distilled water. But the composition of water from subterranean sources and open water varies depending on the seasons, the weather conditions. In a certain moment this water to their quality may be similar to any mineral, the water we drink from the bottles. But it nevertheless drinking, since the main requirement, which is presented to her guests, it the absence of harmful impurities, which provides cleaning system. The mineral water is under the influence of certain factors formed hundreds of years in underground sources, and their membership in a particular field is always stable. 

In many developed countries, consumption of mineral water exceeds 100 liters per person per year. In the CIS countries produced more than 500 types of mineral waters, with more than 90% of them - from Russia. But despite these impressive figures, the mineral water is not enough: each of us in the year accounted for only two (!) * Liters of water domestic bottling. One factory in Italy produces mineral water more than the whole of Russia! And demand for these products is steadily increasing. Abundance import some softening, but does not save the situation. According to experts, the demand for mineral waters in Russia the market is satisfied, only 50%.

Curative drink - mineral water

Mineral water has always been considered a medicinal drink. To this day, preserved the custom of sending the patient "on the water" for treatment. If not - does not matter, "mineral water" can be bought in almost any store. 

Doctors say that our body requires daily about 2-3 liters of water. With food we get about 1.5 liters, yet half-liter delivers the organism itself. Therefore, the more we drink clean water, the more we help our body to clear waste materials and other harmful substances. 

However, in the water from the tap contains not only the salts of various metals (iron, copper, manganese, zinc, mercury, selenium, molybdenum), but the remnants of reagent treatment (harmful for the body aluminum salts, polyacrylamide, reagents, tripolyphosphate residue, chlorine) . In addition, may attend and all kinds of waste (herbicides and pesticides). All these substances accumulate in the human health at risk. 

Therefore, everyone who cares about their health, have long switched to purified and mineral water. Experts note that the consumption of "mineral water" in Russia over the past few years has increased dramatically: according to the company GfK Rus, last year accounted for every citizen of Russia about 8 liters of bottled water. 

However, compared with Europe, Russia lags far behind: the average European drinks about 100 liters of mineral water per year. In particular, in Austria, this figure is 72 liters in France - 80 liters, in Germany - 93 liters. Italy is a peculiar record - the average Italian drinks per year, about 116 liters of mineral water. 

Mineral water is different in chemical composition. The newspaper at the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene of Medical Sciences, there are three main categories of water: table water (salt content is not more than 1 gram of mineral salts per liter of water), medical and dining room (mineralization - up to 10 grams per liter) and healing (mineralization - more than 10 grams per liter). 

Table water you can drink without limitation, use for cooking and beverages. Therapeutic table water is used only in raw form, it can not be boiled, the labels should contain recommendations for use. 
But the healing water to drink strictly on the advice of a doctor. "The body reacts to the water, it can not drink just because they could be negative consequences", - explained in the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene of RAMS. 
In a separate category can be identified distilled water (mineralization - up to 100 mg per liter). It is also not recommended to drink every day, it is used for output from the body wastes. Frequent use can lead to the fact that the body will leach and useful substances. 

Healing Minerals 
Not just any water, including mineral, brings the expected curative success. Therefore, when buying mineral water should be targeted not only its taste but also on the composition. Biologically active substances contained in certain waters, sucking from the gastrointestinal tract, have a specific effect. For example, prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, iodine stimulates redox processes in the body, enhances thyroid function, bromine facilitates the process of inhibition of central nervous system. Calcium is involved in maintaining ionic equilibrium in the body affects blood coagulation and on the processes occurring in the neuro-muscular and cardiovascular systems, stimulates bone development and growth of teeth. Magnesium regulates the function of the nervous system, carbohydrate metabolism and energy metabolism, improves blood supply to the heart muscle. Sodium regulates blood pressure, as well as the activities of the muscular system. Potassium is responsible for the acid-alkaline balance of blood, activates the heart, the salutary influence on the kidneys. Fluoride good for teeth and bones. Chloride ions in the stomach combined with hydrogen to form hydrochloric acid. This increases the intensity of the exchange of fats and sugars, amplified choleretic and diuretic function of the liver and kidneys. Sulfate ions are accelerated by the withdrawal of food from the stomach and intestines. In addition, they facilitate the removal of harmful substances and impurities from the body. 

