Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to choose a beer?

What you see on the label of a beer bottle? Name of beer. And? Well, probably, the fortress. Typically, this interest in the label runs out because the price is not indicated on it, and the price tag, which lies close by. However, beer label is a whole lot of useful for connoisseurs of the drink from hops and malt media. 

As has been stated on the label on a mandatory basis is present the name of beer. Usually, it occupies the central part of the label (though there are exceptions), and plays the role of "bait" for a buyer or a kind of "beacon", which allows to find a favorite brand of beer on the shelves with dozens and sometimes hundreds, of bottles and competitors. 

What else can you learn by looking at the label? Of course, the type of beer. The most common types in our country are Lager (lager, lager), Pilsner (pilzenskoe, pale golden color and clear beer) and several others. Such as Irish and British ales (Ale) or Belgian Lambic (Lambic). 

In addition to the type of beer, often indicated by its "color". Beer can be light (Light) or dark (Dark). The first is made of light-colored or lightly toasted malt. Sometimes with the addition of corn, rice or wheat material. A dark beer brewed from grilled or smoked malt, adding some bleach sugar. 

Castle beer shows volume percent alcohol content for European beer brands and the weight percentage - for the U.S.. This is the most popular feature of beer, unless you consider the name. 

Virtually all manufacturers write on the label: "Alcohol content - not less ..." The reason for this lies in the fact that accurately predicts the result of brewing impossible. Degrees can be measured only when the beer is ready. So honest brewers suggest packing the exact content of alcohol, along with the date of production is for this, a particular party beer. 

Density of beer. Alcohol is directly dependent on the density. Density, concentration of solids provides the material for fermentation and alcohol education and, consequently, the greater the density - the higher the degree. 

The usual beer with 5% alcohol is obtained when the density of the wort at least 12-13%%. For Fortress 5,6% density should be 14-16%. There are beers from the fortress to 11%. Yet the density of them - 27-29%! 

If you buy a beer with high alcohol content and low density - can be with one hundred percent guarantee to say that you sold the ordinary "ruff", that is, beer, fortified with alcohol. 

Calories. Everything is very clear. If you are not struggling to waist - this information is not for you. While once you may notice that beer belly is decorated by no means all. 

Depending on the method of preservation of beer, the shelf life specified on the bottle, may be different. Unpasteurized beer without adding preservatives filed a few days. The most common preservative for beer - ascorbic acid. Honest manufacturers mention this on the labels of their products. But the German "beer purity law" in 1516, the use of impurities in beer is prohibited altogether. Therefore, all German beer is pasteurized. In our country this process is mastered by no means all plants, so the bulk of beer sold "on the ground. 

Never take a beer with expired! Believe me: it is better to pass a couple of extra blocks to the next store and buy fresh beer there than the rest home (or, God forbid, in a hospital!) With food poisoning.