Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fruit juice prevents treatment

Fresh fruit juices are extremely useful: they contain many vitamins and minerals. However, they are not always favorable for the organism. It has been proved: some juices affect the medicines. 

Canadian scientists have found that some fruit juice reduces the effectiveness of drugs used to treat cancer, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. 

This primarily relates to an orange, apple and grapefruit juice. They reduce the effectiveness of certain antibiotics and drugs that reduce the temperature. 

Thus, experts advise not to drink fruit juice at least 2 hours prior to medication, and medications drink only pure water. The rest of the time you can consume juices, and even necessary, so they have a lot of useful properties.

Way to reduce weight by juice

Addressed include quantity of juice diluted with water every hour or two hours from morning to night. While avoiding taking solid foods, or any other types of liquids 

Fasting is one way the older and more effective to get rid of large quantities of waste and accumulated in the body. In the past, people were on the fast food and drinking water, drinking only on one day and almost every week. Experts say that fasting on juices, both vegetable and fruit, nice and useful for many in the normalization of all biological processes in the body. 

The deal with the amount of juice diet of juice diluted with water every hour or two hours from morning to night. While avoiding taking solid foods or any other types of liquids, juices and canned, especially if you are you have a juice diet. Must not exceed the total amount of juice per day for 7 to 9 cups equal. 

Must contain these juices, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, and enzymes needed by the body and thus speed up the healing process. 

Note: When you follow the diet juice Make sure to go to the bathroom regularly. 

Juice diet has many benefits. It is the safest way to get rid of the toxins in the body and the removal of cells and tissues, dead or damaged. It also reduces cholesterol levels; and the symptoms of allergies, acne, and headaches - also make us feel comfortable and health. 

Could follow the diet juice almost any type of fruit or vegetable which is eaten fresh? 

Start a diet of juice, after consultation with a GP 

We advise you to use vegetables that contain materials to assist in the disposal of the waste quickly, such as tomato, cucumber, celery, carrots. The combination of these or a combination of vegetables with some of the apple is a healthy and nutritious drink. Use a wide variety of fruits and vegetables during the day, it must be all of the nine cups apple juice or the juice, but rather must be diverse and rich in vegetables and fruits. 

First, dividing the nation on the agenda today, starting from the time of Talk for the first cup of juice, and then the date of the second cup, and the third and so on, and if they feel you will not use national alarm to remind every two hours following the date of the cup. 

Method of preparation: people Packer vegetables and fruits. Agleam well water. After extraction of juice, and he reduced water equal parts, for example, "the cup with a cup of water." Juice consumed immediately after the juice is not processed because the quantities of it loses its value once the juice and put in fridge. 

Some complain that using the diet for the first time in unpleasant symptoms such as self-defense, dry tongue, and a bad taste in the mouth. And can continue to make these symptoms your body free of waste and ending the end of the diet. 

In short, a diet of vegetables and fruit juices, an effective way to restore the health of the diseases, cleanse and regenerate tissues and body

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tomato juice diet

Despite the low calorie, tomato juice is excellent taste qualities, and many useful properties. There are a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin E, as well as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. This juice has a beneficial effect on metabolism and immune system, removes slag and increases resistance to radiation.

Adding to the diet 2 cups of tomato juice a day to completely fill the shortage of vitamins C and E, the lack of which often felt during a limited dietary food. The proposed diet is recommended to observe no more than 2 weeks.


A) A glass of tomato juice, 2 pieces of rye bread with a thin layer of oil;

B) a glass of tomato juice, 100 g of lean cottage cheese with fruit salad.


A) A glass of tomato juice, 100 g of rice with a small amount of vegetables, raw or baked apple;

B) a glass of tomato juice, 150 g of lean boiled fish, salad of cucumber, tomato and leaf salad with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.


A) Chicken of 100 g beef minces, fresh herbs, a few mushrooms stewed with onions, 2 small boiled potatoes;

B) Half of chicken breast, boiled with vegetables, 100 grams of rice

Friday, May 29, 2009

The dangerous misconceptions about the benefits of juice

Many are accustomed to believe that because the juice - it is natural and useful product, then you can drink it as you want. However, this is not quite true. 