Strictly according to GOST 
Conscientious manufacturers indicate on the label not only the category of water, but also diseases in which this water is recommended for use. In Russia, there are guests, which specifies the salinity and ionic composition of each water, as well as its place of origin. 
For dining there is a special SanPiN water, drinking water, sanitary requirements for water quality, packed in containers. The document specified standards for the two classes of water - the first and higher. For the first class standards over the weak, limited to only the upper levels of minerals, for the highest category describes the standards of the physiological integrity, as well as specifically stipulated iodine content (200-500 mg per liter) and fluorine (20 mg per liter). Water for cooking baby food should be the highest quality category, the fluorine content should not exceed 0,6-0,7 mg per liter. Not allowed oserebrenie and aeration of water. 

Which package to give preference 
In Russia the market of water is mainly in plastic and glass bottles, as well as in large polycarbonate bottles (19.5 liters). Specialists of the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene of RAMS believe that a significant difference between these packages do not. The only thing - in glass bottles of carbonated water stored longer because of the plastic packaging gas goes out into the environment. Expiration of mineral water in glass - up to 1 year, but mineral water in plastic container becomes worthless in six months. 
Cool, sparkling mineral water, of course, good refreshing, but for medicinal purposes it should be heated to drink (you should get it from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before eating). Keep unopened bottles of mineral water should be in a horizontal position at a temperature of from 4 to 14 degrees. 

How to spot a fake 
Recently, a problem became fake mineral water. Most for the production of counterfeit use water from the tap, which is artificially aerated and bottled under well-known brands. 
Forgery can be identified by the label. First of all, it must be printed quality, not blurry letters and without errors. The label must necessarily be information on the terms and conditions of storage, certification and location of the manufacturer, packer, exporter, and the issue of wells, from which it was bottled water. Often sold under the brand of mineral artificial mineral water - plain water with the addition of baking soda, salt and carbon dioxide. If the water is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST, the label must be stated - "artificially mineralized. 
Major manufacturers are trying to protect themselves from fraud by using special funds. "To distinguish the original" Borjomi "is very easy - the color of bottles and labels: for Borjomi - a bright greenish-blue range of bottles, with" Spring "and" Borjomi Light "- a bluish bottle - told to the newspaper general manager of Borjomi Waters Tatyana Karimov. - Label "Borjomi" - a bright white-red-blue with the text in a specific type. The distinctive feature is located at the top of the bottle, four relief deer. The screw cap is no expiration date and the date and time of manufacture. " 

In the original production must necessarily be a company logo on the cork and glass bottles at pollitrovyh five-liter jerry cans and plastic bottles, except the logo on the cork, the name of our company must be present and on the walls of the bottle. Everywhere on the label required to indicate number of wells and mineral composition of water, the guests prefer. 

For therapeutic purposes, 
The specificity of action of drinking mineral water depends on their chemical composition. Bicarbonate water resort Borjomi, Darasun, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk regulate secretory and motor functions of the stomach depending on the time for meals, reduce spasms of the stomach and intestines. 
Chloride water increase the secretion of gastric juice and increase its acidity. 
Sulfide water, say Batalinskaya water (Pyatigorsk), reduce gastric secretion, have a laxative and choleretic effect. 
Brackish water containing organic substances that have diuretic properties, their use with urolithiasis and urinary tract infections.

How to drink mineral water - natural mineral water?

What do a "one mineral water" and "second mineral water? Practically nothing. It is all natural mineral water, the first refers to the so-called table-water, drink all you can and your heart's content. Second - to the medical table, which can not overdo. But there are also purely medical mineral water is a kind of mineral water. And drink they need to mind, but you can easily earn some disease. 

