The juice of wheat grass, high in Beta Carotene can help reduce the risk of developing some cancers. Dr. Chiu-nan Lai, Center for Cancer, University of Texas, Department of Biology in Houston determined using the Aimes test for bacterial mutation that chlorophyll is an active factor in the extract of wheat grass, which gets the metabolic activity and carcinogens. In a study carried out over 20 years to 20,000 employees of a telephone company discovered that the natural ingredient in carrots and green vegetables significantly reduces the risk of lung cancer in cigarette smokers. It was found that a diet high in Beta Carotene can negate the adverse effects of smoking 30 years. The National Cancer Institute reported that 19 of 21 studies over the years have indicated that a diet high in beta-carotene contribute to at least a 40% reduction in the development of some cancers.
Chlorophyll, found in wheat grass helps to rebuild the blood flow and reduces anemia. Studies in various animals show that chlorophyll is free of any toxic reaction. The red cell count returns to normal after 4 or 5 days of consuming chlorophyll, even in those animals that were known with extreme anemia or with a very low count of red blood cells.
When chlorophyll is consumed (in the form of wheat grass juice), this reduces or eliminates odors or humours of the body. Studies show that it is effective to neutralize the bad breath caused by food, drinks, snuff, and metabolic changes (halitosis ). This effectively neutralizes odors caused by perspiration due to physical exercise, nervousness, menstrual odors, etc..
Chlorophyll is beneficial for the treatment of skin diseases and burns of second and third grade. The subtle effect of softening oils of chlorophyll (wheat grass) are beneficial for the treatment of various skin diseases that affect different layers of the skin. In burns of first and second degree, the use of chlorophyll has been found to be an amazing help. Burns caused by the sun can also be alleviated with the implementation of chlorophyll ointment at the time of exposure. This can reduce discomfort and possibly infection to a minimum. Implemented on a severe burn, has the same effects on a regular burn. The same goes for X-ray burns Chlorophyll can reduce or even eliminate the unpleasant odor associated with burns. Instead of using ointments, you can drink the juice of wheat grass to get all the benefits of chlorophyll.
The wheat grass can help eliminate harmful chemicals in the water with fluoride which is found in fruits and vegetables. One ounce of wheat grass in one gallon of water with fluoride fluoride can convert a harmless compound of calcium-phosphate-fluoride . When the wheat grass in water used for washing, you can add more softness to the face and hands. In the tub, is softening. Stops bleeding, itching, and helps relieve pain and reverse grain and shins. In addition, fruits and vegetables contaminated by aerosols can be removed completely when washed with water containing a pinch of wheat grass.
Chlorophyll is effective in clearing the sinuses. Chlorophyll Package inserts in the nose have a drying effect, clearing the congestion, and providing immediate relief. Influenzas congested is cleared in 24 hours. Drink wheat grass juice can help to eliminate and combat colds.
Now you can see for himself the benefits of wheat grass juice, what stops him from taking it? All you need is an ounce or two of wheat grass juice to receive full benefits. We offer two extractors to process wheat grass and fruit and vegetables. Extractor Order today and boost your energy in minutes.