Monday, May 25, 2009

In medical uses the leaves of nettle leaves

In medical uses the leaves of nettle leaves, containing vitamin C in 2-2, 5 times bigger than lemons. In addition, the nettles are vitamins B1, B2, a rare vitamin K (or more precisely K1 - Vitamin carotene and its derivatives, the order of 2% tannic substances and 5% chlorophyll. 
All the elevated portion of nettle is rich in phenol acids, Gallic, coffee), essential oils, contains porphyries, and 10% starch, falconoid, trace elements - manganese, iron, boron, copper, sulfur, calcium, potassium, nickel, mineral salts, acetylcholine. As protein content of leaves of nettle are comparable to those recognized by the leaders of nitrogen, like beans, peas, beans. 
Freshly juice acts as an anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, wound-healing, antiseptic, diuretic, anticonvulsant, multivitamin vehicle. Based on laboratory studies have repeatedly held, the conclusions are made on the effective use of juice in the treatment of anemia. This ability to increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood was comparable to the use of iron preparations. Also, on the basis of research results, has a direct effect of nettle juice to carbohydrate metabolism, and chlorophyll, which is part of it acts as a stimulant respiratory center, increasing the tone of the cardiovascular system, uterus and intestine, has regenerative ability (under the influence of granulation occurs and tissue). 
With a strong haemostatic properties juice is often used as primary or supplementary component to remove kidney, intestinal, uterine, hemorrhoid, pulmonary hemorrhage (of course, a doctor at detecting causes of bleeding). 
«Multiple» of this natural doctor applies to the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, It allows you to recover ovulation-menstrual cycle, is a good auxiliary tool in the treatment of uterine fibro, is shown in the particular rheumatism and gout, acute and chronic enter colitis, with neurosis and epilepsy. Due to its antiseptic properties, is very effective for the treatment of dysentery, a local outdoor use nettle juice greatly accelerates the process of healing of purulent wounds and helps eliminate the acne rash. 
The availability of large quantities of juice microelements and vitamin groups, define the effect of multivitamins on the body and enhances metabolism. Especially, it shows in the spring, when the immune forces are minimized. 
Separate attention the existence of secreting (stimulates the secretion of insulin) in the nettles, which fresh juice of its leaves can be used as a means. 
Divorced in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 nettle juice is used as rinsing the mouth and throat as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory therapy, and steatites Angina. 
Application of juice of the young (especially spring) nettle 2-3 times a day 1 tablespoon improves kidney removes excess fluid and slogs from an organism and improves metabolism. 
However, despite the opportunity given healing juice, do not forget about the contraindications for its use: individual intolerance, malignant Education and unknown etiology of bleeding, increased blood, and the tendency to the formation blood clots, varicose disease.