What type of water you can drink? 

Mineral water should not drink Aby as a right. 
If you are perfectly healthy, it is better to use mineral water for 35-40 minutes before meals. If you have gastritis with reduced secretion, the mineral water to drink before the meal slowly, in small sips. The water temperature should be around 18-24 degrees Celsius. 

If you have gastritis with increased secretion of gastric juice, heartburn, regurgitation, peptic ulcer, chronic colitis with cramps and diarrhea, liver and biliary tract, the mineral water to drink after a meal and a half to two hours. It is desirable that the water was warm - 40-50 degrees Celsius. 

If a peptic ulcer of the mineral water you must first release the gas, because in this case, carbonated drinks strictly contraindicated. 
Despite its high medicinal properties, mineral water and some people do not drink. If you have a violation of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the passage of water, kidney and cardiovascular system that occur with edema, a disease of the urinary tract, requiring surgical treatment, then to the mineral water is better not to touch. 

HOW TO PROPERLY treatment? 

Self-treatment of mineral water can not? First, consult a specialist. If you do not, then the outcome will be the traditional Russian: they wanted to be better, but it turned out ... Simply put, instead of one disease will get two. This is due to the fact that the mineral water contains a large amount of salts. Therefore it is impossible for a long time to drink the water of the same brand. Since each of its kind has a constant composition of salts, over-saturation of the organism may occur in these substances. 


Of course, need to buy mineral water only in the major stores, better yet - in supermarkets. Therapeutic mineral water and certain types of medical table can be found in pharmacies. But owners of small food stalls and stalls for cheap buy water on the markets. It can easily slip a fake. When buying, pay attention to the date of issuance of water. If that was more than six months ago, it's probably fake. Original products are bought very quickly, and it warehouses long delayed. 


Mineral - is rainwater, which for many centuries or even millennia ago, had gone deep into the ground, seeping through the crevices and pores of different layers of rock. At the same time it absorbed various mineral substances in the rock. From just a natural water from subterranean sources and the open water mineral water are different composition. The deeper they occur, so they are warmer and richer in carbon dioxide and minerals. In addition, the deeper the water penetrates into the rock, the more it is cleared. Different layers of soil are a kind of filter. 


One resident of Russia drinks just 10 liters. mineral water per year, while Europeans annually - about 100 liters. Austria - 72 liters in France - 80 liters, Germany - 93 liters, Italy -116 liters.

Iodine in mineral water

Iodine in mineral water - is important. 

What we know about iodine? Element that is needed by all, not to hurt thyroid gland. This is to our knowledge, perhaps even beyond that. Meanwhile modest iodine was once called "elements with fabulous properties. Scientific Fersman with his definition of hit the mark: iodine - one of the most unique medicinal substances of natural origin. 

Who among us does not remember from childhood a small brown bottle with the healing solution, which is always in the hands of parents, as soon as we get hurt or make a bruise? Typically, this familiarity with iodine and ends. But not for the scientists! Since this element is associated a number of interesting research. For example, recent data of the World Health Organization (WHO), collected in different countries, showed that the level of mental development (intelligence quotient IQ) is directly related to iodine. 

Hormonal disorders arising due to iodine deficiency, outwardly appear rarely, so something Iodine deficiency and has been called "hidden hunger." Most of the disease affecting children: without iodine difficult for them to go to school, learn new skills, lead an active life . Iodine deficiency as a "building elements" for thyroid hormones is often the underlying cause of many diseases, because 65% of thyroid hormones are just out of it. 

Do you or your child has a reduced memory? You become worse perceive information at the hearing? More time needed to process information? And sometimes you're willing to admit that become worse to think? Doctors claim that our intellectual abilities suffer primarily from lack of iodine. It's because when it is not enough body harder to adapt to a changing environment. And we, as a consequence, settled weakness, drowsiness, apathy, lack of any desire. And all this time that we do not lag behind sores: a cold grab, then a sore throat, then suddenly chronic ailment of a recall. In such circumstances, even a small stress can easily knock you down. 

