Monday, March 21, 2011

Fresh exotic fruit juice

Kiwifruit contains vitamin C and antioxidants, very easy to absorb by the body quickly, so kiwifruit juice drink now must now play Oh!
1. 8 kiwi , peeled 2. 3 cups green grape juice. Two small apples, peeled to the child, cut into small pieces 4. A teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
1. The two kiwi cut into discs of about 0.5 cm thickness and then cut in half, ready for decoration.
2. The remaining six kiwi cut into large, into the fruit juice machine, and then poured into the green grape juice, apple juice, the block labeled after the twist. Sprinkle a teaspoon of lemon juice Stir slightly and then poured into the pot.
3. Add a little ice in the cup, and cut and decorative kiwi fruit slices into the practices of 2 in the juice to be thin to enjoy Hello.