Because ripe fruits of different varieties of mangoes are very diverse painted (from bright green to dark, almost black, with yellow or bright spots, which somehow resemble freckles), the color of the fruit is very difficult to judge the degree of their maturity. First of all, choose to fruit with a shiny healthy skin. The ripe fruit and fresh mango to the touch to it as a «responsible for the greetings». However, the skin should not be much prominently under your fingers. The quality of mango fruit is not too hard but not soft. Over-ripe fruit is better not to buy.
More or less pronounced turpentine odor emanating from the mango fruit, are often put off by the buyers are not familiar with this feature of the fruit. Do the best cultivars of mango, this scent is expressed weakly.
The fruits of mangoes well kept. For use on the ground fruits are harvested at the stage of full maturity, and storage and export to collect a few before (after reaching the characteristic of the class size, and when the first signs of grade color).
Fully ripe mango fruit stored at room conditions, not more than five days. In the cool (at 10 ° C) can be stored without a significant change in the quality of three weeks.
Storage of mango under low temperatures fetal tissue softens.
Shabby mango fruits are suitable for storing frozen.