"Over 65% of the population of Russia live in conditions of iodine deficiency, which in some cases is a cause of congenital anomalies, increased perinatal mortality, loss of mental abilities in children and adults, deaf-mutism", - considers chief sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko. 

The most popular weapon in the fight against iodine deficiency - iodized salt, which are now added to a variety of products - bread, milk, sunflower oil. In Austria, Switzerland and Norway iodine is added, even cheese and sausage. But in Japan, so there is no need: the people receive it in abundance - along with numerous seafood. 

The main source of iodine is a sea kelp - sea kale. However, to collect a daily dose of iodine, to eat no less than 100-200 grams. laminaria a day, in conditions is not so simple. Do not save, and food containing iodine - iodinated milk, bread and eggs, because in most cases the amount of iodine in them is not precisely defined. Therefore, to understand how much they should eat to get a daily dose of iodine is not so simple. That is why many prefer to buy yodosoderzhaschie synthetic drugs, turning a blind eye to their serious flaws However, such drugs are undesirable for allergy sufferers, they often irritate the gastric secretion and alter the taste of food is not for the better. Besides, when it comes to vitamin and mineral tablets, then they - what they hide? - Are very expensive. 

However that is no reason to despair and recorded endocrinologist. The best way to prevent iodine deficiency was one hundred percent and is mineral water. It is available at a price. Find it in the store also not a problem. Americans and Europeans drink mineral water in large quantities for their mineral water - a mandatory component of a healthy lifestyle, which they are so proud. But even the most expensive, elite water types «Evian» or «Perrie» Russia does not replace most mineral water. While only some mineral water containing iodine in the quantities required for prevention of iodine deficiency or for the treatment of thyroid cancer. One liter of good mineral water contains 0.0002 g. iodine and is able to meet the daily needs of man. Endocrinologist claim that daily consumption of water not only prevents Iodine deficiency, but also increases the overall resistance to infections. Water will help to avoid a hike to the endocrinologist, just need to understand that the use of pure melted mineral water - it is no longer a luxury but a necessary daily needs of each of us.

The classification of natural mineral waters

5. The classification of natural mineral waters and therapeutic muds 
5.1. Mineral water 
Mineral waters are natural underground water and are formed in the earth's crust with certain geological - structural, geothermal, hydro-geological and geochemical conditions that determine the patterns of their spatial localization, gas, ion - salt and trace element composition, temperature and other indicators. Classification and mineral waters based on the definition of a combination of several indicators, and the most important characters, allowing for a total system of underground hydrosphere and the main types of mineral waters for their intended purpose and hydrogeochemical characteristics. 
5.1.1. Mineral water is a natural remedy and its purpose are divided into two types: 
- Drinking; 
- Balneal (for outdoor use). 
Another taxonomic unit is the group of mineral waters, in determining which key features are: 
for drinking water - the total mineralization, ionic composition and (or) the presence of biologically active components; 
for balneology water - gas composition, total salt content, ionic composition, the biologically active components, physical factors (temperature, radioactivity). 
5.1.2. The main groups of mineral water as follows: 
1. Mineral water, the action is determined by the ionic composition and mineralization. 
2. Carbonic water. 
3. Sulphureous water. 
4. Ferruginous water. 
5. Bromine, iodine and iodine-bromine water. 
6. Siliceous thermal waters. 
7. Arsenic water. 
8. Radon (radioactive) water. 
9. Boron-bearing water. 
10. Water enriched with organic matter. 
5.2. Drinking mineral underground waters are divided into treatment - dining, spa and dining. 
5.2.1. Medical - table mineral underground water (total mineralization - M from 1,0 to 10,0 g / cu. Dm) integrate an extensive set of groundwater from low-mineralized (M 1,0 - 5,0 g / cu. Dm) HCO3-Na and HCO3-Na-Ca classes to srednemineralizovannyh (M 5,0 - 10,0 g / cu. dm) Cl-HCO3-Na and Cl-Na classes. Medical - table mineral water during their exchange application are expressed therapeutic effect. Medical - mineral water of low salinity can be used for incidental use as table drinks (eg, natural carbonated water). 
5.2.3. Table waters are predominantly hydro class. In the composition of cations may be present as calcium, magnesium, sodium and in various combinations depending on the location of water intake in the hydro-geological zoning of groundwater. Canteens mineral underground water used for industrial filling in kind, without any special reagent water to preserve the natural ion - salt composition and used as a table beverage. 
5.3. Water balneal (for external use) characterized by the presence of biologically active gases (CO2, H2S, Rn), the specific micro-components (Br, J, H2SiO3, H2BO3, and others), the level of total mineralization and physical properties (temperature, radioactivity, reaction medium). Features of the ion composition of these waters do not have such significance, both for drinking, the more so that the water spa destination with a salinity of more than 15 - 20 g / cu. dm, as a rule, are predominantly of sodium chloride. 
From the combination of the above-mentioned indicators identified seven main groups of mineral water balneotherapy used for external use only 1) carbon dioxide, 2) hydrogen sulfide, and 3) radon; 4) siliceous thermal, 5), bromine, iodine and iodine-bromine, 6), arsenic, 7) the acidic water with a high content of metals (Fe, Al, Cu, etc.); 8) mineral water, curative effect of which is determined predominantly by the size of mineralization. 