1. The fact that the juice and juice drinks a lot of sugar. The experts found that the sugar content in them at times could reach up to six teaspoons of sugar in 250-gram package. Therefore, they are high-calorie. So in the liter of grape juice contains about 1100 kcal, and per liter of apple - about 900. In addition, most juices increase the appetite. In addition, all of this, as we understand it, helps to add extra kilos. In addition, excessive consumption of sugar can cause diabetes. 
2. Some of the drinks are written that they made «without adding sugar» or «low in sugar». However, deceive ourselves in this case is not worth - sugar are replaced by artificial sweeteners - saccharin, aspartame (E951), -K (E950), which although do not contain unnecessary calories, but still no better than sugar. 
3. In addition to juice contains a lot of acid, which contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel. In addition, a very acidic juice binds calcium and takes it from the body, so with osteoporosis such juices should be consumed with caution. 
4. A large number of drunken juices can lead to chronic diarrhea. 
5. Also, do not forget that there are contraindications to the consumption of juices, such as ulcerative colitis, gastritis with increased secretary activity, peptic ulcer disease and others.

Which juice useful

Obviously, the nutrients will be much more natural and juice. However, there are hundred percent natural juices in the sale are very rare and quite expensive. The most common method of processing and production of juice - concentration. In order not to carry a huge amount of natural juice, for example, from Africa, the sap boil down to concentrate, reducing the amount of six times. Then, already on the ground, the juice is added water, and it is available for sale. In the process of concentration under the high temperature in the juice can destroy up to half the vitamin C disappears some aromatics, give the juice flavor, and some amino acids and carbohydrates react and change their structure. Naturally, this loss reduces the value of juice.  

If the juice from concentrate much water as you understands, you can add stuff. The more water, the less meaningful is the juice. Then put it in the sugar, citric acid, natural flavors, and preservatives in the worst case. The result is no longer the juice and juice drink.

Recommendations for the preparation of juices:

• Recommendations for the preparation of juices:
• Use the juice to get fresh fruits and vegetables without a burrow and rot
• Prepare juice themselves
• Juices should be used no more than 10 minutes after cooking
• Juice is drunk in small sips, how we can better their saliva
• Vegetables and fruits should be cleaned immediately before cooking juice
• The most valuable juices - this juice containing fiber source products, such as apple juice with pulp
• Juice drinks 30 minutes before meals
• Juice of stone fruits (plums, peaches ...) to any other juices do not mix
• Pre fruits should be thoroughly washed with boiled water, trying not to macerate them in order to prevent loss of vitamins B and C
• As a juicer, you cannot put hard and fibrous parts of fruits - the core of pineapple, celery leaves, pits of apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, melon seeds
• Vegetables and fruits with a thin skin (apples, pears, apricots, tomatoes), not necessarily clean
• You cannot get juice from soft fruits of papaya, avocado, mango, figs, and bananas
• Juices of certain vegetables, fruits and berries can paint plastic parts Juicers. Color stains can utter soda food or vegetable oil

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Use mango in the food

In India, the mango fruits consumption in all stages of maturation, ranging from the smallest ovary; very young fruits are in lettuce, more mature mango used as a vegetable. From under ripe fruits prepare pickle, all kinds of pickles, condiments and sauces. 
From kept mango fruit in the next few months produce preserves (jams, juices, compotes, Comfitures, etc.). 
During the famine in India, used in food crushed into flour and seed kernel of mango. 

In the sale come two varieties of mango fruit. Spherical fruit shape reminiscent of peach, clear of the skin and eaten fresh, served for dessert along with ice cream. The fruit of another kind of mash in the hands, and then make a hole and squeeze the juice. 
Immature fruit of the mango is good in a salad; they served as a garnish for meat and fish dishes. They are trained sharp condiments chutney, the illicit roasted meat or poultry. Mango is also in the sharp curry sauce. 
Mango, you can bake separately (like apples), or meat stew with other fruit, freeze. Juice with the pulp of the ripe mango fruit - an excellent addition to ice cream, to different cocktails (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic). 
From young leaves of the mango are preparing the Indian national dish lablab. 

Mango flesh consumed in a clean way (do not eat the skin). At first, wash the fruit thoroughly. During the washing and cleaning the fruit of mango on hand, you may receive in the form of allergic rash, so it is preparing to use in gloves. 
Mango tasty refrigerated, with a softened his individual buttery flavor. 

If table is desirable to put the bowl with water to rinse your fingers or put slightly napkins, as well as the fruits of mango provide highly colored substance. 

