Thursday, June 4, 2009

Health. Pomegranate juice

Absolute best pomegranate juice drinks antioxidants fights the free radicals, cleanses the body from high levels of "bad" cholesterol, and contains the highest number of compared with red wine and other juices.

Pomegranate juice contains 8-19% sugar, 0, 3-9% citric acid, tannin, vitamin C. Scientists at the University Of California Medical School and Jeffrey David found that he had better red wine, green tea, grape; orange and blueberry juice blocks oxidative processes in the body due to its rich and composition.
The study, pomegranate juice is at least 20% higher antioxidant capacity than other drinks, work reliably deactivate harmful free radicals, thereby providing protection primarily from heart disease and some forms of cancer. To protect against such risks and protect themselves from the bad state of health, American doctors are advised to drink the juice of this fruit regularly.