5.4. Curative mud (peloids) 
Therapeutic mud is used mainly for external use, are common medical conditions and are used in a variety of treatments, united in a common form of therapy, referred to as mud therapy. 
The main classifications are divided into groups of curative muds and have a considerable influence on the method of mud (the thickness and area of overlay applications, the temperature of heating mud, the duration of the procedure) is their genesis. 
Genetically peloids are divided into four groups: 
1. Peat. 
2. Sapropel. 
3. Sulphide - ile. 
4. Sopochnyj. 
The first two groups belong to the so-called organic peloids, the rest - to the mineral.. 
Prescribed medical treatment (internal) use of mineral waters 
Diseases of the digestive system: 
1. Reflux - esophagitis. 
2. Chronic gastritis. 
2.1. With normal secretory function of the stomach. 
2.2. With increased secretory function of the stomach. 
2.3. With a reduced secretory function of the stomach. 
3. Stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. 
4. Diseases of the intestine. 
4.1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea. 
4.2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome with constipation. 
5. Liver disease: chronic viral hepatitis, toxic and pharmacological liver, fatty degeneration of the liver. 
6. Diseases of the gall bladder, biliary tract, pancreas: chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, cholesterosis gallbladder, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis. 
7. Violations of the digestive organs after surgical interventions: syndromes of the operated stomach after surgery for peptic ulcer, postcholecystectomical syndromes. 
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders. 
8.1. Diabetes mellitus (insulin and insulin-dependent), impaired glucose tolerance. 
8.2. Obesity (nutritional). 
8.3. Violation exchange lipoproteins. 
8.4. Violation of salt metabolism. 
9. Diseases of the genitourinary system: tubulointerstitial disease (chronic pyelonephritis), urolithiasis, other diseases (chronic cystitis, urethritis, Trigoni). 
10. Diseases of the blood: iron deficiency anemia. 
7.2. Water balneal (for external use) 

