Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cleaning kidney using vegetable juices

The patriarch of modern juice therapy, recommends his method, which involves two mechanisms: plant pigments and essential oils. 
He argued that non-organic substances, mainly calcium in bread and other starchy products concentrated form grain of education in the kidneys. For the purification and recovery of the kidneys, he recommends the following juices: carrots - 10 ounces (s), 3-beet, cucumber-3 or another option: carrot - 9, celery - 5, parsley - 2. 

A bit of parsley juice. This juice - a perfect tool with urinary tract diseases, and very helpful (thanks to the specific tastes bitter cold) with stones in the kidneys and bladder, nephritis, in the presence of protein in urine, as well as other diseases of the kidneys. Juice is used as greens, and roots. This is one of the most potent juices, so it should not be used separately in pure form over 30-60 grams.