Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Carrot juice, celery and cucumber for Liver Problems

* 4 carrots 
* 1 bunch celery 
* ½ Cucumber 

In preparation 
1 .- Wash with soap and water to disinfect vegetables perfectly. 
2 .- Pass each of the vegetables by the extractor. 
3 .- The carrot and cucumber can be used with shell and all. 
4 .- This juice can be taken on an empty stomach. 

Properties of Carrot 
The carrot contains a lot of vitamins such as A, B, C and minerals like calcium, phosphorus and potassium. The Carrot, purifies blood, improves hearing, disinfects the intestine, overweight, depression, skin problems, intestinal disorders and helps to expel intestinal parasites on juice fasting. 

Properties Celery 
The Celery is recommended to people suffering from blood pressure, headache, constipation, nervousness and helps increase the red blood cells. 

Properties Cucumber 
Aid to the proper functioning of the kidneys, as well as for the pressure, it is recommended to beautify the skin. The cucumber is rich in vitamin A, B and C and potassium, phosphorus and calcium.