Saturday, March 10, 2012

How to drink schnapps?

The people confuse schnapps and vodka.  However, the differences are still there, and they lie not only in the producing country. Schnapps to drink meager portions tsedya to drop and rolling on the tongue, like an expensive cognac - only in this case, you can fully enjoy the great taste.  Schnapps is different from the Russian vodka that of culture rather refers to the use of liquors, and may be a good didzhestivom to complete the meal.  Schnapps drink after dessert, while drinking vodka after all desserts are not accepted.

In Germany there is a tradition to drink schnapps, washing it down with a beer in a glass of schnapps 1 per half a liter of beer.  The Germans drink a schnapps of the same miserable stopochek literally, so that the mixture does not give any negative consequences. Schnapps can be thinned with water - so it does not drown out the taste, but as it will stretch.  There is also Cocktails with schnapps.  In general, this drink allowed various experiments, but to a certain measure, of course. With its many advantages, snaps and has one drawback - a lot of consequences and without an alcoholic beverage does not drink, for that matter, and vodka.