Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to prepare and drink coffee?

Fashion at the coffee shop has swept recently. And how much do we know about this coffee? By this means the coffee boiled, ground coffee beans best varieties, but not instant drink of dubious taste. 

Around the world coffee - it's not just a drink. This attribute of daily business, self-confident person. Without a cup of coffee can not imagine any business negotiations, informal meetings, romantic dates, etc. 
Coffee has a soul. The main task of someone about coffee - coffee is not depriving his soul, that is, its aroma, taste and aftertaste. Coffee, as a beloved woman, should always be, a delight and warm the soul! 

Let's start with the fact that coffee beans should be stored. Since they are well absorbing foreign odors, they should be stored in a cool dry place. Typically, for a long time to store coffee is not accepted. Although there are specialty coffees, which are stored in warehouses for years and this only become better and get some smoke flavor. Ground coffee can be stored at all, because its flavor quickly erodes. 

The process of making coffee as a drink full of mysteries and is surrounded by something mysterious. Impeccably prepared coffee can only units. In fact, it is only a competent knowledge of the chemical processes occurring in the coffee powder. But since this drink gourmet type, then cook it in a particularly beautiful and so fun to come before you started drinking coffee. 

Some of them, preparing coffee in Cezve (Turku), convinced that coffee is ready, as soon as he brought to a boil. This is the biggest mistake. This drink even coffee and do not want to call. The fact is that after 98-99 ° C in a coffee irreversible process begins. Moreover, that coffee is sour to the taste; it is because that starts to separate harmful to human stomach acid. Ideal to prepare Turkish coffee can only be on the hot sand. 

In the Turk poured hot coffee finely, then it is a bit hotter on the sand, it is important not to overheat it! Then in Turku is poured sugar and spice (if necessary, of course) and filled with cold water. To coffee boiled and evenly warmed, the Turk in the sand need to drive in a circular motion by writing in the sand eight. After every 2 minutes is necessary to mix the thick of a spoon. Once coffee rose and on the walls of the Turks began to appear bubbles, so coffee is ready. Then be careful to pour coffee into a cup. A good practice to add a ready-coffee teaspoon of cold water, to a little settled sediment. 

And whether we drink coffee? Before use, must "get acquainted" with coffee, that is, breathe in its aroma, to have little idea of its taste? Do not drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, as this can cause heartburn and, subsequently, over the years, stomach ulcer. Turkish coffee is generally believed to apply without a spoon, because it can not mix. But in many coffee shops are not aware, and if they know, do not warn its visitors and guests. Coffee should be drunk slowly, enjoying its taste and aroma, but not forgetting that he can cool down. 

It so happened that was born fashion for coffee, but did not take the culture of drinking this drink. We have several thousands of coffee flavors. In order not to spoil the impression of this divine drink, you drink a glass of water before drinking coffee to wash the taste buds tongue and help to perceive the taste of coffee. This may be the taste of prunes, citrus astringency of wine, chocolate, vanilla, and much more... 

The main thing to keep in minds that coffee, as well as its use - this is a great art, you want to learn for years. It is important not just to drink coffee, but do it with pleasure and respect for this fantastic elixir of life.