Sunday, May 31, 2009

Way to reduce weight by juice

Addressed include quantity of juice diluted with water every hour or two hours from morning to night. While avoiding taking solid foods, or any other types of liquids 

Fasting is one way the older and more effective to get rid of large quantities of waste and accumulated in the body. In the past, people were on the fast food and drinking water, drinking only on one day and almost every week. Experts say that fasting on juices, both vegetable and fruit, nice and useful for many in the normalization of all biological processes in the body. 

The deal with the amount of juice diet of juice diluted with water every hour or two hours from morning to night. While avoiding taking solid foods or any other types of liquids, juices and canned, especially if you are you have a juice diet. Must not exceed the total amount of juice per day for 7 to 9 cups equal. 

Must contain these juices, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, and enzymes needed by the body and thus speed up the healing process. 

Note: When you follow the diet juice Make sure to go to the bathroom regularly. 

Juice diet has many benefits. It is the safest way to get rid of the toxins in the body and the removal of cells and tissues, dead or damaged. It also reduces cholesterol levels; and the symptoms of allergies, acne, and headaches - also make us feel comfortable and health. 

Could follow the diet juice almost any type of fruit or vegetable which is eaten fresh? 

Start a diet of juice, after consultation with a GP 

We advise you to use vegetables that contain materials to assist in the disposal of the waste quickly, such as tomato, cucumber, celery, carrots. The combination of these or a combination of vegetables with some of the apple is a healthy and nutritious drink. Use a wide variety of fruits and vegetables during the day, it must be all of the nine cups apple juice or the juice, but rather must be diverse and rich in vegetables and fruits. 

First, dividing the nation on the agenda today, starting from the time of Talk for the first cup of juice, and then the date of the second cup, and the third and so on, and if they feel you will not use national alarm to remind every two hours following the date of the cup. 

Method of preparation: people Packer vegetables and fruits. Agleam well water. After extraction of juice, and he reduced water equal parts, for example, "the cup with a cup of water." Juice consumed immediately after the juice is not processed because the quantities of it loses its value once the juice and put in fridge. 

Some complain that using the diet for the first time in unpleasant symptoms such as self-defense, dry tongue, and a bad taste in the mouth. And can continue to make these symptoms your body free of waste and ending the end of the diet. 

In short, a diet of vegetables and fruit juices, an effective way to restore the health of the diseases, cleanse and regenerate tissues and body