Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cabbage Juice contains

Cabbage juice contains easily assimilated carbohydrates, vitamins C, PP, folic acid and amino acids. Is it salt of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron? In the cabbage juice is found particularly vitamin U. In this regard, it is used in the form of heat as a means for the prevention of exacerbations of ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum. However, people with existing gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal cabbage juice are contraindicated. Warm fresh cabbage juice is recommended to rinse your mouth with steatites and gingivitis. In addition, the cabbage juice inhibits conversion of carbohydrates into fat, therefore, useful in obesity. You can drink it 30 minutes before meals and between meals several times a den’s cabbage - the perfect cleaning equipment, in particular, with obesity (for those who want to lose weight, you need to use the cabbage juice), cures duodenal ulcer, is effective in tumors , cures constipation, used in spay skin. A mixture of cabbage and carrot juice is an excellent way to cleanse the body, especially when gum infection that causes parry.
It is true that adding salt to the cabbage and its juice not only destroys its value, but also harmful.