Monday, May 25, 2009

Juice of parsley

Parsley - this is simple. Parsley is extremely rich in beneficial substances. As the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), it surpasses many fruits and vegetables. In 100 g young green shoots of parsley contains about two per diem rules of vitamin C. It is nearly 4 times more than in the lemon. By carotene content of carrots parsley is not inferior. A 100 g of parsley contains two daily norms A. In addition to parsley have vitamins B1, B2, folic acid, and salts of potassium, magnesium, iron and enzyme substances, including insulin, which regulates the exchange of glucose in the blood. 
Juice of parsley is invaluable qualities necessary for the exchange of oxygen and maintains normal function of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Contained in the parsley and the micro-macro are in this ratio, which promotes the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries and arteries. 
Juice of parsley is very useful in cases of eye and optic nerve, cataract, and conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration eyes. Juice of parsley helps to restore visual acuity. 
This juice - a perfect tool with urinary tract diseases, and very helpful (thanks to the specific tastes bitter cold) with stones in the kidneys and bladder, nephritis, when a protein in the urine, as well as other diseases of the kidneys. Juice is used as greens, and roots. This is one of the most potent juices, so it should not be used separately in pure form over 30-60 grams.