Thursday, September 16, 2010

A delicious recipe - Carrot drink

Ingredients: Products for carrot drink: 2 apricot, 100 ml of carrot juice, 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon grated orange peel, 1 teaspoon maple syrup.
Preparation: To prepare carrot drink apricot peel and seeds, make purees. Join mashed with carrot juice; add the milk, zest and syrup. All the ingredients mix well.
When serving, decorate the table carrot drink with berries, carrots, or green.

A delicious recipe - Vegetable drink

Ingredients: Products for vegetable drink: 200 ml of vegetable juice, 100 ml of milk, 1 tablespoon of ketchup, salt, pepper, sauce, Tabasco.

Preparation: For vegetable juices in a tall glass combine and mix the vegetable juice, milk and ketchup. Drink salt, pepper and add 1 drop of "Tabasco."

Serve drinks to the table, decorating celery or onion - leeks.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cocktail Away Fairy Tales


60 ml orange juice

1960 g strawberries

50 g banana


Banana cleaned, cut into small pieces, chop the strawberries.

Connect the cut fruit with orange juice, pour into a blender, mix.

Served Children cocktail "Visiting a fairy tale" in a glass of champagne.

Cocktail Juice Florida

60 ml lemonade
60 ml of grape juice
30 ml lemon juice
30 ml orange juice
In a tall glass pour the ingredients in this order: grape, orange, lemon juice, then lemonade.

Children's Cocktail Juice

100 ml apple juice
45 ml orange juice
25 ml honey
20 ml lemon juice
Combine all ingredients, mix in a blender or a mixing glass, pour a cocktail Bite bees "in a tall glass.