Monday, May 25, 2009

Asparagus - a young escaped plant genus asparagus.

Asparagus - a young escaped plant genus asparagus. 
Asparagus is able to completely cover the deficit of vitamins and minerals, which formed over the winter. Asparagus contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and a large number of groups A, B, PP, asparagines, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. 
Asparagus juice is effective as a diuretic, especially with the carrot juice (if you drink pure juice of asparagus, it may strain the kidneys). As an additional component of juice blends asparagus juice drink with anemia and diabetes. In this case, mix it with the juices of these diseases. 
Another useful property of asparagus juice - to help the dissolution of oxalic acid in the kidneys and muscles of our body. This makes him indispensable in the treatment of rheumatism, neuritis and other diseases caused by an excess of urea. 
Asparagus lowers blood pressure, activates the cardiac activity, it is especially recommended in cystitis, dropsy, gout, diabetes, disease. 
It is believed that asparagus promotes success in the intimate affairs, for which she was named the «male vegetable», asparagus juice is recommended to use with prostitutes. 
Juice of asparagus - a perfect tool for peeling: it perfectly anachronistic cells prevents skin grubbed and to cover small wart - papilla, but also removes calluses and all orogovelosti. 
Contraindicated with individual intolerance to the product.