Before serving at the table of the mango fruit is removed bone - you can use one of the following ways (depending on the degree of softness of the fruit). 
Hardcover mango fruit neoplasm cut across the fibers around the pit - best to cut the fruit along the bones on both sides. Then, holding the halves of the hands, turn them in opposite directions, and tightly to flesh bone cut. Treated halves dense mango pulp can be cut into plates, slices or cubes; you can grind through the mixer. 
Relatively mild mango fruit sharp knife to cut fruit into quarters, separate from the bones. Every turn of the skin up and hold a fork. Gently separate the skin fruit, juicy slices cut into pieces and eaten with a fork through. 
Very juicy mango pulp chooses from the cut in two halves of the fruit dessert spoon. 

Lessons from the ripe fruit of the mango pit can give life a new plant.

How to choose a mango fruit

Because ripe fruits of different varieties of mangoes are very diverse painted (from bright green to dark, almost black, with yellow or bright spots, which somehow resemble freckles), the color of the fruit is very difficult to judge the degree of their maturity. First of all, choose to fruit with a shiny healthy skin. The ripe fruit and fresh mango to the touch to it as a «responsible for the greetings». However, the skin should not be much prominently under your fingers. The quality of mango fruit is not too hard but not soft. Over-ripe fruit is better not to buy. 

More or less pronounced turpentine odor emanating from the mango fruit, are often put off by the buyers are not familiar with this feature of the fruit. Do the best cultivars of mango, this scent is expressed weakly. 

The fruits of mangoes well kept. For use on the ground fruits are harvested at the stage of full maturity, and storage and export to collect a few before (after reaching the characteristic of the class size, and when the first signs of grade color). 
Fully ripe mango fruit stored at room conditions, not more than five days. In the cool (at 10 ° C) can be stored without a significant change in the quality of three weeks. 

Storage of mango under low temperatures fetal tissue softens. 

Shabby mango fruits are suitable for storing frozen.

Contained in the mango fruit

Contained in the mango fruit vitamins «C» and «E» in conjunction with carotene and fiber prevent cancer (colon and rectum, pancreas and prostate, breast, cervix, stomach and other organs). 
Vitamins group «in», vitamin «C» and carotene strengthens the body’s immune system and protects healthy cells from oxidation as antioxidants. 

Mango eliminates nervous tension, improves mood, helps to overcome stress, and improves sexual potency. 

Russian recommend at pains in the heart to put a piece of mango fruit at the tip of tongue for 5-7 min. For the overall strengthening of the cardiovascular system is useful for 2-3 weeks of daily grind a piece of fruit flesh of mango, distributing it across the surface of language, holding 5-7 minutes, and then swallow. Fresh fruit can be substituted for the mango juice and nectars, which also need to hold in the mouth 5-7 minutes. 

European appoints a decoction of leaves of mango in the treatment of diabetes and with the defeat of retina in diabetics. There was also improvement in the blood vessels and pancreas. Broth semi mango leaves helps with hypertension, in the treatment of multiple hemorrhages on the skin, varicose veins, etc. 

In the traditional medicine of India is famous for mango fruit that cures for many diseases (even from the cholera and plague). Ripe designate as a diuretic and, with internal bleeding. Mango juice treat acute dermatitis; seeds used in asthma. 

In the Philippines, the mango fruit used to improve peristalsis of the bowel, with constipation and stomach upset while. 

In Brazil, the mango juice drink during a meal for better assimilation of fat and meat, as well as to get rid of heartburn. 

For medicinal purposes are used not only fruits but also flowers, seeds, bark, leaves and gum from the bark. Peel of mango fruit is astringent and stomach tonic properties. 

However, there are contraindications for certain people prone to allergic reactions: from contact with the mango can outhunt lips and the skin rash may appear.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Natural juice

There are several ways to obtain the natural juice. First - take, for example, orange, and with the help of electrical household appliances copybook squeeze out the moisture from it. The way the second - go to the store and buy ... Juice? Nectar? Drink? To understand that there is that has to go through the processing chain «juice industry». 

If we buy juice made, for example, in Finland, it is not very thinking that in this country, oranges or mangoes do not grow. So how do they get in the package? According to lead researcher of the Moscow State University of Food Productions Alexander Colenso, bring them from where they grow. 

The fruits are collected somewhere in Morocco or Brazil, the squeeze of fresh juice and tanker in refrigerated form brought to Europe. And to not drive away in the water, juice, pre-digest it; get thickened (concentrated) juice, which contains all the components of fresh juice. 

