Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pineapple juice with angina

Do you know how to choose a juice that he had brought as much benefit? Every juice contains different amounts of vitamins and trace elements needed body in various diseases. 

Orange juice - a rich source of vitamin C. It also strengthens blood vessels. Useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver disease. 

Tomato juice contains lemon, apple, and oxalic acid, which normalize the metabolism, as well as sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. But the tomato juice you need to drink only in raw form, as well as in cooking, or canning organic sour Chino of stones in the kidneys and bladder. 

Grape juice prevents the formation of blood clots, so it is recommended to drink to those who suffer heart disease. 

Apricot juice out of the body tissues of excess fluid, but also strengthens the heart muscle. But diabetics it is better not to drink because there is a lot of sugar. 

Pear juice - mine of fiber and pectin. It improves digestion and matches those with violations of circulation. He is also a good diuretic. 

Plum juice recommends drinking at diseases of gastrointestinal tract. It displays the body of excess water and salt. 

Juice like diabetics. Its effect is similar to the action of insulin. In addition, it is excellent, anti-inflammatory, and diaphoretic. 

Apple juice contains a lot of iron; therefore it is very useful for anemia. Slag out of the body and kidney stones. 

Cherry juice is rich in iron and folic acid. It strengthens the vascular wall, but does not fit those who have stomach ulcers or high acidity. 

Pineapple juice is indispensable in the kidney disease and angina. 

Juice normalizes blood cholesterol level, as well as a good diuretic. His need to drink for people with diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. 

Advised to drink the juice immediately after cooking, for 15-20 minutes before eating. So he does not lose its beneficial properties and a better grasp.