Carbon dioxide water. The mechanism of action of carbonated waters of different chemical composition of primary importance is the content and the concentration of carbon dioxide. Since the purpose of treatment with external application using the concentration of carbon dioxide 0,75 - 2,0 g / cu. dm. 
Carbonic water are shown for external use in cardiovascular diseases - cardiovascular, nervous system, respiratory, digestive system. They are most effective in the treatment of cardio - vascular diseases, including during the initial stages of heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia. If carbonate waters have high salinity (20 - 40 g / cu. Dm), then when their appointment must take into account the effect of salt (like sodium chloride waters). 
Sulphureous water. To use hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy water SUM H2S concentration from 10 to 250 mg / cu. dm. In diseases of cardio - vascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, hypertension, heart diseases) are more commonly used low concentrations (25 - 100 mg / cu. Dm), whereas in peripheral vascular diseases, nervous system, - the motor system, gynecological, skin used higher concentrations (up to 250 mg / cu. dm). 
Indications for external use: diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, - the motor system, gynecological, skin and metabolic diseases. 
Chloride-sodium water. With the purpose of treatment topically applied water in this class at concentrations of 10 - 60 g / cu. dm. Proved that the sodium chloride water 40 - 60 g / cu. dm have a more pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunokorrigiruyuschee action. Vody concentration of 20 g / cu. dm more often used for treatment of cardio - vascular disease. 
Indications for external use: cardiovascular diseases - cardiovascular, nervous system, musculoskeletal - the motor system, gynecological, urological. 
In recent years, new data were obtained, extending the indications for the use of sodium chloride waters that have proved their effectiveness in diabetes with micro-and macroangiopathy, chronic nonspecific lung diseases (chronic bronchitis), skin diseases. 
Iodine-bromine water. Depending on the predominance of sodium chloride in water, iodine or bromine water can be bromine, bromiodnymi, bromine or iodine. Exposure to the expense obshey mineralization of these waters and of biologically active ions of iodine and bromine. It is with the effect of iodine and bromine with effective use of bromine water in arteriosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, ovarian dysfunction, more pronounced their sedative, normalizing the basic processes of neural action, although a definite answer to some questions there (hyperthyroidism). 
Indications for external application: cardiovascular diseases - cardiovascular, central and peripheral nervous system, - the motor system, gynecological, skin diseases, metabolic diseases and endocrine glands. 
Radon water. Radon waters are widely distributed in nature, and has many years experience of their use at resorts and in vnekurortnyh conditions. 
Since the purpose of treatment used water radon concentration of radon from 5 to 200 nCi / L, with low concentrations of radon in water (5 - 15 nCi / l) to apply special methods of treatment (running water in the tub, a pool of water with radon). A comparison of the radon water of different concentrations (from 40 to 200 nCi / l) found that with increasing concentration there is an increase anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunokorrigiruyuschego action; along with this there is an emergence and adverse reactions of a number of body systems (autonomic nervous system, sympathetic - adrenal etc.). Therefore increasingly used water radon concentration of 20 - 40 - 80 nCi / L, at least - 120 nCi / l and very rarely 200 - nCi / l and more. 
Indications for external use: the cardio - vascular and nervous systems, musculoskeletal - the motor system, gynecological, urological, skin. 

Radon waters are particularly effective in diseases of the support and movement, the peripheral nervous system, skin, gynecological, because of their pronounced immunokorrigiruyuschego, anti-inflammatory, normalizing the function of the endocrine glands. 
Siliceous thermal waters usually Low-mineralized, alkaline contain silicic acid 50 mg / cu. dm and more. The characteristic feature of these waters is the presence of gases, mainly nitrogen. In small quantities contained radon. 
Indications for external application: the cardio - vascular system, musculoskeletal - the motor system, peripheral nervous system, gynecological, skin, certain endocrine (thyrotoxicosis). 
Arsenic water is very different in its chemical and gas composition. Therefore, arsenic in natural waters on the body can not be considered in isolation, and the role it was arsenic (in studies with artificially prepared arsenious waters) in their mechanism of action poorly understood. 