Incidentally, this is honestly written on package: «100% juice made from concentrated natural juice» - to add to it water. Preservatives in the juice are not. As an additive may be present only natural flavors from the same kind of fruit. 

A few more away from natural orange drink called «nectar». They contain between 25 and 50% natural juice (for peaches, plums, apricots and other fruits with high content of meat - natural fruit share). All the rest - it is water, sugar, citric acid and natural flavors, manufactured, unlike the juice of any kind of fruit. 

And the latest in the «juices row» are juice drinks (fruit drink), containing not less than 10% natural juice or natural fruit share. 

Separately, I would like to say that the people called «dry» or powder juices. All are made exclusively of food additives -, dyes and artificial flavors - and can not claim the title of juices, nectars and fruit drinks. However, all the ingredients of these powders are allowed to manufacture and application ». 

Naturally, it would be more expensive juice, nectar, drink and even more powder. The most frequent admission of falsification of juice - this issue nectar or juice for a drink of nectar. 

For the health of buyers of these «tricks», in principle, are harmless. But for purses - visible. So carefully read what is written on a box of juice the smallest letter, not to pay for a slogan or a beautifully written price list.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Juice: the composition and benefits

Juice - it is not only life-giving moisture, tasty and useful, it is recommended to drink in the mornings and evenings. It has its own chemical composition. 

Water. Ranging from 75 to 90% of the volume of juice, depending on their type, so their calorie content is low. 

Carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, sucrose, polysaccharides and others. Played a crucial role in the life of the body and are the most important nutrients. 

Sahara in the juices, are released gradually, which allows us to keep glucose levels stable. This is especially important for people suffering from diabetes. Polysaccharides bind cholesterol in the digestive tract, so it is no longer absorbed in the intestine. 

Insoluble fiber - a kind of hospital gastrointestinal tract. They reduce the time of passage of food through the intestine and help it cleaning. 

Fructose contained in juices, many times sweeter than glucose and sucrose, and much easier to be converted into glycogen - animal carbohydrate, which is required for normal formation and growth of muscles and various organs and systems, and serves as energetic materials, in particular to the liver. Use vegetables and fruits with high content of fructose, it is possible to reduce consumption of artificial sugar and regulate fat metabolism. The most valuable source of fructose is the watermelon. A lot of fructose in the banana, grapes, cherries, pears, raspberries, cherries and apples. 

The organic acid found in all fruits and vegetables. Apples, pears, quinces, cherries, plums, apricots, dogwood, and tomatoes, are rich in malice acid. Cranberries, currants, strawberries, blueberries, blueberry, citrus - lemon. Tartaric acid found in cranberries grapes, gooseberry (in immature gooseberry - succinct acid), red currant. The source of salicylic acid is the raspberry, cranberry, and strawberry, cherry. Benzoic acid has strong bactericidal properties. It’s a lot of cranberries and cranberries (up to 0, 5-2 g per 1 kg of fresh berries). Organic acids are very actively involved in the processes of digestion and possess antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, action. 

Vitamins. To say that the vegetable and fruit juices - storehouse of vitamins, it means nothing to say or to say too much. Vitamins - the mysterious substance. Even their paltry amount to maintain our bodies that can not live without them, at a physical level. Because the body is unable to synthesize the vitamin itself, you must have a permanent source - vegetable juices. 
However, you need to say that far from any juice - a source of vitamins. Many juices (especially restoration) is very poor in vitamins, exclusion - specially fortified juice, carrot juice (a source of beta-carotene), black currant juice (vitamins C and E) and some others. 
For more information on the effects of vitamins on the human body can be found in any directory. 

Mineral substances. Juices of fruits and vegetables, wild plants would not have been so valuable to our body if not a source of minerals. 
In principle, any juice is a source of essential amino acids our body, and mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins. You can not limit itself to any one kind of juice. It should be remembered that fruit juices cleanse the body, and vegetable juices - are restored. 
Folic acid is concentrated mainly in green leafy vegetables, beta-carotene - in vegetables, painted in red, orange and dark green. Dark green leafy vegetables - a good source of calcium. The blue, violet and yellow pigments of plants have antioxidant and action (the same properties of beta-carotene, vitamins C and E). In a number of vegetables and fruits contain anti-matter type of lemon. 

Do not forget that the vegetables do not contain a complete set of nutrients essential to humans. The same applies to fruits. This little protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, there is no vitamin B12, and a number of other vitamins in small quantities. Making your diet, and combines it with the vegetables and fruit food groups.

