Thursday, May 28, 2009

Use mango in the food

In India, the mango fruits consumption in all stages of maturation, ranging from the smallest ovary; very young fruits are in lettuce, more mature mango used as a vegetable. From under ripe fruits prepare pickle, all kinds of pickles, condiments and sauces. 
From kept mango fruit in the next few months produce preserves (jams, juices, compotes, Comfitures, etc.). 
During the famine in India, used in food crushed into flour and seed kernel of mango. 

In the sale come two varieties of mango fruit. Spherical fruit shape reminiscent of peach, clear of the skin and eaten fresh, served for dessert along with ice cream. The fruit of another kind of mash in the hands, and then make a hole and squeeze the juice. 
Immature fruit of the mango is good in a salad; they served as a garnish for meat and fish dishes. They are trained sharp condiments chutney, the illicit roasted meat or poultry. Mango is also in the sharp curry sauce. 
Mango, you can bake separately (like apples), or meat stew with other fruit, freeze. Juice with the pulp of the ripe mango fruit - an excellent addition to ice cream, to different cocktails (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic). 
From young leaves of the mango are preparing the Indian national dish lablab. 

Mango flesh consumed in a clean way (do not eat the skin). At first, wash the fruit thoroughly. During the washing and cleaning the fruit of mango on hand, you may receive in the form of allergic rash, so it is preparing to use in gloves. 
Mango tasty refrigerated, with a softened his individual buttery flavor. 

If table is desirable to put the bowl with water to rinse your fingers or put slightly napkins, as well as the fruits of mango provide highly colored substance. 

Before serving at the table of the mango fruit is removed bone - you can use one of the following ways (depending on the degree of softness of the fruit). 
Hardcover mango fruit neoplasm cut across the fibers around the pit - best to cut the fruit along the bones on both sides. Then, holding the halves of the hands, turn them in opposite directions, and tightly to flesh bone cut. Treated halves dense mango pulp can be cut into plates, slices or cubes; you can grind through the mixer. 
Relatively mild mango fruit sharp knife to cut fruit into quarters, separate from the bones. Every turn of the skin up and hold a fork. Gently separate the skin fruit, juicy slices cut into pieces and eaten with a fork through. 
Very juicy mango pulp chooses from the cut in two halves of the fruit dessert spoon. 

Lessons from the ripe fruit of the mango pit can give life a new plant.