There is experience with arsenic water with coronary artery disease, functional disorders of the nervous system, thyrotoxicosis, and some others. 
Indications for external application of medicinal mineral waters 
1. Diseases of the circulatory system: rheumatic heart diseases, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, essential hypotension, cardiomyopathy, disease of the peripheral arteries and veins. 
2. Diseases of the nervous system. 
2.1. Inflammatory diseases of central nervous system. 
2.2. Cerebrovascular disease. 
2.3. Functional diseases of the nervous system. 
2.4. The defeat of individual nerves, nerve roots and plexus, polyneuropathy, diseases of nervous - muscular synapse and muscle effects of trauma roots, plexuses, nerve roots, spinal cord and brain disorders of the autonomic nervous system. 
3. Musculo - muscular system: arthropathy (infectious, inflammatory osteoarthritis), systemic lesions of connective tissue; dorsopatii and spondylopathiae; disease of soft tissues; osteopathy and chondropathy. 
4. Respiratory diseases: chronic obstructive and nonobstructive bronchitis. 
5. Digestive diseases: diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (reflux - esophagitis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum); bowel disease, liver disease, gallbladder disease, biliary tract and pancreas; violations after surgical interventions. 
6. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders. 
6.1. Diseases of the thyroid gland. 
6.2. Diabetes. 
6.3. Obesity (nutritional). 
7. Diseases of the genitourinary system. 
7.1. Tubulointerstitial disease (chronic pyelonephritis, pyelitis, etc.), other diseases of urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, goni, etc.). 
7.2. Urolithiasis. 
7.3. Diseases of male genital organs (chronic prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, etc.). 
7.4. Inflammatory and noninflammatory diseases of female genital mutilation. 
8. Diseases of the skin: dermis and eczema, papuloskvamoznye violations, urticaria, diseases of the skin appendages, scars, keratosis, etc. 
7.3. Peloidoterapiya 

There are four main groups of mud treatments: peat, sludge - sulphide, sapropel, Sopochnyj, which differ significantly in physical properties, chemical and microbiological composition. 
These differences in practice, mainly affected the technique of mud and methods of its application for therapeutic purposes (temperature, amount of exposure, duration of the course, etc.). 
In general, the indications for peloidoterapii using different groups of mud common: diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal - the motor system, respiratory system, digestive system, urology, gynecology, dermatology, otolaryngology. 
In recent years conducted research allowed to expand indications for use peloidoterapii, in particular, cardio - vascular diseases (coronary heart disease, hypertension), which is especially important for the treatment of combined cardio - vascular and neurological, cardio - vascular and rheumatological abnormalities. 

Indications for external application of medicinal muds 
1. Diseases of the circulatory system: hypertension, ischemic heart disease (mainly in the treatment of concomitant disease of the nervous, skeletal - muscular system) disease of the peripheral arteries and veins. 
2. Diseases of the nervous system: 
2.1. Inflammatory diseases of central nervous system. 
2.2. The defeat of individual nerves, nerve roots and plexus, polyneuropathy, diseases of nervous - muscular synapse and muscle effects of trauma roots, plexuses, nerve roots, spinal cord and brain; 
effects of surgical removal of benign tumors of the nervous system, polio, cerebral palsy, disorders of the autonomic nervous system. 
3. Musculo - muscular system: arthropathy (infectious, inflammatory, osteoarthritis), systemic lesions of connective tissue; dorsopatii and spondylopathiae; disease of soft tissues; osteopathy and chondropathy. 
4. Respiratory diseases: 
4.1. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract: chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc. 
4.2. Diseases of the lower respiratory tract: residual effects following acute pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, the effects of the performed surgery on the lungs. 
5. Diseases of the digestive system. 
5.1. Diseases of the oral cavity. 
5.2. Diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (reflux - esophagitis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum); bowel disease, liver disease, gallbladder disease, biliary tract and pancreas, the effect of surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. 
6. Diseases of the genitourinary system: 
6.1. Tubulointerstitial disease (chronic pyelonephritis, pyelitis, etc.), other diseases of urinary system (cystitis, urethritis, goni, etc.). 
6.2. Diseases of male genital organs (chronic prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, etc.). 
6.3. Inflammatory and noninflammatory diseases of female genital mutilation. 
7. Diseases of the skin: dermatitis and eczema, papuloskvamoznye violations, urticaria, diseases of the skin appendages, scars, keratosis, etc. 
8. Diseases of the ear and mastoid process.