Fresh orange juice

Fresh orange juice contains vitamin A, C, a small amount of vitamins C, E, B-6, B-2, B-1, biotin, folic acid, instill, niacin, and 11 amino acids. It also contains minerals: calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, copper, fluoride, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc. 
Would drink this juice - it is quite possible, avoid colds. And vitamin C improves the tone, relieves fatigue, and strengthens blood vessels. Useful juice with atherosclerosis and hypertension. 
Canned or frozen juices of citrus fruits do not retain all the properties of fresh orange juice. But, despite the usefulness of the health, abundance of citrus fruit juices increases the acidity and removes calcium from the body. It is therefore recommended to use no more than 3-6 small cups of juice a week. It's more of citrus juice is recommended that hard to do sports in order to offset the increasing acidity. Orange juice is useful in inflammation of the joints, problems with the liver and lungs, pneumonia, inflammation of the gums, anemia and other blood diseases, colds, temperature, high blood pressure, digestive problems, scurvy, skin diseases, malnutrition. 
However, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity and bowel disorders is better not to eat oranges and juice diluted by half.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pineapple juice

In pineapple juice contains a unique natural substance -, which is an excellent natural fat and rejuvenates the body. Therefore, pineapple juice being used in different diets. In addition, pineapple juices - an excellent source of vitamin C, minerals - salts of potassium and copper. It is relatively rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP, provitamin A. This juice and recommend a remedial measure in diseases of kidneys and angina. 
Pineapple juice is used to reduce edema in the kidney disease and cardiovascular system. Due to content in the fruit flesh of ascorbic acid, pineapple is a good and vitamin tool. Pineapple juice has a good curative effect for anemia. Has a positive impact on the work of the pancreas, stimulates the activities of the intestines, contributes to the disappearance of pigment spots and removes fluid from the body. 
Pineapple juice rejuvenates the body, cleans the walls of vessels from cholesterol plaques, promotes assimilation of food protein, and prevents the formation blood clots.

Asparagus - a young escaped plant genus asparagus.

Asparagus - a young escaped plant genus asparagus. 
Asparagus is able to completely cover the deficit of vitamins and minerals, which formed over the winter. Asparagus contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and a large number of groups A, B, PP, asparagines, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. 
Asparagus juice is effective as a diuretic, especially with the carrot juice (if you drink pure juice of asparagus, it may strain the kidneys). As an additional component of juice blends asparagus juice drink with anemia and diabetes. In this case, mix it with the juices of these diseases. 
Another useful property of asparagus juice - to help the dissolution of oxalic acid in the kidneys and muscles of our body. This makes him indispensable in the treatment of rheumatism, neuritis and other diseases caused by an excess of urea. 
Asparagus lowers blood pressure, activates the cardiac activity, it is especially recommended in cystitis, dropsy, gout, diabetes, disease. 
It is believed that asparagus promotes success in the intimate affairs, for which she was named the «male vegetable», asparagus juice is recommended to use with prostitutes. 
Juice of asparagus - a perfect tool for peeling: it perfectly anachronistic cells prevents skin grubbed and to cover small wart - papilla, but also removes calluses and all orogovelosti. 
Contraindicated with individual intolerance to the product.

Celery juice contains a large amount of magnesium and iron

Celery juice contains a large amount of magnesium and iron, this combination is very valuable as food for red blood cell. A large percentage of organic sodium contributes to the removal from the body of carbon dioxide and prevents premature aging. 
Celery roots contain essential oils, starch, and mineral salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, acetic, and oxalic acid, oil, vitamins C, B1, B2, and PP. In the leaves of celery contains essential oils, vitamin C, vitamin A, minerals (mainly phosphorus and iron), plant hormones. 
Juice from the roots of celery used in gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer with normal and reduced secretion, kidney diseases, particularly when, gout, allergic urinary, arthritis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cystitis, edema, migraine, neuroses and insomnia. 
Outdoor celery used in inflammatory processes, as well as the injury as a palliative and analgesic. For this purpose, prepare embrocating: half a cup of juice mixed with the same amount of vinegar and add a half teaspoon of salt. Cloth soaked in a solution is applied to the sick and sore places. Lotion should be changed frequently. 
Of the celery, you can make a drink, exciting sexual appetite and increasing sexual potency in men. To do this, mix 100 g of celery juice and 25 g of apple juice. Drink this cocktail evening. 
Dry, hot weather postponed easier if you drink 50g. Fresh celery morning and the same day, before eating. It normalizes the body temperature.

