Tuesday, July 27, 2010

B-52. Take off?

This cocktail is a prominent representative of cocktails with layers and cocktails with Kindling . In preparation it is one difficulty. Three of liquor should be poured so that they are not mixed. 
1 part coffee liqueur (eg Kahlua) 
1 part cream liqueur (eg, Baylis) 
1 part orange liqueur (such as Cointreau) 

Pour the liqueur, one after another in a glass-shot. 

If you pour liquor without mixing does not work, do not worry. There is a variation of this cocktail with mixing and adding ice. The result also not bad. 

One of the most popular options - a cocktail they burn quickly and drink through a straw. 

Cocktail incidentally named after a bomber Boeing B-52. Take off?