Sunday, July 11, 2010

Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey ... and once more whiskey!

On the eve of St. Patrick's Day would be nice to think of whiskey, as the Irish national drink. Whisky - one of those things in our lives, and that love and hate equally. Strong, firm and soft, whiskey remains one of the best varieties of alcohol for many years. 

Whisky (with Scottish Gallic uisge-beatha), or whiskey (from Irish uisce beatha or fuisce) belongs to a broad category of alcohol, which is distilled from fermented grain, and insists in wooden barrels (usually oak). 

Different variations of whiskey used different sorts of grains: barley, malt, rye, wheat and corn. Whisky way with a Gallic word for word translated as "water of life» (water of life). The most famous Scottish and Irish whiskeys. 

The first mention of whiskey in Ireland dates from the year 1405, where he made the monks. And in Scotland, the first record was made in 1496. However, the whiskey is likely to have a hundred years before it was distributed. Where or when whiskey was first obtained, is unknown. Scotland and Ireland all the time arguing, who coined the whiskey. 

The Irish drink the beverage is not diluted, so the Irish whiskey is usually milder in flavor. In Scotland there is a method 5S (in translation: Admire, inhale, savor, swallow, dilute), the first drink they drink is not diluted and then poured into water or Put the ice in order to fully experience the taste and aroma. In fact, no clear rules, everyone is drinking your favorite brand of whiskey with your favorite method. And we offer the finest selection of cocktails based on whiskey. 
Godfather Cocktail 
56 ml (2 ounces) Scotch 
30 ml (~ 1 ounce) Amaretto 
Mix and pour into a glass.