Juice of parsley

Parsley - this is simple. Parsley is extremely rich in beneficial substances. As the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), it surpasses many fruits and vegetables. In 100 g young green shoots of parsley contains about two per diem rules of vitamin C. It is nearly 4 times more than in the lemon. By carotene content of carrots parsley is not inferior. A 100 g of parsley contains two daily norms A. In addition to parsley have vitamins B1, B2, folic acid, and salts of potassium, magnesium, iron and enzyme substances, including insulin, which regulates the exchange of glucose in the blood. 
Juice of parsley is invaluable qualities necessary for the exchange of oxygen and maintains normal function of the thyroid and adrenal glands. Contained in the parsley and the micro-macro are in this ratio, which promotes the walls of blood vessels, especially capillaries and arteries. 
Juice of parsley is very useful in cases of eye and optic nerve, cataract, and conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration eyes. Juice of parsley helps to restore visual acuity. 
This juice - a perfect tool with urinary tract diseases, and very helpful (thanks to the specific tastes bitter cold) with stones in the kidneys and bladder, nephritis, when a protein in the urine, as well as other diseases of the kidneys. Juice is used as greens, and roots. This is one of the most potent juices, so it should not be used separately in pure form over 30-60 grams.

Juice of wheat germs

Sprouts of wheat in recent years become more and more popular medicinal product in Russia. In the West, it is quite a long time used in the form of fresh juice, known as «Wheatgrass» (Viagra’s) in order to prevent and treat a range of diseases, as well as and rejuvenating drink. 

Sprouts of wheat falls into the category of nutrient products i.e. contain other than the required set of enzymes, trace elements and vitamins hitherto unstudied beanery. The human body is wonderfully designed for rapid absorption of these products, resulting in energy in their and all the metabolic processes in the times spent less. 
However, there is a natural question - why is it wheat? The thing is that each cell represents the wheat germ «live» the container containing the cytoplasm with a large number of specific, foremost among which are the chloroplasts. It is in them, and going on photosynthesis necessary for human body enzymes, and their maximum concentration is reached at an altitude of germ 10 - 12, see even the shell of each young germ cells represents a set of specific chain of carbohydrates and polysaccharides, the United phenols employed in the intestine as Sorbets and antioxidants. This is feature wheat, distinguishes it from other cereal crops. These polysaccharides are not destroyed completely by the action of hydrochloric acid, gastric juice and, in the small intestine are able to differentiate and to absorb radionuclide, compounds of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms. Use the fresh juice of wheat sprouts shows people who suffer from dysfunction ZHKT with liver disease. 
In turn, protoplasm, containing up to 100 active and working up to the light (photosynthesis), producing large quantities of sucrose, A, characinoid, and vitamin E, may improve the metabolic processes in the human body. Separate attention enzyme found in wheat germ - super oxide disputes (ensures stable operation of the aging body's cells). In the same complex, a set of substances, elements, vitamins and enzymes are effective means of prevention and treatment of cancer. 
Daily use of even a small amount of fresh juice of wheat sprouts allows you to get rid of many chronic diseases, enhance immunity, and its activity in relation to influenza virus finds support at the level of laboratory research. Juice has a regenerative ability, manifested in the launch mechanism of rejuvenation at the cellular level. 
Incredibly huge chlorophyll content in the fresh juice of wheat sprouts strengthens cell membranes, facilitates the speedy healing of wounds, ulcers, erosions of different origin. Discovered similarities in the structure of chlorophyll molecules and human hemoglobin (difference is only an atom of magnesium instead of iron) you can increase the oxygen content in the blood, accelerating metabolic processes. Moreover, chlorophyll accelerates phagocytes, thus increasing the protective functions, it is able to block the pathological changes in the chain of human DNA (according to some researchers, it prevents the transition of healthy cells into cancer). 
Juice of wheat germs has a weak diuretic effect, regulates blood pressure, it is recommended for the treatment of hypertension. The presence of chlorophyll molecules in the composition of vitamin K prevents the formation of oxalates in the urine, which contributes to the prevention of. Also, it is activator functions of the thyroid and pancreas, increases hemoglobin levels, stimulates bowel motility and reduces anxiety. 
In laboratory studies conducted in the U.S. and Russia (St. Petersburg State Medical University) has identified a number of specific impacts of wheat sprout juice in the human body: 
- Regeneration of tissue 
- Synthesis of blood cells 
- Normalization of the ZHKT 
- The ability to absorb radionuclide 
- Activation of enzymes that promote synthesis of vitamin A, K, E 
- Increases lactation in nursing women 
- Antibacterial and antifungal effect in the local (external) application 
- Removal of toxins and waste from the body, deactivation of carcinogens 
- Prevention and treatment of 
- Resistance to influenza virus (to a lesser extent par Agrippa) 
- Effect. 
Preparation of fresh juice of wheat sprouts process: it can be done, having passed through a meat grinder or blender to grind. The main rule - Use only fresh (!) Juice. 
Strict contraindications to the use of this drink are a personal intolerance cereals, sensitization to pollen allergens, bronchial asthma during heavy and prolonged use of (for 2 years), and pregnancy.

