Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fruit juice - Helpful Juice

Juices a useful way to quench your thirst, this probably knows that.  But it is not so simple.  The uncontrolled use of juice can lead to undesirable consequences such as exacerbation of existing conditions, allergies, etc.  Everything is good in moderation.  Daily demand for fruits and vegetables healthy adult human - about 600 grams.  So, if you start your day with a glass of fresh juice, a snack at work in two batches of lettuce, and toward evening ate pounds of cherries in the evening is better to stay home ... The body can be difficult to cope with large and unusual for a number of fiber and fruit acids.

To get the most out of fresh juices, eat half a cup of juice is enough per day.  Also, juices can be consumed as a cocktail, for example apple and carrot, apple and grape, etc. They offer the taste and nutritional merits of various fruits. Note: Fresh fruit juices are quickly losing their properties, so they should be consumed immediately after preparation.
Apple juice is a good thirst quencher, nekalorien.  Contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, malic, citric and other organic acids.  Especially useful for children and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, gastritis with low acidity.
The organic acids contained in t omatnom juice, are actively involved in metabolic processes in the body.  Especially useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and metabolic disorders.  Two cups of tomato juice make up the daily requirement of vitamins C and A. It is recommended for hypertension.  Inhibits the processes of putrefaction in the intestines.  In no case do not use in case of poisoning, even a light!  In this case, the tomato juice will increase the existing effect (tested on my own experience).
Freshly squeezed grape juice contains vitamins B2, B1, A and C. The natural grape juice improves the metabolism speeds up digestion, removes toxins from the body, helps in cleansing the body and is used for weight loss.  The large number of minerals in the juice help to purify the blood and blood formation, cleansing the liver. H e recommended to take it to people who are prone to diabetes.
Orange juice, like all citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, raise the tone, reduce fatigue and strengthen blood vessels.  Its use will help prevent colds.  Useful in atherosclerosis and hypertension, but if you have a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease, orange juice is better not to drink.  You can dilute it with water in 1:1 ratio.
Watermelon - a great diuretic for edema associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Watermelon juice removes from the body excess cholesterol.
Pomegranate juice contains significant amounts of glucose and fructose, organic acids (with predominance of citric acid), water-soluble polyphenols and 15 amino acids, including 6 essential, vitamins C, B1, B2, E, A, PP and other trace elements.  It is recommended for the treatment of hypertension and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.  Improves hemoglobin levels in the blood.
Cabbage juice contains digestible carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose), amino acids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, ascorbic, nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, vitamin C. Cabbage juice is recommended to use as a means of prevention of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. However, people with existing gastritis or gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer cabbage juice is contraindicated.
Carrot juice - the source of many vitamins and mineral salts.  Especially useful for children and people with weakened immune systems due to its high content of carotene, the presence of complex vitamins B, C, K, iron, potassium, calcium, cobalt and other minerals. Important: vitamin A in carrots, not digested no fat, so you must add the juice teaspoon of vegetable oil, or, for example, to seize a glass of juice bread with butter.
Pumpkin juice is rich in vitamins: B, A complex and C. Because of this it is a great juice for the skin and nervous system.  All varieties of pumpkins are high in vitamins and minerals, a lot of natural sugar.  Pumpkin juice cleanses the body and digestive system.  Useful in diseases of the urinary bladder, kidney, skin, and constipation.  Sometimes it is recommend that women with inflammation of the appendages.
Beetroot juice is known for its blood-forming properties.  Thanks to the very high iron (it is much better absorbed by the comparison with man-made forms), it promotes the formation of red blood cells and supply oxygen to all organs of the body.  Beet juice refreshes the blood, imbuing it with minerals and natural sugars, so it is widely used to treat anemia (anemia).  However, pure beet juice can cause dizziness and nausea, so it is best to consume it in half with carrot juice. Beets and beet juice is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Fresh cucumber juice combines the elements needed by our fingernails and hair, it prevents splitting and loss of hair.
Do not be amiss to consult with your doctor about the interaction of juice and you may be taking drugs.  For example, they write Mednovosti.Ru, school nurses at the University of Rochester Medical Center (UK) showed that the interaction of grapefruit juice with certain drugs in the body may develop certain dangerous physiological processes.  The fact that the juice contains substances that act on the so-called microsomal liver enzymes, specific proteins involved in protecting the body from toxic substances.  Their function is also affected, and some drugs such as antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, and antineoplastic agents.