Thursday, July 16, 2009

Apple juice, carrots and celery to detoxify

Apple juice, carrots and celery to detoxify 
The juice of apple, carrot and celery helps the immune system and detoxifies the body. But before you can view details of the properties of this combination. For now we see how important the preparation of juice. 


- 3 carrots 
- 2 apples 
- 2 branches of celery 


1 Washes and disinfects the ingredients perfectly. Remember that this is extremely important for your health. 
Cut 2 pieces fruit and vegetables 
After 3 passes around the extractor juices. 
4 After serving in a glass and take it immediately as this because like many other games and liquefied lose some of its properties go under the minute. 

Note: It is a delicious drink, do not let pass the opportunity to enjoy its flavor is pleasant to the palate. 

Properties of Apple 

From a nutritional point of view the apple is one of the most complete and rich fruit that is why he is known as the queen of fruits by the large amount of nutrients found in it. 85% of its composition is water, so it is refreshing and moisturizing. It's quick assimilation into the body, is discreet source of vitamin E and provides a small amount of vitamin C. It is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal transit and its mineral content excels potassium.