In medical uses the leaves of nettle leaves

In medical uses the leaves of nettle leaves, containing vitamin C in 2-2, 5 times bigger than lemons. In addition, the nettles are vitamins B1, B2, a rare vitamin K (or more precisely K1 - Vitamin carotene and its derivatives, the order of 2% tannic substances and 5% chlorophyll. 
All the elevated portion of nettle is rich in phenol acids, Gallic, coffee), essential oils, contains porphyries, and 10% starch, falconoid, trace elements - manganese, iron, boron, copper, sulfur, calcium, potassium, nickel, mineral salts, acetylcholine. As protein content of leaves of nettle are comparable to those recognized by the leaders of nitrogen, like beans, peas, beans. 
Freshly juice acts as an anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, wound-healing, antiseptic, diuretic, anticonvulsant, multivitamin vehicle. Based on laboratory studies have repeatedly held, the conclusions are made on the effective use of juice in the treatment of anemia. This ability to increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood was comparable to the use of iron preparations. Also, on the basis of research results, has a direct effect of nettle juice to carbohydrate metabolism, and chlorophyll, which is part of it acts as a stimulant respiratory center, increasing the tone of the cardiovascular system, uterus and intestine, has regenerative ability (under the influence of granulation occurs and tissue). 
With a strong haemostatic properties juice is often used as primary or supplementary component to remove kidney, intestinal, uterine, hemorrhoid, pulmonary hemorrhage (of course, a doctor at detecting causes of bleeding). 
«Multiple» of this natural doctor applies to the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, It allows you to recover ovulation-menstrual cycle, is a good auxiliary tool in the treatment of uterine fibro, is shown in the particular rheumatism and gout, acute and chronic enter colitis, with neurosis and epilepsy. Due to its antiseptic properties, is very effective for the treatment of dysentery, a local outdoor use nettle juice greatly accelerates the process of healing of purulent wounds and helps eliminate the acne rash. 
The availability of large quantities of juice microelements and vitamin groups, define the effect of multivitamins on the body and enhances metabolism. Especially, it shows in the spring, when the immune forces are minimized. 
Separate attention the existence of secreting (stimulates the secretion of insulin) in the nettles, which fresh juice of its leaves can be used as a means. 
Divorced in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 nettle juice is used as rinsing the mouth and throat as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory therapy, and steatites Angina. 
Application of juice of the young (especially spring) nettle 2-3 times a day 1 tablespoon improves kidney removes excess fluid and slogs from an organism and improves metabolism. 
However, despite the opportunity given healing juice, do not forget about the contraindications for its use: individual intolerance, malignant Education and unknown etiology of bleeding, increased blood, and the tendency to the formation blood clots, varicose disease.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and digestive system

Pumpkin juice contains sucrose, useful pectin substances, and salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and cobalt. Are there vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E, beta-carotene. 
Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and digestive system. Useful in diseases of the urinary bladder, kidney, skin, with constipation. Sometimes it is recommended for women with inflammatory appendages. 
Pumpkin juice improves the gastrointestinal tract, contributes. His long recommend people with cardiovascular disease, accompanied by edema. 
Pumpkin juice is particularly useful in diseases of kidneys and liver. To apply you need to half a cup once a day. When you sleep at night is recommended to drink glass pumpkin juice with honey, with stones in the kidneys and bladder - for a quarter or a half cup of pumpkin juice 3 times a day. The cure - 10 days. 
Contraindications to receive virtually no pumpkin juice, only individual intolerance.

Fresh Tomato juice

Tomato juice contains vitamin C, carotene, vitamins of group B, can be recommended to all. Useful in cardiovascular disease, constipation. Because of the low caloric content, you can drink for people with overweight. Oxalic acid and urine, contributing to a violation of salt metabolism and the development of gout, it slightly, so does not preclude the tomato juice from your diet if you have kidney or joints. 
Two cups of tomato juice daily fill the need for vitamins C and A. We recommend that in the hypertensive disease. Suppresses decay processes in the intestine. 
Tomato juice, you need to drink 20-30 minutes before eating, because it increases the willingness of the stomach and intestines to digesting food. Adding salt lowers the healing properties of juices. Instead of salt you can add crushed garlic and fresh herbs: dill, parsley, coriander. 
Contraindicated in tomato juice with worsening gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, 
Do not use with poisoning, even easy! In the case of tomato juice to strengthen their existing benefits.

Beet juice refreshes the blood

In beetroot juice a lot of sugar, there are vitamins C, E, B1, and B2; in large quantities it contains salts of potassium, iron, and manganese. Useful substances beet juice stimulates blood. High concentrations of magnesium contribute to the normalization of the nervous system under stress, overload, and insomnia. Also, this juice improves peristalsis of intestine, so is a good tool to prevent constipation. 
Beet juice refreshes the blood, sating its minerals and natural sugars, so it is widely used to treat anemia (anemia). 
Juice is an excellent cleanser of liver, kidney and gall bladder, the juice is used to reduce high blood pressure and other violations of cardiac activity, while menstrual disturbances during menopause. 
However, pure beet juice can cause dizziness and nausea, so the best way to consume it in half with carrot juice. 
In kidney disease, stomach ulcer and duodenal beet juice is not recommended. 
Accustomed to concentrated beetroot juice should be gradual, starting with one tablespoon per day. Before use it should be boiled with water or dilute broth hips. You can mix it with carrot, cabbage, apple, plum or pumpkin juices.

Fresh Juice of radish

As the content of vitamins, in comparison with other vegetables, radishes are not a leader. However, it is versatile vitamin range - everything. In Roots are vitamins C, B, carotene, nicotinic acid, etc. The taste and odor of radish caused by the presence of sulfur emissions. In Roots discovered enzyme, which is able to dissolve the cell wall of many bacteria. Phenol compounds from the roots of black radish received rain - an effective antimicrobial agent. He kills staphylococcus, streptococci, sticks diphtheria, and peruses wand fungi. Rain neutralize tetanus and diphtheria toxins, accelerates the healing of purulent wounds. Radish juice (or grated radish) in the form of lotions applied to purulent wounds, abscesses, in the treatment of eczema: it also has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. 
Roots are widely used in medicine in various countries. They increase the allocation of gastric juice, improves digestion, have, diaphoretic and diuretic effect, contribute to dissolution and release of stones. Redo apply at gastritis, edema, gout, to stimulate lactation in nursing mothers, as a vermifuge. 
Yearning radish juice mixed half with honey, used in diseases of liver, and, but with the addition of beetroot or carrot juice in the same proportion - with anemia, overfatigue. 
Radish fiber promotes cholesterol removal from the body, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis. 
Radish juice treats vaginal. Radish is used as a food product, increasing the secretion of digestive glands. Frequent drinking water radish broth recommend for chronic diarrhea.

Fresh cucumbers juice

Perhaps the cucumbers are the best diuretic. However, cucumber has other valuable properties, such as improving the growth of hair, a they strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Cucumbers contain more than 40 percent. Potassium, 10 percent. Sodium, 7.5 percent. Calcium, 20 percent. Phosphorus, 4.7 percent. Chlorine. Add cucumber juice to the carrot is very beneficial in the rheumatic diseases, and such diseases are the result of the content of uric acid in the body. Additions of the mixture of some beet juice speeds up the overall process. High levels of potassium in cucumber make him very valuable at high and low blood pressure. Cucumber juice helps with the poor condition of teeth and gums, such as when. Our hair and nails are particularly in need of a combination of elements of fresh cucumber juice and prevent splitting and loss of hair. Juice can be useful for preventing over voltage myocardium. It calms and strengthens the nervous system, prevents atherosclerosis and improves memory. You can take up to 100 ml of pure juice. Its effect is reinforced when combined with other juices, such as Blackcurrant, apple, grapefruit or tomato and garlic